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Monday, July 18, 2011

Ron Paul On "Debt Ceiling Drama" "We Need To Stop Allowing Secretive Banking Cartels To Endlessly Enslave Us"

Debt Ceiling Drama

First of all, politicians need to understand that without real change default is inevitable.  In fact, default happens every day through monetary policy tricks.  Every time the Federal Reserve engages in more quantitative easing and devalues the dollar, it is defaulting on the American people by eroding their purchasing power and inflating their savings away.  The dollar has lost nearly 50% of its value against gold since 2008. 

The Fed claims inflation is 2% or less over the past few years; however economists who compile alternate data show a 9% inflation rate if calculated more traditionally.  Alarmingly, the administration is talking about changing the methodology of the CPI calculation yet again to hide the damage of the government's policies.

Changing the CPI will also enable the government to avoid giving seniors a COLA (cost of living adjustment) on their social security checks, and raise taxes via the hidden means of "bracket creep."  This is a default.  Just because it is a default on the people and not the banks and foreign holders of our debt does not mean it doesn't count.

Politicians also need to acknowledge that our debt is unsustainable.  For decades our government has been spending and promising far more than it collects in taxes.  But the problem is not that the people are not taxed enough.  The government has managed to run up $61.6 trillion in unfunded liabilities, which works out to $528,000 per household.  A tax policy that would aim to extract even half that amount of money from American families would be unimaginably draconian, and not unlike attempting to squeeze blood from a turnip.  This is, unequivocally, a spending problem brought about by a dramatically inflated view of the proper role of government in a free society.

Perhaps the most abhorrent bit of chicanery has been the threat that if a deal is not reached to increase the debt by August 2nd, social security checks may not go out.  In reality, the Chief Actuary of Social Security confirmed last week that current Social Security tax receipts are more than enough to cover current outlays.

The only reason those checks would not go out would be if the administration decided to spend those designated funds elsewhere.  It is very telling that the administration would rather frighten seniors dependent on social security checks than alarm their big banking friends, who have already received $5.3 trillion in bailouts, stimulus and quantitative easing.  This instance of trying to blackmail Congress into tax increases by threatening social security demonstrates how scary it is to be completely dependent on government promises and why many young people today would jump at the chance to opt out of Social Security altogether.

We are headed for rough economic times either way, but the longer we put it off, the greater the pain will be when the system implodes.  We need to stop adding more programs and entitlements to the problem.  We need to stop expensive bombing campaigns against people on the other side of the globe and bring our troops home.  We need to stop allowing secretive banking cartels to endlessly enslave us through monetary policy trickery And we need to drastically rethink government's role in our lives so we can get it out of the way and get back to work.



Anonymous said...

Ron Paul is right. We are being lied to and many of us are falling for it - hook, line, and sinker. Think about this. 2% inflation huh? Here are some real world figures. Crude oil - up one year 25.72% as of this writing. Gas - up 50.88% in one year. Gold - up 35.76% in one year. Corn - up 84.02% in one year! Lean hogs - up 21.24% in one year. Cocoa - up 5.74% in one year. Coffee - up 52.85%. Cotton - up 28.81%. Sugar - up 64.81%. Live cattle - up 18.35%. Feeder cattle - up 17.94%. Soybeans - up 37.11%. Wheat - up 19.45%. Silver - up 129.49%. Platinum - up 16.48%. Copper - up 16.48%. All in one year. These are real numbers. Most of us don't look at them. But here they are. You still believe inflation is at 2%? They are lying in our faces! Both Parties! WAKE UP!

Anonymous said...

I second your motion!

We are in debt over our heads and they tell us we need to borrow more to fix it.....huh?

Anonymous said...

To anon 6:27 AM:

This is exactly what their doing... They use scare tactics because they know it works... And why do you think they want more entitlement and more people depended on the govt? so they can't go anywhere... they will say well these people need our help, blah, blah blah and more blah...

If you read quotes from leaders around the world from years back they even state that if you use death or something of the sort as a scare tactic you can will the will of people away... basically you can take their liberties and they will be glad to give it to you.. for the false hope of protection in which it is doing a worse job than on 9/11...

To date TSA as allowed 23,000 people through with weapons and teasers and others yet they strip search a 5 yr old...

Anonymous said...

I just changed political party's about a month ago so that I can vote for Ron Paul in the presidential primaries.

The medicine may be bitter, however we can't afford the sugar to help the medicine go down.

The longer we put off what needs to be done the worse things will get. To keep raising the debt limit is like getting another credit card to pay the credit card bills we can't pay now.

Borrowing money we can't afford to pay back puts us in default now.

Anonymous said...

There have been a few politicians in the past who have spoken like this. They got elected and now look where we are.
You can't believe everything that comes out of a politicians mouth!
Politicians LIE, plain and simple!
Take the monetary benefit of being an elected official in the federal sector away and MAYBE we'll get people who are truly interested in representing WE THE PEOPLE!
As it is now, it's a get rich quick scheme. They get elected, they become VERY wealthy and then they can retire with a pension fit for a king.
What's wrong with this picture????

Anonymous said...

10:28 Ron Paul has a solid voting record that spans 25 years. The guy has never wavered from his core beliefs.