The Salisbury Police Department would like to advise motorists that speed cameras will soon be operational in the South Division Street area near the intersection of Onley Road. This is within the half mile radius of Bennett Middle & High Schools.
Our first concern is the safety of the students, parents, and school buses that use Onley Rd to drop off and pick up students from the schools. We would like to remind drivers that utilize this street to Drive Alert-Slow Down-Be Safe-Watch for Pedestrians.
Motorists should also be aware that the next location for speed cameras has been approved for the U.S. Rt 50 & Davis St area near Wicomico Middle School.
It's another tax.
They must be making a lot of money on the other cameras and wanna make more.. If they were not, they would not be adding cameras so quickly.Have you ever tried to get something done for the public good?That takes forever.
HAHAHAHAHA safety. You want safety, have cops walk a beat instead of driving thier fat a**** to the local diner to eat and wait for a call or sitting in a random parking lot ready to bust those very harmful speeders. It is another way to steal cash right out of the tax payers pocket without putting forth any more effort is what it is.
yeah put one there, cant wait for it to get vandalized
Within a half mile radius...you've got to be kidding me. What is the reasoning for covering such a large area? Seems to me it's not about safety but about a money grab from my wallet.
Yup, that one in front of the zoo won't last long... it is going to be vandalized very quickly! It probably already has been.
If we the voters and taxpayers do not want these cameras, howcome we are getting them? Sounds like the government is running us instead of us running the government.
The Wicomico County Council screwed up by not doing this first. IDIOTS!!
Targeting the college kids they figure their parents can pay up to fund their big unions.
But what about the camera they have on the camera to catch anyone vandalizing it.
While they're at it, why don't they bust some of those women on their hand held cell phones?!
I always remember when it is to late.
Well ... why don't all you all simply obey the speed limit?
By-the-by, they're putting a camera on the compactor @ the Rt. 50 dump-$3K to install & raised the bin 14" - the camera to tell the operator when to compact load & the extra 14" to house it! Have fun lifting your garbage bags to almost chest height!
I am sure they already have a projected income from the new cameras like they did for the ones in front of Bennett....
Just curious...since it is for safety in school zones, will they be deactivated when school is over for the summer
just another reason to avoid salisbury
They need one on Rt. 50. I just drove to Salisbury from beyond Sharptown and had two state troopers and one county sheriff speed by me. I had cruse set at 58mph. Wet roads and light fog, no reason for it. It is us that are in danger from their driving! I could also bet we would save some tax dollars on the gas bills. Slow down guys-the microwave will warm up the dinner.
It was only a matter of time before someone like @ 7: 55 made a comment. Pretty soon it will be well why dont you all just get up and hand over your wallet to the government like you are supposed to. People like you are the reason the government can use those excuses and tell us once again how we can and can not act.
SPD will park a cop near by to watch for vandals.
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