LITTLE ORLEANS, Md. (AP) — A volunteer fire company in western Maryland says its survival is threatened by a crackdown on illegal signs along state highways.
The Cumberland Times-News reported Monday that the Orleans Volunteer Fire Company in Little Orleans has historically advertised its chicken barbecues by placing temporary signs along Interstate 68.
If this were a post on another topic, you'd probably here people saying, "what part of 'illegal' don't they understand?". I'll bet those same people don't mind if firefighters break the law (an admittedly stupid law), but God forbid an immigrant break a stupid law.
You must be the person that for the last couple days have complained about fire fighters in every blog on here for the last couple days.everything from immigration to the boxer pulled over the other seems like fire fighters have been bad mouthed on here for everything.
Dude.just shut up already.thus isn't about fire fighters breaking the law or immigration. Its about how fire fighters can't receive enough money to sustain themselves to properly protect our communities. And how we bust our hind ends to raise money on our own and receive no help from the government just hassle. You hateful lil turd.let me tell you something...when your house burns. To the ground and tour kid dies in the fire.... you'll wish your local fire company didn't have an out dated piece of apparatus or had a thermal imagery camera...Wich alot don't'll wish these guys had a broke the law by speeding to the fire house to save your family.
People quit hating on the volunteer fire fighters.they risk their lives for free.the spend hours and days away from their families and even miss work sometimes for others needs.they selflessly raise money not for just their needs but the communities. I don't know anyone else who would die for you .it takes a real brave person to walk into what you would run from punk!
Maryland State Highway Administration and Delaware DOT both will remove ALL signs from medians and sides of the highways. Temporary or not. Fundraiser type signs used to be allowed in this area and then the greedy realtors and furniture stores ruined it for everyone because they posted signs every 20 feet or so and cluttered up the roadsides.
I know this because our organization is no longer allowed to advertise our events in such a manner.
In Delaware, our signs are supposed to be a minimum of something like 30 feet from the edge of the road. Think people can see our banners that far away? No, they can't.
One year, we had placed banners in the median along Rt. 13 in Delmar and before we even got all of our signs and banners up, the State Highway Admin. in Maryland was behind us removing them.
I understand they don't want the roadsides littered with signs. I don't want to see that either. But when an organization is having a special event, I don't see a problem with them putting up temporary signs, especially if the group maintains them.
Wow, 10:40, take a chill. It's 9:57. I've never bashed firefighters here. My point was to bash those who bash illegal immigrants. I'm all in favor of firefighters putting up these signs. I think the law is stupid. My point was that people are quick to say "what part of 'illegal' don't you understand?" when it comes to illegal immigration but seem to discard that rationale when it comes to other issues. That was my only point. Don't read into it more than that.
The difference between what the fire department is doing and what the illegals are doing are two different things. One is trying to help you the other is trying to take from you. They have chosen to come here illegally there is a correct way for them to do it. The firefighter is trying to make money so he can show up for even people like you if you should need the help.
I have no problem with these signs as long as they are taken down when the event if over. I do not think a business should be allowed to do it. Nonprofit is fine.
Point is brother.this had nothing to do with immigration and you three it out there
Ty.well said.
How about all the businesses with those changeable flashing electronic signs give them a bit of free time on their signs? They are a VOLUNTEER group that will come, rain or shine, day or night, and risk their lives FOR FREE. Give 'em some help for God's sake. Step up to the plate, or face things like equipment that won't work or can't be purchased to save your kids from a fiery death, or God forbid, some of your merchandise gets burned up....
Point is, 3:13, that the whole idiotic "what part of 'illegal' don't you understand?" phrase falls apart when you apply some basic logic to it, that's all. I'm sure you've probably used that line yourself when talking about illegal immigration. But when it comes to other people breaking the law, all of a sudden that rationale doesn't hold water, does it?
My only point is to illustrate that "illegal means illegal" is stupid. There are good laws and bad laws. Breaking a bad law doesn't mean you are doing anything bad.
Just trying to make some people here think.
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