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Monday, April 23, 2012

Today's Survey Question 4-23-12

Would you favor a "stand your ground" law in Maryland/Delaware?


Anonymous said...

I find it amazing that Maryland/Delaware have enacted unconstitutional laws that restrict a persons "inalienable" right to defend themselves.

The right to "stand you ground" is a fundamental basic human right that the government has no right to restrict.

Anonymous said...

Are you at SBY headquarters? We can test it if you like?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I already do..stand on my ground and I will remove you. :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This is the dumping ground of hate. Absolutely NOT.

Anonymous said...

If by "stand your ground" you mean protect your self from being a victim, I absoulutely support such a law.

Law enforcement is stretched so far now response times are slowly creeping up. This essentially means if you cannot protect yourself than by the time the cops arrive they will investigate and not protect.

Thugs are every were and growing in numbers. They do not give two s---- about your rights.

So as we in law enforcement say "I would rather be triad by 12 than buried by 6".

Anonymous said...

Yes I favor Stand your ground. I also hope Maryland will also allow the good people of this state to get a ccw.

Anonymous said...

Regardless of the law....I will stand trial alive .I will not obey the law and die.

Anonymous said...

YEP, we should have one against OBAMA

Anonymous said...

I am in favor of SYG laws and there actually is one here in MD. I don't think I'm supposed to post a link but its SB761 passed in 2007.

Anonymous said...

Absolutly without a doubt. If you are getting the tar beat out of you, you should not have to worry if you could have retreated or not, before trying to defend yourself or doing harm to your attacker. It is a no brainer.

JoeAlbero said...

anonymous 11:09, YES, I am at my Office today. I dare you to come by.

Anonymous said...

Yes. No one should ever have to worry that they may be using too much force to stop an attacker.
I can not believe any intelligent person would ever be against such a law. It is a no brainer.

Anonymous said...

I already stand my ground and think everyone should. So yes Md and Del should have one.

Anonymous said...

This law you speak of is only to protect rape victims from being prosecuted for fighting off their attacker.there is no self defense law in Maryland.I know.I was robbed at gun point and shot the offender.I was arrested.when asked judge what should i have done.....let him rob me or shoot me.then call the law.yeah right.I had to plead guilty to assualt in the second degree.this was after the almost twenty charges stacked against me with almost 700 years of prison time stacked against me.and all I did was get lost on vine st after just moving here.getting robbed and defended myself.

Anonymous said...

SYG in md? with what? you cant even carry in this state.

Anonymous said...

This is 11:59 again. I'm also a liberal. Not all of us want gun control. I believe we all have the right to bear arms and protect ourselves homes and family's

Anonymous said...

Yes. As it stands now, if you are walking to the mall from your car and get jumped and you pick up a near by brick and hit the attacker in the head and they die, you would be charged.
At the point you hit him, you had no idea if he had a weapon but you still would be charged.
We need this law in every state.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely support SYG!!!

Anonymous said...

A case in Baltimore City in 2006 stands out in my mind. Career criminal Joseph Schlick, enters a home through a window and the homeowner shot and killed him. Homeowner was charges with voluntary manslaughter and if I'm recalling correctly did end up spending time in prison.
This is not the way it should be at all! Stand your ground laws are not only necessary to prevent incidents like this one but to protect the basic human instinct of self preservation.

Anonymous said...

I would love for someone who is against SYG to explain their position.

Anonymous said...

"SYG in md? with what? you cant even carry in this state."? What? How can this be?

If it were illegal to carry a gun, there wouldn't be any shootings, right? Sometimes I wonder where people get their information.

Anonymous said...

Joe I would not dare crazy people they are very unpredictable I hear.

Anonymous said...

SYG is an animal behavior instinct to protect yourself. In point, any animal, if cornered will fight is way out to survive. I will stand my ground, that's my law, and the law of The Constitution of The United States of America.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it should be enacted in every state. No one should EVER have to worry about themselves using too much force if they are being attacked. It should not be limited to rape victims.
10 or so states already have this law and it's not like it's applied on a regular basis, but it does need to be in place to protect those who were trying to protect themselves.

Anonymous said...

I am in favor and I will stand my ground.

lmclain said...

Police carry their guns anytime and everywhere they want, dressed in Bermuda shorts and tank tops if they so desire. Judges, the same ones who put you and I in prison for protecting ourselves,and would have your family raped and killed rather than see a thug get shot, have their own security force (I'm told Judge Davis has 24 hour police protection at HIS HOUSE) at taxpayers expense. Meanwhile the very police who can (and do) shoot people in the back and unload their entire clip on citizens because they "felt threatened" --- not ACTUALLY threatened, just FELT threatened, tell 'we the people' that they (the police) decide which of us (none, really) get to exercise our CONSTITUTIONAL rights. Law or not, break into my house when I'm there and you will be killed. Assault me or my family and, again, you will be killed. I've never waited (or asked) for a cop's or judge's PERMISSION to save my life or that of my family. Never will. And I know it pains a lot of you liberal pansie girlie-boys and girls but I'm far from alone. Like many of my kind, I'm not looking for any trouble, but I'm not putting up with any of it, either.

Anonymous said...

That's the ironic part. Those most vocal against SYG and restrictive gun laws have some type of security.
Then we got these dopes who just because their idol politican or celebrity are against something they are also, never stopping to think that these people are on a whole different level than they are and would never need to protect themselves because they are always accompanied by well armed security personal.

Anonymous said...

Hey look outside I am here!

Anonymous said...

Just try me and judge for yourself....I'll take my chances with a group of my peers anyday. As this crap continues down the path we are heading it will be very very soon tested

Jack K Richards said...

I have lived in Florida for about 16 years and have had ccw permit for most of it. After watching the news and reading the paper on a daily basis I have found very little if any (except Zimmerman) who have abused the right. I have seen where people have stood up to some bad guys using syg and came out on top. The majoriity of the shootings are just bad guys many times shooting other bad guys. One never knows when encountering someone whether he/she is armed and seems to work here. Personally I would like to see the requirements a bit more stringent. As it stands a housewife (not picking on women) with literally no experience with a gun, can take a couple hour class and be given a permit. As it stands anyone with a DD214 or ex-leo can get one automatically in in most of those cases they have had some training.

JoeAlbero said...

anonymous 1:40, funny, my door is wide open and when I got this message I qwnt outside and there was NO ONE out there. I'm not afraid of you but obviously you're afraid of me.

Anonymous said...

Joe, By the comments on here it sounds like you may not be having a very good day.I hope it gets better,you will always have my support.BTW you have proven your stand on "Stand Your Ground".One could learn a lot from you.

Keep up the Great Job! ;D

Anonymous said...

Here in MD if the State Police spent as much time getting the illegally obtained guns out of the hands of convicted felons as they did on looking for excuses to deny someone a gun carry permit we would be alot better off.

Anonymous said...

2:51 there's no money in what you suggest. They need to raise revenue for the state not chase criminals! heavens forbid think of what you asking those poor poor individuals to do? risk their lives protecting the sheep? shame on you!
I refuse to be a victim!

Anonymous said...

Oh I'm well aware that there is too much labor attached for the State Police (or any agency for that matter) to concentrate on illegal gun owners. They would not even entertain that idea but would rather concentrate coming up with excuses so a responsible law biding citizen doesn't get a carry permit.

Anonymous said...

Stand your ground....hell yes. If someone breaks into my house they will be met by me 20 gauge shotgun. If they come after me, I'll go after them first. I think I'll win. We're all loaded up.

Anonymous said...

A few years ago, I was stopped in West Virginia for a break light out on my truck. The officer wrote a equipment repair order citation and I signed it. He then said " You got any guns". I said yes I have two. He then asked, "Are they loaded?". I told him they were. He said " What you afraid of". I said, nothing. He said," Have a nice day".