We mentioned the other day that several Salisbury Police Officers have left the Department. Well, it gets worse. The latest Intel is that 12 more Officers are aggressively looking for jobs elsewhere. Morale is at an all time low. We're told many Officer do not like the Chief and that the Chief has no loyalty towards her Officers.
We have a problem here Ladies & Gentlemen. One, the citizens are at risk. There are NOT enough Officers in the Academy to fill these positions and more importantly we have a Mayor in Office who is keeping this all under wraps.
You know darned well Mayor Ireton clearly has the ear of the Press, yet NOTHING has been mentioned about this situation. Why, because the Mayor is a School Teacher, (with all due respect) and NOT a businessman. He continues to prove day after day he cannot manage this City and now it is at the risk of our safety.
While I want to show as much confidence in Chief Duncan, each one of you know I have a personal issues with everyone involved in the recent alleged phone spoof in which they filed criminal charges against me for filing a false police report, all of which I never made a report, never called the police, Councilwoman Campbell called the police but they used these false charges against me to gain access to my phone records. Records in which I value to the highest level of privacy in the news business and will always refuse to allow access to anyone.
So I have to start questioning just what's going on at the Salisbury Police Department. I have to be concerned at the type of protection we have. I have to be concerned at what the immediate future is for that Department. That being said, this is why I chose to bring this information public. You are not seeing this in your local news, go figure. I think this situation is of vital interest to the public. As much as law enforcement is trying to stay away from anything to do with Joe Albero and Salisbury News, funny how the LAST person who should be getting such information is the first to present it to you. Talk about screwed up.
Salisbury needs new leadership. Salisbury needs accountability. While this Mayor points fingers at others while misrepresenting the real information at hand, behind closed doors REAL situations are happening and Mayor Ireton is ignoring it like it will just fix itself. I'll be a very different hands on kind of Mayor that will get this City running like a fine tuned machine. It's time to get Ireton out and morale back where it should be.
In closing, I just want to mention my visit today to the Government Office Building. I'm telling you, several people came up to me, (City employees) and said they just can't take it any more. They went on to explain how it's almost impossible to work in that building any more. Between Teresa Gardner and Jim Ireton, things are REALLY bad. I simply stated to please hold on until after the election. I'm hoping these veterans listen. Cross your fingers.
Tread lightly Joe, things are not what they seem.
I am starting to get seriously concerned here. If what you say is true we are some major trouble.
I as well have heard City Employees express their displeasure with the current administration. We may lose several good employees before election day.
I don't think a woman should be a Police Chief anyway.
WOW we are really being spoon feed information with regards to local media. Thanks Salisbury News.com
So is it true that Salisbury is being supplemented with Pocomoke City officers?
I gotta say-Pocomoke got the gem with Chief Sewell.
Maybe something is in the works with Ernie Leatherberry? Didn't he just retire from MSP?
What the Hell is going on in this town? Cover up after cover up and investigation for nothing. Who do these people think they are?
We need a local male cop in that position!
We can always activate the national Guard!
I don't believe it. The POLICE made up charges? Not the police! Fake charges to harrass, intimidate, and to gain access to information they want? No way. The police? C'mon man. They NEVER lie, perjure themselves, or use their official powers to do anything that would be illegal, do they? Next thing you'll be saying is that some cop shot someone in the back, raped a woman in handcuffs, peppersprayed some kids repeatedly, robbed a drug dealer, body slammed an old lady to the concrete, gang-beat an unarmed citizen, stole money from a suspect, or was involved in an extortion scheme. Wait --- I just checked. They HAVE done all that, thousands of times, across the nation. My bad. Good luck, joe.
Chief DUncan, I am a city resident and voter. I support you and your department. Steer clear of the politics and if there is a problem with losing officers be straight with the public so that we can support you. We have trusted you to be honest with us. You are our highest ranking law enforcement officer. We depend on you for the truth and to be an example of high moral character. You have done well up until now. Please, please do not let us down.
Sounds like another place in the area!!!
You all crack me up. One month you are beating on public employees and the next, think they deserve better. Maybe if you didn't scream about your taxes going up a nickel, they could get some raises and maybe be retained.
They listened to me! Well, somewhat. I was suggesting that the city turn police protection over to the County, not Pocomoke. Maybe Ireton has got a better deal.
Looks like their making to much money. Their getting lazy.
Guess that's why the Pocomoke car was the first to show up at the accident that someone reported on earlier today...
Pocomoke was the first to show up, becuase that officer live in the Salisbury area and has a take home car. Whats wrong with that picture?
And crime is down more then 40% acording to the mayor. What's the crime rate in Rohoboth?
5:10 - It isn't Duncan who is the problem. It is the MALE staff under her. Wonder if you could do any better.
"Pocomoke was the first to show up, becuase that officer live in the Salisbury area and has a take home car. Whats wrong with that picture?"
Glad you asked. The State of Maryland has TOO MANY police organizations as witnessed in this recent incident. Flatten it for pete's sake! This doesn't mean fewer cops on the street. It means fewer ADMINISTRATIVE people.
Take away some of the overhead and you can afford more take home cop cars.
The Pocomoke officer deserves praise for not turning his back and heading in the other direction. I'm sure the accident victims were greatly relieved to see him.
Chief Duncan does a good job. She just need those officers to do their job. Leave politics OUT of police work.
Yeah lmclain and 7:50 and they are just learning to be more obnoxious by all these federal govenment like Homeland Security sponscered seminars they can't wait to attend.
It's about time someone exposed that place, there are many officers leaving and many looking to leave and they will be replaced by new, chip on the shoulder, rookies who don't want to work and are scared to get out of their cars and do some real work. Stay on this Joe!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Chief DUncan, I am a city resident and voter. I support you and your department. Steer clear of the politics and if there is a problem with losing officers be straight with the public so that we can support you. We have trusted you to be honest with us. You are our highest ranking law enforcement officer. We depend on you for the truth and to be an example of high moral character. You have done well up until now. Please, please do not let us down.
July 12, 2012 6:03 PM
This is definitely a bogus comment and more than likely Duncan or a family member.
"You are our highest ranking law enforcement officer."
You obviously have no clue what you are talking about. Whether you like him or not, the Sheriff, Mike Lewis is the highest ranking law enforcement official in this County.
Such is like in the "all-american city"
Google "chief barbara duncan" and see what you come up with, Looks like she destroyed mt vernon police dept, left in the middle of a mess before it came down on her, only to destroy salisbury's dept.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Chief Duncan does a good job. She just need those officers to do their job. Leave politics OUT of police work.
July 12, 2012 7:56 PM
This idiot is contradicting what they are saying.
Lets petition the state to allow Conceled carry permits and we wont need so many useless cops..
the sheriff office is getting ready to loose bout 7 deputies after the slick move lewis made by hiring a trooper off the streets as a sgt what a slap in the face to all the deputies
So who do you work for chief? The people or that bone head of a mayor?? Chief grow a pair and stand up and dont take no guff from him..From what I've read from your previous issues in Mt Vernon N.Y. it seems you have a distaste for corruption. So go ahead hold a press confernece with SBY news and get the facts out there without the usual distortions, we will respect you for it and have your back
The Salisbury Fire Department is in bad shape with it's leadership as well. Rick Hoppes has never been a leader and he isn't one now. Rick Hoppes is running the Fire Department just like Jeff Simpson did. Mayor Ireton you need to get rid of Hoppes while you can.
The chief is the BIGGEST part of the problem in SPD. The rank and file have no respect for her. If anyone thinks she is doing a decent job, then they have their head buried in the sand!!!
She comes down on the officers to keep the heat off her. When it gets bad enough, she will turn tail and run, just like she did in mt Vernon
I hear she is also getting ready to scrap the K-9 program at Spd
So is it true that Salisbury is being supplemented with Pocomoke City officers?
I gotta say-Pocomoke got the gem with Chief Sewell.
July 12, 2012 5:02 PM
From what I have heard about the PD in Pocomoke, I certainly hope we do NOT get any officers from that corrupt agency.
We already have enough of our own.
We can always activate the national Guard!
July 12, 2012 5:16 PM
No, 'we' can't. The governor can but I hope he does not do that until we actually need martial law.
Do you have any idea what you are asking?
Google "chief barbara duncan" and see what you come up with, Looks like she destroyed mt vernon police dept, left in the middle of a mess before it came down on her, only to destroy salisbury's dept.
July 12, 2012 8:41 PM
Could you include some examples to go with your allegations?
The Salisbury Fire Department is in bad shape with it's leadership as well. Rick Hoppes has never been a leader and he isn't one now. Rick Hoppes is running the Fire Department just like Jeff Simpson did. Mayor Ireton you need to get rid of Hoppes while you can.
July 12, 2012 9:07 PM
Can we stick to one topic at a time on the thread about the POLICE DEPT? Please?
Has anyone decided to look into how much staff the city, county and state has dedicated to this profession. The state police and sheriff's office have enough staff to control Salisbury's loss, with such example, the K-9 unit. With the amount of K-9 officers that the Sheriff's office has, there was really no need to have pay taxpayers pay for one for Salisbury, or Fruitland for the fact. The result: pull people over just to bring the dog out. Yes, our area has crime, but we don't live in Utopia. The more police officers you hire, the more crime there will be, because in order for that officer to hold a job, a crime has to be committed. Outside of the crooked politics that have been going on in this county for years, the only thing that changes is the faces. The only group that I've seen that isn't crooked is the State Police, and that's because there's a bigger boss outside of Wicomico County's reign. As far as I'm concerned dissolve them all. Take out Pollitt, Lewis, Ireton and the whole brigade. As long as the same people keep kissing a$$ and running the show, nothing will change in Salisbury, it'll just continue to be another change of face, with the same bs.
8:41. I took your suggestion and Googled Chief Duncan. The only mess she left behind was that an off duty Mount Vernon cop was shot to death by officers from another jurisdiction and the morale problems this raised. The other messed were a mentoring she started and volunteered for and a 38 percent reduction in violent crime. Anyone remember all the murders that were happening here before she arrived? Unlike Salisbury, many other police departments give their officers take hime cars. That's why a Pokomoke officer was there. Fewer benefits, lower pay and higher workload is what is hitting morale. Everycop I talk to says Chief Duncan is on their side and trying to get them more money. But this is out of her control. I support the Chief fully and think the cops are doing a great job under the circumstances. And as for women being Chief, perhaps only men, no wait, only white men, no wait, only Christians... I think the point is made
The chief is the BIGGEST part of the problem in SFD. The rank and file have no respect for him. If anyone thinks he is doing a decent job, then they have their head buried deep in his butt!!!
Anonymous said...
The Salisbury Fire Department is in bad shape with it's leadership as well. Rick Hoppes has never been a leader and he isn't one now. Rick Hoppes is running the Fire Department just like Jeff Simpson did. Mayor Ireton you need to get rid of Hoppes while you can.
July 12, 2012 9:07 PM
Can we stick to one topic at a time on the thread about the POLICE DEPT? Please?
July 12, 2012 11:37 PM
Don't you stick your nose in other topics that are posted.
It is not only about Barbara Duncan and the SPD it is about Jim Ireton and his bad choices for department heads. He has been a failure at all of them and some of them TWICE!
I guess if the Salisbury situation is going to be discussed we may as well talk about the Wicomico County Sheriff's Office.
The county is so broke they have three rookies in the academy. Why are no officers from other depts. applying ??? Mike Lewis stepped three commanders up a rank. Why?? Then hired a Trooper at Sergeants pay. WTF is going on. Where did this Sgts. position come from in terms of funding ? Also as a previous poster stated he just told all of his troops that tested for rank I have no faith or loyality to you. Also at what cost to the county was this testing process. Why even have it if you do not intend to use it. Come on Mike what the hell has happend to you or should I say are you even running the department. Joe good luck finding Mike for a comment he is away teaching on the county dime again I am told.
Duncan and Lewis need to go. Sheriff's should be limited to two terms period.
The entire city is in trouble not just SPD. It is a serious problem when you abuse your employees to the point that they leave in droves.
Why bother to even save Salisbury. According to Joe and his viewers all of Salisbury has gone to hell. Everything is in bad shape and cannot be salvaged. Every agency is full of corruption. All local MSM do nothing but write lies and cover up important matters. I wish I could pack up and get away from this corrupt lying environment of this God forsaken place and....
1 The Mayor
2. 2 Council members
3. the fire dept
4. the police dept
5. the school system
6. the Daily Times
10. Administrators of all the above
11. Landlords
12 Salisbury Univ students
and on and on
I fear a blog, one man and three council members can never solve all these issues. Even with Joe's
wonderful plan it will take years to find enough businessmen willing to go through all the red tape, to pay all the fees, taxes, construction and renovation cost. It will take the Council years to approve each establishment proposal. I am depress with this town, county and nation. All for one and one for all sure is true when it comes to government now. Voters and citizens don't count.
Scary, isn't it! You have to wonder just why I'd even consider running for Mayor with such an environment. The reason is, I'm the ONLY one with the backbone enough to FIX what's been left.
By the time the election comes around there could be several candidates but you have to LISTEN to what they'll be running on. Will they run and say they'll just tweak what Jim Ireton started or will they run saying enough is enough, like I will?
Jim Ireton has called me more names already accusing me of numerous things and you have to ask yourself, why? He never hated me or Salisbury News when he needed me. Think about that. Whenever Jim wanted something publicized for a big turn out, who did he turn to, me.
Salisbury is in deep trouble but it can be turned around. Your vote DOES count. It doesn't count when you vote for Ireton. It does count when you vote for me. An Ireton vote means NOTHING will change. An Albero vote means EVERYTHING will change. Think about that for a while.
WRONG ! THe State's Attorney is the highest ranking law enforcement officer.
The Sheriff is the highest ranking official. Matt has no power of arrest.
As for Duncan's stats does she count the cases kicked to the Maryland State Police ?? Numbers dont lie people do. Something is definately wrong at SPD.
Nope 7:56-Sheriff's are the highest ranking LE official. SA's can't even write a parking ticket.
This taken directly from the MD Sheriff's Association site-
"Regardless of their primary duties, Sheriff's remain the state's chief law enforcement officials wherever they serve. This authority to represent the sovereignty of the state dates back to a time when the Sheriff was the King's man in the shires of medieval England."
yeah,its scary! beleive it or not the eastern shore used to be paradise! lol..until the ppl from cities came here..they loved it so much they moved here..then they made it exactly what they left! the eastern shore does suck!
Nothing is wrong with that pictute. Good thing he had a take home car. He was able to respond to the accident on his way to work. Because of a police officer shortage, there is no jurisdiction ! Any out of state,county,city police officer can enforce the law in any area.
if our local sheriff's dept is so great, why did spd turn city homicides over to the state police?
the justice served in the county landfill scandal and the foxwell case are good examples of justice not being rough enough
No, being personally involved in this situation, Joe is right on track and the public should know what is going on
I tried to include a link but Joe doesn't allow links in posts. here is part from the Political black caucus blog:
This elite gang constantly did everything they could to undermine former Chief Barbara Duncan. Duncan has since retired and took a job in Maryland. The gang when speaking about Duncan always referred to her as “a cunt”. Other officers offended of the behavior of this elite gang, told Chief Duncan about how she was treated behind her back. According to the source, Chief Duncan developed the attitude, “if you can’t beat them, then join them.” To be continued………
Barbara Duncan did NOT but rather left without confiding in her crony Ruth Tompkins who was taken by surprise. Mrs. Duncan was collecting salaries from both Maryland and Mount vernon as she never submitted any resignation letter.
(just http:// no www.)
Good! Let all of the SPD and WCSO LEO's quit! Let them all save us some money. Good bye
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