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Thursday, October 11, 2012

Wind Power Study Promises Thousands Of Jobs

The large-scale development of wind power off the Mid-Atlantic coast would create more than 70,000 jobs from New York to Virginia, an industry-sponsored study concludes.
The study released Wednesday said those jobs would be created by a new industrial base needed to manufacture, build, operate and maintain the towering wind turbines, and an additional 40,000 jobs would be needed to serve the supply chain. The job growth would be realized over a 10-year build out of the offshore industry.
The study was conducted for the Atlantic Wind Connection and released during the American Wind Energy Association's annual conference in Virginia Beach. It continues through Thursday.


Anonymous said...

Whatever happened to the company that was going to open up in the old Maxim Marine building making props for windmills? Lots of big talk also, but now I see nothing there at all...

Anonymous said...

so did Solyndra promise 1000's of jobs. Go with proven energy sources not these fly by nights.

Anonymous said...

10:05 MD and the fed government happened or in this case didn't it has to be approved

Anonymous said...

An industry-sponsored study isn't exactly non-biased lol

Anonymous said...

Check Google for new European plans for coal fired backup plants for wind energy. Capacity nowhere near what was promised by the greenies.

Anonymous said...

this will be subsidized by the government and of course it's your tax dollars. lies, lies, and more lies by our government. nothing is free. you have just been robbed again. ouch...

Anonymous said...

Jobs sure but not sustainable ones. The Government will simply spend your tax money to pay their friends to build this project. That money will never be recovered. The Government will then need to allocate new maintenance funds to keep these things going or the project will flop under cover of bankruptcy. The friend and all his friends make money. When it's over, this will still not provide as cost effective power as fossil based and we will all be out of pocket for the money that funded the entire exercise. What's the benefit? It's "green". Why is green better? Nobody really knows that answer.