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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Lowe's, The Best Place In Town To Break The Law

Certainly there has to be weight restrictions on vehicles? I own two pickup trucks. One that could handle this kind of load and one that cannot. This vehicle cannot and is way overloaded.

However, if you're spending money and you want it loaded, Lowe's doesn't care much about sending someone down the road overloaded, as long as they get off their lot. That being said, YES, this vehicle proceeded onto the Bypass and hopefully made it to wherever they were headed?

I have seen pictures like this on the Internet before but I never saw it personally until this weekend. This is the difference between a Pro and Harry Homeowner. I'll even bet Sheriff Lewis is looking at this one and thinking, how could we have missed this one. LOL


Anonymous said...

I have followed many a truck that has pulled out from Lowe's on Route 13 heading south. They go so SLOW and look like they are going to top over. One truck was swaying so bad and looked like it was getting ready to flip over. The driver really should know better rather than try to blame it on Lowes, or whoever is loading the supplies. I as a driver would not risk carrying a load that I feel unsafe hauling. So, Driver I feel is more responsible!

Anonymous said...

That truck may be within his legal limits. I have been pulled by state troopers twice with a similarly loaded pickup. Both times I was under the rated load capacity and let go.

Anonymous said...

WOW!! Quite a load there, even a Ford truck may have had a problem here!!

Anonymous said...

DOT needs to crack down on things like that, scrap metal trucks hauling loads dragging the ground and no straps. While I drive a commerial truck with all the straps watching my weight, hours, medical card, ect. Weekend warriors seem just not to care about DOT law.

Anonymous said...

Lowes Fault????

That's what's wrong with our society today, it's never the individual's fault, it's someone elses.

- It's the bartender's fault if someone gets too drunk.

- It's the homeowner's fault if someone trespasses and falls into a hole.

- It's the gun's fault when someone shoots someone.

- It's the fault of the police when they pull over someone for something illegal.

- Now apparently it's Lowes fault that someone overloaded their truck.

Society needs to stop blaming everyone else and make everyone responsible for their own actions.

Anonymous said...

I agree that vehicle could have been legally loaded by weight but not legal when the load being properly secured is checked.

Jim said...

Its a catch 22 situation with some customers. As an employee loading this I would have seen that the load may have been to heavy and asked them to break it into two loads. Yet if the customer insists Lowes doesnt want a complaint going to corporate for not loading.
And one thing I will never do is tie down or secure a load for a customer. That is there responsibility.
Dont blame Lowes for this. The customer probably figured he could handle it. Did he cause an accident? Probably not. But as the saying goes, what the customer wants he gets. Who are Lowes employees to tell their customers they are stupid.?
BTW was the Market Street Inn fined or even spanked for letting Davis Ruark drive home drunk? Hmmm? Not like Lowes has scales to verify the weight. Just like the MSI doesnt have a breathalizer to test customers as they leave.
Stupid is as stupid or something like that. Should have made two trips but some people just wont listen.

Anonymous said...

I think the thing here is the delivery charges are so outrageous!!!! People try to do it them self to save the money. Lowes min. charge is 75.00 for delivery!!!

Anonymous said...

Two simple words!! COMMON SENSE use it!!

Unknown said...

I worked at Lowe's for five years and would warn customer's it was dangerous to overload their vehicles. I would tell them about delivery and that it would be better to be delivery fee than damaging theirs or someone else's vehicle.