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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

BREAKING NEWS: SRO Crowd Opposes Toll Hike at Kent Island High School

A crowd of 500 – 600 citizens from the Lower and Mid Shore showed up tonight to oppose the O’Malley administration’s proposed toll increases.  If adopted, the toll on the Wm. Preston Lane, Jr. (Chesapeake Bay) Bridge will rise from the current $2.50 per round trip to $8.00 by 2013.  If adopted, the toll would double to $5.00 on October 1, 2011.

A Full House at the Kent Island High School Auditorium

Overflow Crowd Stood Waiting for Their Chance to Speak


Anonymous said...

omalley and the democrats raid the transportation fund, they build an intercounty connector over on the western shore. and now they want everyone else to pay for it!
total bs!

Anonymous said...

just get an E-ZPASS, sheesh!

Anonymous said...

I can assure you that Conway and Mathias, et al doesn't mind voting to adopt this bill because they will be traveling with a tax payer funded Ezpass! All members of the General Assembly were supplied with an Ezpass to use in their personal vehicles. If not then "Lawmakers would still be eligible to seek reimbursement for tolls."

Anonymous said...

I am so happy to see this much opposition. Maybe it will put a lid on this stupid idea.

Anonymous said...

Where was the opposition when O'Malley stole all the money from the counties Highway User Revenue. Are people really that stupid? This is a result of robbing Peter to pay Paul.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, I don't think they'll listen till after we secede from the Annapaholes and Baltimorons!

Anonymous said...

oh people bitch the bridge was ever built and the locals seldom cross it thus their isolated down home naivete
it is not going to affect the influx to the beaches and commerce
they are going to come
and it is not like locals pay to get out in the world
another dead issue
its four dollars to cross the Ben Franklin from Philly to New Jersey
and that does not dissuade daily commuters
you act like your going to be starved of tourism
nobody is crossing that bridge to come to Salisbury

Anonymous said...

11:07 - for me it isn't that the are raising the rate. It's how the Western shore forces 15% from the casino in Ocean Downs and now are raising the rate to enter the Eastern Shore to pay for a road on the western shore. We ALWAYS are the ones that are asked to suffer for the whims of Annapolis. When is the last time the state raised a toll on the Western shore to build a collector road here? When is the last time a western shore casino had 15% of their profits sent to fund something on the Eastern Shore? Never.

Anonymous said...

11:07, i live in salisbury and i cross that bridge almost daily. not like i have a choice to take another route. I like to get kissed when I'm getting screwed!

Anonymous said...

The toll, at $2.50, is one of the lowest in the country (if not THE lowest) for crossing a bridge of that magnitude. It's long overdue for a bump. The bridge needs constant maintenance, which isn't free. What's more expensive...crossing the bridge or driving around? Complain all that you want...the toll is going up.

Anonymous said...

where has the money been going all these years from the tolls paid? why aren't maintenance costs worked in to the yearly budget of the bridge like homesowners have to budget for maintenance & home improvements? if monies were put away for such items, & was not used for things other than bridge repairs there would not be a need for such high increases.

dan said...

Where was all this vitrol and outrage and complaints about government intrusion when Ehrlich more than doubled MVA fees in Maryland (and nearly every other fee he could get his hands on?)