In a near unanimous vote, the Maryland Senate has approved a bill to expand medical marijuana.
The Senate version of the expanded medical marijuana bill passed without any debate.
The vote was 45-1, with Anne Arundel County Republican Bryan Simmonaire casting the only vote against the bill, and Prince George's County Democrat Joanne Benson did not vote.
The bill allows specially licensed doctors to prescribe medical marijuana,that would come from specially licensed growers who would distribute the drug to patients.
What dumb arse morons ...fines and or legalazation sure beats a rain tax..current law nothing but a waste of law enforcement, judical , and prison system resourses, time and would figure these libtards would be all over the demoturds wanna go rightwing
Put a pot smoker in jail and they come out of jail with networks to larger amounts and jail is really the gateway to harder drugs, they find more quantity and at a cheaper price. They go into jail a pot smoker and graduate upon release with a masters degree in cooking Meth, Crack, cocaine and firing up heroin. It's election year, this year they pass the medical bill to get through the elections and next year will be outright legalization!
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