It seems like all of the Main Stream Media outlets are taking turns following stories Salisbury News has produced first. The difference between us is, IF we get a story from them we make sure we credit them. I'd bet the farm the DT's won't credit us for any story.
Last week we did two pieces on Kuhn's and other businesses getting in the spirit of revitalizing the Downtown Plaza. Well, look at this. The images above are of one of the photographers from the Daily Times taking pictures of one of the residences we showed you last week.
I guess between the Daily Times and WBOC pretty much copying whatever we do some might say that's a complement. Perhaps it is. In the mean time I'll leave it up to our readers to decide just who they think is Delmarva's News Leader.
You know the old saying, if you can't beat them, join them. Thanks for the complement Joe Carmean and Greg Bassett.
There is no doubt that SBY is the news leader,and I thank you for that.I disagree with you at times but at least I can always depend on the truthfullness of your reports.
Joe You should print something off the wall and see if they bite and let them feel stupid. I am sure you and someone can hatch up an interesting "story".
Now I hear they're also covering a story on all the new Christmas Tree lights being hung Downtown. Man these guys suck!
LOL! Go, Joe.
BTW, the word is "compliment." Not hitting you, just thought you'd want to fix it. It's kind of Freudian as is, though, LOL! Their crap is a "complement" to your good stuff!
Thank you again Joe for all you do for our towns. The news, the lost pet and community events articles, can be counted to be factual. The opinions expressed by readers certainly show our right to speak our minds; and in reading some of them, may even inspire some of us to be better people and rethink our own ethics. It also is a venue to let some people to express stupid and outdated, sometimes cruel thoughts; but even that permits most of us that we need to be better people. Thank you again for this privilege.
All that and more for only a BUCK!
And they actually claim their circulation is up?! Personally, I find that hard to believe. And given their track record, just another lie. Regardless, I don't read it anyway. I did buy one onetime when I was eating some crabs and needed something to put the crabs on. Does that count?
anonymous 2:16, you know what, I knew that but spell check changed it on me and I was too busy to bother any further with it. Thanks for the heads up. Lord knows my fingers are too fat for a keyboard but then again, I don't get paid for all of this so I really don't care, respectfully.
That is funny they have to copy the Salisbury news what a bunch of lazy A--es.Keep them running Joe they will never keep up with the Salisbury News it is the leader.LOL
Ha! Hey... Daily Times... You've been blogged!!
They may be copying but still can't get it out as fast as you do.
This is the most work Ive seen done since the beginning of Urban Salisbury was formed!
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