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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Grand Jury Delivers 5 Indictments

The Wicomico County Grand Jury has handed down 5 Sealed Indictments on the principal players involving the Landfill Thefts, Ray Lewis included. I understand but am sworn not to say the figures that the Bond for Ray Lewis is significant.

Obviously there will be more to come as additional players will be coming forth very soon.


Anonymous said...

Well well well, are we finally going to find out who was involved?
I certainly hope Mr. Sharma was not in on this but quite frankly I do believe he was involved. You see, if I was upset about all of this going on behind my back and I felt like a total failure, I would at the very least try to put some new policies in place to make damn sure it never happened again before I just walk out and resign.
There again if I were part of this I would resign and live life for the few months I had left before I went to jail. They all need to sell everything they have, and give every last dime back to the taxpayers while they are awaiting trial.

Tim Chaney said...

Finally some accountability. It took a while but I would rather wait to be assured that everything is tight, no loopholes or plea deals. We the taxpayers were robbed. We want justice to be more than a scolding and suspended sentences.

If there are 60,000 taxpayers in the county, then 60,000 people have been robbed.

Anonymous said...

We all know that ray lewis is a crook.
But i cant understand why everyone is after him more than the others.
I mean county officials took part in this ,they excepted cash payoffs,if this character ray s bond is significant as you say, why are not the others.
Lets get real , when it all started it could have been stopped by the county officials . Instead they Chose to take part.
I understand the county is still doing business with asap. There is something wrong with this picture, sure wish i could figure this one out.

Anonymous said...

Stop the poor Ray Lewis shit!!! They will ALL get what they deserve and I don't feel a bit sorry for any of them. This was NOT a mistakethey made one time. This has been going on for a very long time. If just one of them assholes had just gone to the authorities and told them they hed made a huge mistake and gotten themselves into this mess they would walk free...but NONE of them could give up all of that FREE shit that WE paid for. They are only sorry they got caught. We are all sorry when we get caught!! So think about paying the consequences before you get involved with FREE shit that you don't pay for. Ray Lewis looks worse than the reat due to his LIFESTYLE!!! His 6 foot cell should be accommidating.

Anonymous said...

They may have contracts they are bound to as he hasn't been convicted of anything.

Anonymous said...

It would really be interesting to find out for sure if the county is still doing business for ASAP.

Anonymous said...

I think it's because Ray Lewis's name has been the most prominent throughout the investigation. I agree with you though, all are equally guilty and should suffer the same consequences, equally.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
We all know that ray lewis is a crook.
But i cant understand why everyone is after him more than the others.
I mean county officials took part in this ,they excepted cash payoffs,if this character ray s bond is significant as you say, why are not the others.
Lets get real , when it all started it could have been stopped by the county officials . Instead they Chose to take part.
I understand the county is still doing business with asap. There is something wrong with this picture, sure wish i could figure this one out.

8:22 PM

Is this RETARD a product of the Wicomico County School system??

Anonymous said...

I hear Ray Lewis has been practicing his shower skills in the game of "Drop the Soap."


Hey Bubba, Gay Ray shore is purty!!!

Anonymous said...

Sadly, there is no way the actual dollar amount will be accurate. In
my opinion, this theft is much larger than the public will ever know. I certainly hope they have done away with having a fuel oil truck setting at the landfill.
Accountability at its worst!

Anonymous said...

NO one felt sorry for ray that i know.
and kiss the retards ass. NO i sorry after what you said you would be kissing everyones ass that went to wicomico county schools.

Anonymous said...

Did they not have a contract with the employees of the county . They have not been convicted of anything . Why are they unemployed , as we finish contracts with the so called ring leader.

Anonymous said...

This scenario comes right out of the playbook "How to become a millionaire!" LIE,CHEAT,and STEAL!!! This has been going on for years! A little bit here and a little bit there. Ray has done this for years since he has been in business. Don't get me wrong, other people who have so called "Made it" have done similiar actions! Greed!

Anonymous said...


Did Tracy Sahler announce that Choices, the Alternative Learning Center, will be moved to a different neighborhood? I heard it's going to be located behind an elementary school. WHY COULDN'T CHOICES USE THE "OLD" DRILL ACADEMY SINCE IT'S ALREADY SET UP AS A SCHOOL, ISN'T IT? I just wondered....

Anonymous said...

because the old DRILL Academy buildings are the NEW Wicomico County Detention Center Work Release Annex.

Chimera said...

Choices?Is that the "alternative" school?Whose lamebrain dumbass idea was it to put all the thug kids right next door to an elementary school?

Anonymous said...

As of right now they are right next door to Salisbury Middle. There has never been a situation involving the alternative school affecting sms. I believe that it would be to the same effect no matter where the school is relocated. Does anyone know why they are relocating. Votech is an old building, other than that why would they move them?

Anonymous said...

Is one of those indictments for Barrie Parsons Tilghman?