DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Friday, April 13, 2012
A Comment Worthy Of A Post 4-13-12
My name is Jennifer Overholt and these were my dogs that got hit. Finn, my Lab-Pit mix was 4 years old and the other one is Cooper, my 7 year old Boxer. They were well behaved dogs but sometimes Finn felt that he needed a run. He has taken off before but never gone towards the bypass. We always found him at Woody's Pest Control around the horses. Cooper normally didn't take off but I am assuming that he wanted to keep Finn company. My father was out looking for them and when my husband and daughter got home, they started looking for them as well. Fortunately I had a Home Again microschip put in Finn's neck and the Fruitland Police contacted my old address. My husband and father then went to pick up the dogs. My family is still hurting and it is very hard to explain something like this to a 6 year old. I do not think that it was Joe Albero's problem to find the dogs or to contact us but I appreciate that this was posted and someone tried to get us help. For those of you who gave the others a hard time about who to call, back off. I doubt you would have done anything had you been there. You probably wouldn't have called the police either. You would have called the owners reckelss and probably thought we got what we deserved for letting the dogs loose. I loved these two dogs with all of my heart as does the rest of my family.
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No mam.I commented I wouldve atleast moved them.and called the police.and I would've.I'm an animal lover.and I am so sorry you had to read some of the crap said.its hard to lose an animal yet alone two.I also said one probly died because he wouldn't leave his buddy.I am sorry for you and your families loss.
I'm am so sorry for your loss. Anyone there should have tried to help and the person that did should know they did the right thing. I also saw the nasty comments. It shows the uncaring mentality of so many. As for who to call animal control for the county has no on call person which is also horrible. I hope they didn't suffer while people drove around them. I hope your family heals from this. Again I'm so sorry.
Bless your heart! I cannot imagine the grief you are feeling. We have a beloved dutch shepard and when she was young, she ran off every chance she got even though we did everything we thought possible to prevent it. She would wait until we let one of the cats out and then she would dart past us and race outside. It was until she got to be about 3 years old that she settled down enough to let her out in the yard without a leash but with supervision. She is now 12 years old and can't get out of her own way. She is such a blessing and we will go through it all again after she is gone because we cannot imagine not having a dog companion to love and cherish in our home.
I am so sorry for your loss.
Sorry Jen, I know it hurts to lose a pet that has become a family member. And it's even harder when they go this way. Thanks for writing the note. Some needed to hear what you said. God Bless.
Jennifer, I'm very sorry for your loss of your two dogs...I know how "kids" can be. I'm really glad you posted your note and agree some people can just be cruel.
Yes young lady....my heart goes out to you as well. I can't imagine something like this happening to my dog. And I know hiw he can be. As hard as I try to keep him confined, maybe twice a year he slips out. The people who make these nasty anonymous comments aren't worth the time of day. Pay them no attention and get on with the business of healing. Godspeed.
I read the nasty comments to and some people have no compassion for anything.My heart goes out to you and your family just remember there will be a judgement day of those people posting the nasty comments and they will have to answer to all there negativity.God Bless you and your family so sorry for your losses.
So sorry about the loss of your "best friends"
Glad you took the time to write & explaine what happened & to thank Joe for posting.
I just wanted to say I am sorry for your loss. I don't know you but I do know the feelings you are experiencing. I have two "baby" Rottweilers that I love dearly. I always keep them on a leash when we are outside 1) because I have experienced the loss of a beloved dog being hit by a car, and 2) so the neighbors don't freak out about the Rottweiler running loose, but life happens. My female is 135 lbs. and has on occasion snapped the leash. Thank God she came right to me but she could have taken off right then. People these days are so mean. They have no empathy and no compassion. They always want to blame someone for everything. I just want to say I am sorry for your loss and your family's loss.
Even the best of dogs under owners who are watchful and careful will run off from time to time, or escape out the door, or be trained off-lead but bolt just once.
People should not be so judgmental. It's a hard thing to lose a pet you love.
Mrs. Overholt, you have my family's sympathies. We're sad for you, especially your little one.
The only good pit is a dead pit. If you can't control your animals and your dangerous dog is loose on the streets where it can harm my children you deserve to be charged with negligence. Good riddance.
2:58 You are ignorant can you not see this family is devastated.Maybe some day you will know how it feels. All pits are not bad they can be very loving its up to the owner and how they raise them. You are not worth my breath.What a waste of human flesh you are maybe someone should say that to you Good Riddance!!!
To 2:58--
What an ignorant, common, hateful individual you are! Dogs become what you train them to be, don't discriminate based on the breed.
Good riddance would be if YOU fell off the face of the earth today, would be glad to help you...
To the dog owner: So very sorry for the loss of your "furry children", especially in this manner.
There's no such thing as---A Bad Dog--only a bad owner who teaches them to be that way!!!!
Now----there Are such things as Bad people-----and-----they didn't have any training either!
11:58..my only hope for you is when u decide to crawl from underneath that rock you live, i hope u can make your way to the bypass. My Jeep will be the first vehicle in line to run your sorry a** over. Those dogs were best friends and two of the most well behaved and loving dogs you could ever want to be around. You on the other hand are a sorry excuse of a human being.
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