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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Support for Legalizing Pot Hits All-Time High

50 percent of Americans favor the legalization of marijuana, up from 46 percent last year, according to a new Gallup poll.

It was the first time in the survey that the number of people favoring legalization was higher than those opposed.

The support for legalized marijuana use has continued to climb since Gallup first began asking questions about it in 1969. Then, only 12 percent of Americans supported legalization, with 84 percent opposed.



Gerald said...

There is one group that is doing everything it can to oppose the legalizing of pot, which is the Beer lobby. They don’t want to see Pot legalized, in countries where small amounts are legal for personal use, beer consumption dropped in half. However, when you look at countries that have legalized it, they have saved millions of dollars in law enforcement costs, freed up the courts, freed up the jail space needed for real criminals, and freed up officers time to go after drug dealers of the hard stuff, like crack, coke, heroin, meth, prescription drugs. I say legalize it and tax the hell out of it instead of my gasoline!

Anonymous said...

Can someone please provide one good reason why weed is illegal yet you can smoke a highly carcinogenic substance with addictive compounds added to it?

lmclain said...

One good reason? HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of dollars given to Congress in bribes. OK, so thats really hundreds of millions of reasons, but you get the idea. Read the article. Even a retired narcotics officer (head of an ORGANIZATION of police officers) is saying legalize it. 35,000 doctors say legalize it. Senators and Presidents admit to smoking it. For the 50% who DON'T want to legalize it, try thinking for yourselves instead of mouthing the propaganda you've been fed (by people who have a very vested interest in keeping it illegal). It's WAAAy less harmful than alcohol, which kills dozens of Americans EVERY DAY, or cigarettes, which kill 500,000 (!!) Americans EVERY YEAR. NO ONE in HISTORY has EVER died from ingesting or smoking pot.

Anonymous said...

Imclain...thank you. You can smoke pot & be straight in an instant. How long does it take to get sober after getting plastered by alcohol? Also, if it were legalized just think of all the taxes that could be collected from it as well as killing some of the illegal dealers/(cartel) business.