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Monday, November 14, 2011

OC Property Values Still Higher Than 2007

OCEAN CITY – Ocean City holds a strong financial position, according to this year’s financial report, and City Council members are looking to maintain that status as future capital improvement projects are addressed. Finance Administrator Martha Bennett Lucey presented Ocean City’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

More Kook Media, either willing accomplices to a progressive democrat agenda or they are "useful idiots" who think that they can use their position in the media to "help" people.

These young liberal arts majors reporters need to understand they have a sacred duty to generate news free from agenda or political color. Unfortunately they have been brainwashed by all of the feminist studies/social change/justice claptrap. Meanwhile poor Greg needs to tow the Gannet line and that of our Local School Board or he and his wife will be on the outs with our local progressive underground. I don't envy Greg. He's not Larry yet, but is he on the way? C'mon DT, you were once a great local paper. Personally, I would like to resubscribe to her, but I just can't stand her bias. Greg needs to get Gannet to come of the buck to hire a set of reporters that understand what a paper should be, not abuse their position to help out a a wingnut politician