Are what again? As the following graphic from IBD [3]demonstrates, for the first time in history, a majority of jobless workers over 25 have attended some college, and now outnumber those without a job who simply have a high school diploma or less. But at least those in the fomer category have tens of thousands of non-dischargeable debt to show for it.
Yeah, now find a graph showing how many of the unemployed 25+ have at LEAST a bachelors degree, or have a masters. I bet it is different. Educate yourself if you want to find a better job. Gods know there are tons of programs to take advantage of. A bit of student loan debt is not a big deal if it increases your earning potential exponentially across the rest of your working years.
@10:28 the graph shows "UNEMPLOYED" workers 25+ so how far is that education taking you if you can not get hired and then have to turn around and pay back your debt with no job. Its hilarious how Obama wants everyone to get a decent education but then aloows colleges to charge and arm and a leg anymore. On top of that stdent loan rates are about to DOUBLE. America is going to fall to the ground.
Agree with 1028, show the graph with 25+ workers that have completed the bachelor's degree. Don't lump in those who didn't complete college or just have an associates degree. Not to mention, under the categories listed here, doesn't the "some college" crowd include folks still in school as apart of the "unemployed"?
You have to do alot more than get a degree which now a days anyone can do.
A friend fresh out of college just landed a dream job with an international architectural firm.
Her expericence was minimal compared to the majority of the applicants.
What was the deciding factor was the amount of time she spent doing volunteer work for a 1/2 dozen different organizations.
Companies see volunteering not so much as a wonderful thing someone is doing but more along the lines of networking for their company. Networking means business for a company.
Darn! They weren't so smart after all.
Until there are more jobs education will not matter.
Look at it real closely. This is not a real graph, but a mirror image! Somebody made this one up. Not that I disagree with the fact that my eldest daughter's first job out of 4 years of college started at $12/ hour and life is sucking right now, but at least the "Graph Artist" could have shown a little critical thinking here...
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