How this happened
I'm about to go speak to the crowd here in Chicago, but I wanted to thank you first. I want you to know that this wasn't fate, and it wasn't an accident. You made this happen. You organized yourselves block by block. You took ownership of this campaign five and ten dollars at a time. And when it wasn't easy, you pressed forward. I will spend the rest of my presidency honoring your support, and doing what I can to finish what we started. But I want you to take real pride, as I do, in how we got the chance in the first place. Today is the clearest proof yet that, against the odds, ordinary Americans can overcome powerful interests. There's a lot more work to do. But for right now: Thank you. Barack |

DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at or 410-430-5349
Wednesday, November 07, 2012
A Message From Barack Obama
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"Today is the clearest proof yet that, against the odds, ordinary Americans can overcome powerful interests."
Ordinary Americans... Riiight.
America, you have shamed yourself.
Barrack and Michelle have won the lottery yet again.
More vacations, more golf rounds. More embarrassment for us.
I hang my head in defeat. Not only because the enemy has won, but what lies ahead for all of us. But which not all can see.
How is the president of this country your enemy? At least for one night hope, pray that he does a good job and this country improves.
Its sad how this country is divided between two parties that really have not many differences.
I'm going to bed wake me up in 4 years
Hang in there USA
Obama won.. The people spoke.. He won popular and electoral vote. The republican part is too far right and is in very big trouble in the future.
Shame on you - even though President Obama was not your choice, he is NOT the enemy. No matter what party is in power it is the responsibility of all citizens to work together to reach solutions for our nation's problems. No one person or even party has all of the answers, we are all in this together and it will take all of us to get out! If you cannot contribute, then please keep your negativity to yourself.
Once you've had BLACK, you won't go back.
Obama is an enemy. Look around. The numbers don't lie. We have lost our republic. Probably for good. People will be forced to fight their govt rulers.
Mark my words
The house is not going to vote for trillion dollar stimulus programs and without that nothing will get done.
he bought the election with expanded entitlement and a news media that NEVER him on a single SCREW UP.
Oh boy, are we in some S*** now. Watch the numbers of unemployement rise, over 100 million illegals, tax hikes, welfare number rise and add about 5 trillion more dollars in debt. Yes you all spoken, so get ready to feel ashamed at the end of 2016. Your stupidity, blindness and again stupidity will help lead this country in the toilet. Obama will flush it in 2016 and giggle all the way to the bank.
And shame on you 1257. OBAMA is the enemy and you are too clueless to see the whole picture and having a communist in the White House is not exactly my choice!
If you think 12:57 is bad you should read Chris Lewis' Facebook!
2:54 Obama is the enemy to the people who take the saying of Pres Kennedy to heart-"Ask not what your country can do for you-ask what you can do for your country."
This is not negativity. It is the truth. Obama won by promising to give people more things. To alot of people who are self reliant, have bigger dreams for themselves and their families, work hard and sacrifice, someone with the mindset like obama is a true enemy.
2:54am It's not about "party"'s about his beliefs and his leadership and where he is taking this country. I don't care if he is a R or D, but what I do care is he leads this nation with dignity without harm to the people he serves. And, your "working together" has that worked for him in the past 4 years? NOT!
GOD has allowed the people to speak, HE may not be happy with the choice but HE will allow it. The people that chose this path will reap what they sow, the rest of us need to pray continually for this country. GOD is in control, and HE can turn this country around is HIS time, HIS way. Remember GOD allowed Israel to have their way and they paid for their foolishness in different ways.
Michelle just tolk Barrack to fire
up Air Force One and Two!
Wese going on vacation for 4 mo years--But first lets go visit
yo family in Kenya
2:54 Obama is my enemy. Don't know about you but anyone who approves of and takes money from men like Maher (calls women the most deragtory term ever) and foul mouths JZ (calls women whores) is an enemy. Anyone who approves of this and doesn't think that obama is the voice of an enemy needs to do some soul searching. There is no degree of morals and decency-you are either moral and decent or you are not and that's the problem. 50% of the public has crossed the line into this decline.
Shame on you 2:54. Obama made Romney out to be the enemy and to make matters worse he lied to do so. He ran the most hateful campaign to date. To me anyone who does this is an enemy. I do not approve of this. It's not being negative. It's sad to see people like yourself who have such low standards and accept the demonization and race and class baiting that encompassed the obama campaign. I take the "shame on you" back. More so-- I feel sorry for you and if you have children I really feel sorry for them. You are teaching them that being hateful and lying and dividing people is perfectly fine.
Well when I RETIRE from my JOB. After paying taxes for over 50 years to feed and house many to lazy to work. I will move to Canada that is my Dream Act. No 1:23 this country is in trouble. If you can not see it you are blind. President Ohbama had very little to do with the current fall in values and patriotism in this country. No it has been a long time coming. Same sex marriage really !! Casinos on every corner to take back the welfare dollars. The buses are full of poor Americans. It is a sham to get back. I guess O'malley did want the new casino in Baltimore. 550 Million lost to other states. Who in the hell is dropping 550 million in Maryland. Over half of that money is elfare money that is not feeding the children it was meant to. So 1:23 no it is not that the Republicans are in trouble. We the people are in trouble. We have forgotten God and Country and it started a long time ago. The rich are getting richer and the poor are given more. The working class gets the shaft.
I will take my flag with me when I go and remember what this country used to be.
Time for Redumblicans and most of the Right Wingnuts on this blog to come to grips with the fact that the demographics of this country are changing.
2:54 AM
Screw you and the other ones. Obammy might have won but this is still America, for the time being. Already you are trying to do away with free speech?
He was the enemy to America before he won and he still is.
This isn't about who sits in that chair. It's about core values, which we are losing/lost.
Negativity? How about negative jobs? Negative future, negative security, negative hope.
As far as I'm concerned, this is still America, for how long who knows. But as such, I will still speak my mind whether or not socialists like it or not.
Even better, I hope they don't like it.
Yes, the demographics are changing to a culture of apathy, stupidity and gullibility.
Hey 8:26....see ya, don't let the door hit you in the butt on the way out.
No we do not have to come to grips with it 9:28. I will never lower my standards to ever come to grips with the entitlement wantmore crowd. I am better than that and I know it and it looks like quite a few other Americans do also. I look down on these people more than ever today.
Obama won.. The people spoke.. He won popular and electoral vote. The republican part is too far right and is in very big trouble in the future.
November 7, 2012 1:23 AM
How would you know? How would anyone know? The total count hasn't been done, moron.
Probably be another week before all votes are counted.
You're right, the people spoke. And half of them said we don't want no more of Obama.
But mob rule and the electoral college say otherwise.
It may be a victory for the likes of you, but America lost.
Hey 8:26....see ya, don't let the door hit you in the butt on the way out.
November 7, 2012 9:48 AM
It won't hit him, or anyone else. So many will be joining him that the door won't close.
Don't despair! There are still over 50 million of us who have not sunk to the lowest level of humanity.
Last night was the beginning of the end of America. The majority of the nation now is so uneducated and incompetent they they cannot judge the competence of others. Societies fall because people eventually find out that they can go to the ballot box and use their vote to get their hand's on other people's money. 60% of all American households get more money from the government in entitlements than they pay in the form of income taxes. The takers now outnumber the producers.
What we have to do is approve of free birth control. it's the only way. The obama supporter's are multipling like roaches and are outnumbering us. And don't anyone come back and say I'm being racist or deny that this isn't happening because it is and you would just be lying.
LOL@816, yeah because we all know Romney didn't spend millions running phony attack ads. HILARIOUS.
All I have to say is OBAMA 2012!! The adults will get onboard and help guide this country to prosperity. The rest of you can be mad and sit on the sidelines for all I care. Just be willing to admit in 2016 when jobs are back, housing is back, your healthcare costs are down, your taxes are lower, and you see the US transitioning away from foreign oil, that you are man enough to say "I was wrong and Obama was right".
First of all shame on anyone calling the president the enemy....he is the leader of the greatest country in the world! No we all dont have to agree with him and yes he has his faults thats called being human...he was brave enough four years ago to take on the mess this country was and still is in.Democrats and republicans combined can take fault along with our own greed.The republican party failed to bring a person who could win. His dishonesty at almost every turn did Romney in.He took credit for things he had nothing to do with along with sooo many other stupid things.Now obama is be no means an alter boy but if you get a chance to leave Delmarva and see more of the USA you will see things are coming back were you have lots of people living in an area the jobs pay better.Here on the shore people have been sooo against progress that now its passing us all by....there are not many good jobs here and its not going to change soon we have no industry,corporate headquarters,just farms and a few beaches..and there is nothing wrong with that but it doesnt create jobs.if Obama was such a bad person how did he landslide Romney? both the popular vote and electoral were Romneys for the taking and he got blown out.....
10:25 is in the dream act...
dreaming of the prosperity the Media told us about, except is a facade.
"LOL@816, yeah because we all know Romney didn't spend millions running phony attack ads. HILARIOUS"
Name 1 (ONE) ad that was put out by anyone in the Romney camp that was either not true and/or was an attack, 10:25. You can not.
Romney did not once attempt to demonize Obama. Romney only pointed out factually Obama's failed record.
8:26 Your moving to Canada? Is that because they have single payer health care or that gay marriage is the law in all of Canada?
Well put 10:28!!
??? 1044, his Chrysler ad was a prime example at the end of the campaign. And his "obama gutting welfare" attack was an example from the beginning. And his smear ammo wasn't just aimed at Obama; he killed his GOP contenders in the primaries with false attack ads. Talk about Kool aid. Please give 1044 a tax break so maybe he can go buy a clue.
To those who mentioned Canada. According to my 'advisors' for a few years now Canada has been restructing it's tax code to make it more appealing to Americans who wish to renounce. In the past 4 yrs Americans have renounced their American citizenship in record numbers due to Obama. This includes many wealthy democrats such as Denise Rich and one of the Facebook founders.
As far as the Canadian health care system 10:53 it is nothing like the one passed here. Canada's system is whomever chooses to or cannot afford private coverage goes on what is just like our Medicaid. In Canada it is your choice whether a billionaire or a pauper. Under Obamacare anyone making over $10,000 a year will be forced to buy private insurance or be fined. You are attempting to compare onions to apples.
Just a thought: Since MSM is always wrong how did Fox and all their pundits, George Will, Dick Morris etc. all get is so wrong?
11:14 Obama did so "gut" the welfare system. He took out (taking out being the definition of to gut) work participation requirement.
If you are talking about Chrysler/Jeep and Romney saying Chrysler is considering moving Jeep production to China he is absolutely correct.
From a Bloomberg article on 10/22/12-- Fiat SpA (F), majority owner of Chrysler Group LLC, plans to return Jeep output to China and may eventually make all of its models in that country, according to the head of both automakers' operations in the region." Romney is telling the truth.
Chrysler Group's parent company Fiat SpA is saying and has been saying for awhile now they are considering moving all Jeep production to China.
So try again 11:14.
11:14 is the perfect example of an obama supporter who is easily fooled and falls for everything and anything.
Okay so Chrysler itself hasn't said they may move Jeep production to China, but their parent company has. Mitt Romney was correct and his only mistake was in thinking people are smarter than they really are.
if Obama was such a bad person how did he landslide Romney? both the popular vote and electoral were Romneys for the taking and he got blown out.....
November 7, 2012 10:28 AM
which election were you watching? it certainly wasn't the presidential one.
There is no shame in calling him what he is.
Romney was right on about Jeep. Wall ST Journal and other financial publications have had articles on this for over a year now. China will not allow vehicles sold there that are not produced there and Fiat SpA has been saying it's not worth keeping US operations going.
The "outrage" to Romney's Jeep comment was another shocker to those who are informed. Obama camp and the MSM relied on voters lack of knowledge in regards to how corporations/parent companies, etc work and twisted Romney's comments. It is the complete dumbing down of people that is so maddening to me. Mitt Romney was 1000% correct about Jeep production quite possibly moving to China! They have been saying it themselves at the highest level the parent company, for over a year now.
“I feel obliged to unambiguously restate our position: Jeep production will not be moved from the United States to China....“North American production is critical to achieving our goal of selling 800,000 Jeep vehicles by 2014.We also are investing to improve and expand our entire U.S. operations, including our Jeep facilities”
-Fiat CEO Sergio Marchionne
And the factcheckers killed the "gutted welfare" claim quite some time ago. Not to mention I love how you skipped over the fact that Romney spent plenty attacking his GOP contenders. Too funny.
11:41-11:14 shows us how easily people are manipulated and are fooled~~~~ Okay so Chrysler itself hasn't said they may move jeep production to China but their parent company has, so that makes Romney wrong because he specifically said Chrysler said it.
I am just not ever fooled nor is anyone ever going to manipulate me so I have a hard time understanding people who are so naive.
11:57, It's because they are Koolaid drinking sheeple. Obama says it so it's gospel. No need to even look it up yourself-Obama said it and the MSM backs him up so it's true! Over 50 million people are laughing today at the ignorance displayed by the Obama supporters.
12:02 your retort makes no sense. It's what they were saying before the bashlash that matters and they were saying they were considering moving Jeep production to China. It's very simple. They said it and they said it numerous times and Romney repeated their own words.
LOL-You rely on "factcheckers?" Obama took out the work requirement for welfare thus gutting it. You are the prime example of the dumbing down of America and I know it sucks to be wrong but the facts speak for themselves.
Romney conducted himself in a refined well bred manner and Obama conducted himself like some kind of uncivilized loud mouthed mental case who either lies intentionally or can't help himself.
Mexican Boarder patrol was over run by Ameicans sneaking into Mexico this morning. Our boarders to the north are also being over run. lol
Funny how mad Democraps get when you joke about leaving. You know what they say misery loves company. I guess if all the Republicans left there would be no one to tax. Maybe that why they get angry when people say they are jumping the boarder.
Over 50 million people are laughing today at the ignorance displayed by the Obama supporters.
November 7, 2012 12:07 PM
NO, they are not laughing.
They are wringing their hands, watching the DOW free-fall after the election, and worrying about the future.
I am quite sure that the residents of the white house are laughing their collective asses off tho.
Michelle can continue with her vacations and bamy can go play some more golf.
Biden? That guy is in a world all to himself.
12:02 Marchionne has been saying (since summer of 2011 that I know of) for some time that Jeep production may be moved and also where the combined companies of the US stake in Chrysler & Fiat will call home-Italy or Michigan. Chrylser saw a bailout to the tune of 2 billion dollars. They still owe 1.5 billion. They are in a tricky political situation made more intense by their plans to go public soon.
Bottom line Chrylser/Fiat had suggested possible moving all Jeep production due to China's strict selling regs of US products in that country and Romney picked up on it and then Marchionne backtracked but his own words are on Bloomberg 10/12/2012 (shown above) and in other financial publications dating back to atleast 2011 for all to see.
Americans are renouncing their American citizenship in record numbers 12:27 since 2008 when Obama became president. It's not a joke. And they will continue to do so. If you have a million dollars in your pocket or are capable of surviving with a pension of some type and won't be a burden to their government other countries are begging US citizens to become citizens of their country and they are restructing their tax codes to make them more attractive to Americans who are sick of Robin Hood Obama.
The IRS lists these people on their site in an attempt to shame them.
12:49 The stock market has been a concern for awhile. Anyone and everyone in the know knew the "DOW 13,000-14,000" wonderful news repeated ad nauseum by the Obamanistas was nothing more than a faux rise made possible by it being propped up by the feds. Investors have been out of the stock market for almost 4 years now and it's all day traders. It is going to get worse and the people who will be hit the hardest are those with government pensions.
Even as bad as the last 4 years have been, he has been somewhat restriained by the fact that he had to run again in '12 now that that restraint is gone..........
I am looking forward to 4 more years of not working. I stpped working after the last election so I would not be paying taxes to support others. Was hoping to start another business if Romney got elected. Now I will wait 4 more years and travel, relax and enjoy not paying taxes.
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