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Friday, November 09, 2012

Public School Teachers Spend Billions Of Their Own Funds On Student Needs

Meryl Johnson, a Cleveland, Ohio, high school English teacher, estimates that she spends $400 to $500 a year on supplies for her students. "I have a pretty extensive classroom library because of all the books I've bought over the 41 years I've been teaching," she begins. "At times I've bought sets, 35 or 40 copies of one text, for my students. Why? Because there's so much red tape to go through if you ask the district to buy them."

Johnson speaks matter-of-factly and does not try to mask her impatience with the bureaucratic roadblocks that impede classroom management. "If you go through the school system's channels, by the time the books get approved and are ordered, the school year is over," she continues. "This has been a long-standing problem."


Anonymous said...

Billions! Yeah Right. When board of ed gets a pie, the first and the biggest slice goes to the teachers.

Anonymous said...

Fine....cut their pay by 4 or 5 hundred dollars a year and spend it in the classroom where the smallest portion goes.....problem solved.

Anonymous said...

Admirable on the surface. BUT what if the subject matter is inappropriate. As has been demonstrated too many times, all teachers are not what they should be.

Anonymous said...

Good teachers are hard to find! They work hard, long hours and spend their own money. That's why schools are stuck with teacher who can't teach and don't care!!

Anonymous said...

So I guess we need to plan a year ahead.

A teacher

Anonymous said...

PLEASE ANSWER THIS SINCERELY--Why are all the teacher related posts on this blog so negative?