
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent our advertisers

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Justin Allen, 23
Brett Linley, 29
Matthew Weikert, 29
Justus Bartett, 27
Dave Santos, 21
Chase Stanley, 21
Jesse Reed, 26
Matthew Johnson, 21
Zachary Fisher, 24
Brandon King, 23
Christopher Goeke, 23
Sheldon Tate, 27

These are the names of the 12 US Marines killed in Afghanistan in the last 4 days. Can anyone tell me why they had to die? Can anyone tell me why we are in Afghanistan? Can anyone give me a single good reason why we should not follow Ron Paul’s advice and just leave? How many more have to die for nothing?


Anonymous said...

Easy, because the same guys who murdered over 3000 civilians on 9/11 will simply fall back into place, rebuild their old camps, and begin implementing attacks against the US. We need to move as quickly to get the Afghan. army up to speed, then jet out of there. Until then, we're stuck.

Anonymous said...

Let me ask this question to the postie of this article / question...

What is the difference between fighting over there and spending billions and having our troops die, VS. US leaving and having the terrorist come to our home land and kill our troops and this time civilians and when they destroy our buildings and land, and have to pay to fix them... whats the difference?

We will spend money either way, people are going to die either way... The difference is less of our civilians will die, and it is not on our home land where we will have to re-build everything...

Do I agree to be in this war, NO, now that Bin laden is dead should we be over there, NO... But I rather be over there than here when it comes to destruction and death and war... Not to mention the scarring of our kids when they see death and can't handle it...

Anonymous said...

you all miss the point. None of those tribal illiterates is worth the death of one fine american.
Let the middle east burn! if they touch anything of ours then bomb them from the face of the earth! The world would be a much better place without them!
And if you are so sure we should be there, then sign up and get your butt along with your children's butts over there!
A former Marine!

Drew said...

Because we had to be all macho cowboy after 9/11.

Mardela said...

We are there for the same reason we put bases in Germany, Japan and other countries. We go to war, erradicate the evil enemy and rebuild the country to a free society, hopefullt a democratic society and if we're lucky a republic.

This way the new government will rebuild, new businesses will take hold and the people will have jobs. Once people have to go to work, they don't have time to be a terrorist. Why don't people march and work to overthrow the wrongss our country does? We have to go to work.

Anonymous said...

And now our friends, the Pakistanis, arrest the folks who informed on Osama Bin Laden!! What gives? Nuke 'em!
Marine Mom

Anonymous said...

We don't need 200,000+ troops on the ground to root out a few dozen murdering nutjobs. We can be safe without being an occupying force.

Mike said...

The average military obligation is 4 years, while some are as little as 2 years. We have been in Afghanistan for almost 10 years. Any soldier/sailor/Marine/airman in Afghanistan signed up knowing what was involved and what the possibilities were. They are proud Americans who support our country in peace AND war. Normally the ones crying for them to return home are people that are fundamentally against war and NOT the brave men and women who are actually over there fighting.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 11:52 100% and I am former Air Force.

Anonymous said...

first of all our military people are indeed fighting for our greater good, and though it may appear useless fighting it does much in the war on terror.Yes we have created alot of our own problems by getting involved with other countries issues but remember folks they dont value life like we do.I certantly dont want another 911. It is better to keep the war on terror on the terrorists front porch than ours.I hate to see our military men and women come home in flag draped coffins,its very sad. The war on terror lets us develop new weapons and protective gear for our military folks so we might be better prepared for a global fight if ever there was one. We must support these men and women and stop crying about the war.. they arent. This war on terror may be the most important war we ever fight for the good of the world.Think of all the terrorist leaders as Hitler wannbes,we must stop them all....

Anonymous said...

I do not agree with 11:52, but MIKE nailed it right on....

I am prior Army 11BangBang. I signed up in 2002 knowing that I would be hopefully going to fight for my country. Got assigned to the 10th Mountain Division and deployed twice in 4 years. Once to Afghan and once to Iraq. I then was out for 2 1/2 years and got recalled in 2009. Yes i could have not showed up like hundreds did, but I knew what my contract enlisted for, so I returned for a 3rd deployment to Iraq. Like everyone else says we need to take control of this war over there and not let it come to the states. i can only imagine if IED's make there way to the U.S. So all you cry babies why dont you sign up and go see for yourselves on how the REAL troops feel about this war....

US Army SSG (Prior service)

Anonymous said...

129-Show me how the US gov't values lives. what a joke.

Anonymous said...

as a spectator,I'm enjoying the news about the new socialist movement the govt employees are working on to continue to bleed the communities and theyre financial resorces to substanciate theyre jobs, while the american economy continues to slip into the abiss, via taxation to death.wake up people.5 yr spending freeze,with cuts across the board.thats conservative govt. great legislation would start with not having to spend everything you get.thats not rocket science.

Anonymous said...

Die for nothing? He died for our freedom! I support those troops. They do not die for nothing!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

246-A spending freeze is far from enough. Look at the unrelenting increase in Federal Spending from 2000-2011. Unsustainable. A simple freeze doesn't go far enough. Currently, the gov't recieves roughly 2 trillion per year in taxes, and overspends an additional 1.6 trillion. Both the Obama spending plan, and GOP spending plan go nowhere close to addressing the massive issue. For instance, the Obama plan calls for a 4 trillion reduction in spending over the next 10 years. Which in other words, means Obama wants to add another 10-12 trillion on top of the 14 trillion dollar deficit. The GOP plan cuts a mere 5-6 trillion over the next decade, which is paramount to saying, lets increase the debt levels by 8+ trillion over the next 10 years. Both are simply unsustainable. Think of it another way, how much better off would the nation be, with an additional 1.6 TRILLION annually in the pocket of every man/woman/child/business? Talk about a stimulus package, paid for by simply reducing the footprint of the bloated federal gov't.

dan said...

2:26 -
One, a litte off topic. You may be right, but breaking out the "socialist" card here is out of place.
Two, it is spelled "their."
Three, even if you are texing on your phone, there is still time for correct punctuation and capitalization. It makes what you have to say easier to read and understand.

Anonymous said...

2:59, while I get your point but your analogy ("how much better off would the nation be, with an additional 1.6 TRILLION") doesn't make any sense when the largest chunk of the budget is being spent on ss,medicade, and medicare (thereby going into the "pocket of every man/woman/child/business). Not to mention, most of the debt is held by Americans so apparently someone is willing to give their money over to uncle sam.

Anonymous said...

They died cause democrats and republicans agreed to take over and occupy afgahnistan. If you believe their reasons, then i guess you also believe in the social security lock box.

Anonymous said...

I think we should bump it up over there and I mean really BUMP it up Let them know what it should really be like and level the place if need be