Click on the image above so it will enlarge and you can clearly see the weight hanging from his/her neck as well as the string under the chin. We made every attempt to catch the Heron yesterday but it was just too fast for rescue workers, (NOT DNR). With any luck the weight will fall off soon.
thats myno line sinker is tied to. It has to be cut off
Heartbreaking. A sad reminder that being on the top of the foodchain (humans) comes with great responsibility. Fisherman- please dispose of your line carefully!
are you sure that just aint his "bling"?
Judging from the path of the mono, this Heron may have eaten a fish that was almost caught but broke off, with the hook still in its mouth. The Heron ingested that fish and is now hooked also.
Saw it yesterday near the hospital.
Good looking mature bird.
It more than likely will not fall off. We need DNR rescue with a tranquilizer dart so that this beautiful bird can be freed of this contraption before it dies from either strangulation or infection from a hook somewhere it should not be.
Can't it be trapped or tranquilized somehow? I refuse to believe nothing can be done.
Strange the zoo or a vet will not respond to the call and tranquilze the bird and do what is needed.
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