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Tuesday, June 07, 2011

SBYnews verses The Daily Times View On 5 Cent Wicomico Tax Increase

In case our readers haven't noticed - there is a big difference in the reporting styles of SBYnews verses The Daily Times. Sunday’s DT edition is no exception as The Daily Times has endorsed Pollitt's proposed 5 cent property tax assessment increase.

Here is the version of facts as offered by this author:

Several Years ago (1978) Talbot County instituted a TAX CAP after a similar hugely unacceptable tax increase to Wicomico County incensed the voters to action. From 1978 until 1995 ballot questions were put before the voters to remove the TAX CAP. Finally, in January of 1995 a Coalition of SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS - Board of Education, Chamber of Commerce, PTA, NAACP, League of Women Voters, and other individuals SUED to overturn the TAX CAP and they won! The TAX CAP was ruled unconstitutional.

Do you think VOICE should have gone for a TAX CAP? That certainly would have been an easy 'knee jerk' thing to do in light of the Court's decision.

After the TAX CAP was ruled unconstitutional in January 1995, The Talbot County Council in May raised the property tax by 46%. That's right; they raised property taxes by almost 50 percent! But they - SPECIAL INTERESTS - didn't have enough! The next year, in 1996 they raised it another 46.3%!!! And we - Wicomico Residents - think 23.7% is bad. Now let's try and add this up . . .what's 46.1% and 46.3% over two years. Let's hold the math until the end of this lesson.

The Talbot voters were so incensed they searched for a way to stop these run-a-way politicos and came up with the Revenue Cap concept. The voters rallied to get it on the ballot and it was passed in 1996 by 72.21% of the voters! It stands as law today in that County. Even after MANY attempts to have it removed . . .VOICE used the EXACT wording in their petition as was in Talbot County’s revenue cap referendum. It's exactly the same language that is in law in Talbot now.

So what have we learned today. Hopefully we've learned that from the time a TAX CAP was ruled unconstitutional and was replaced by a REVENUE CAP in Talbot County - (1995 - 1996) - property taxes wen up 92.4%!!! Actually that would not be entirely accurate as I'm told that before the REVENUE CAP could become law the actual true tax increase was 113.8%.

The next question is a bit more subjective - after this current events history lesson - is the Daily Times staunch reason for objecting to the REVENUE CAP and now touting a 5 cent real property tax increase . . . .do you now feel the VOICE proposal's are not well thought out?

If your property tax increased by 113.8% would the difference be greater or less than your recent pay raise?



Anonymous said...

Wow - I never realized the impact was so significant.

I can almost guarantee you that the exact same scenario would have played out here in Wicomico had the citizens not moved so quickly.

Special interest has ruined our country.

Anonymous said...

funny thing what the daily disappointement is proposing here. They get a pass on paying taxes but want everyone else to pay.
When they start paying maybe they will feel differently!
Interesting! but then isn't that the way the libs always do things!

Anonymous said...

So, Beezer, who raised those taxes in Talbot County? A council elected by the voters? Your arguement is against a tax cap that was unconstitutional, not a revenue cap. If the revenue cap is such a wonderful thing, they why is everyone so opposed to doing exactly what it allows for in order to raise much needed revenue? It's easy to ignore history when it has nothing to do with the arguement at hand. Please stop with the smoke and mirrors.

Anonymous said...

To 12:52

I wish you could convey what you really mean as your spelling is atroucious and your selection of words makes it difficult for me to understand you.

It is really quite a simple matter - would Wicomico citizens m rather have the tax money in their own pockets as opposed to the local government. I say the answer is yes.

Anonymous said...

2:46, I'll fix my spelling of argument if you fix your spelling of atrocious. If you don't know the words, just as the country song says, "Look it up." I would at least check my own spelling before calling out someone else on theirs. Is that difficult to understand? LOL

Anonymous said...

Look at the population of Talbot county, 30,000 plus. Budget of 67 million. Look at Wicomico County, nearyl 100,000. Budget 112 million. This scenario plays out with most counties versus Wicomico. Cost per capita is way lower in Wicomico county than most other counties. Apples/Oranges. It has to do with providing services. The more people, the more services.

Anonymous said...

I'll say this for SBYnews - they have a point of view that is diametrically opposed to The Daily Times standard. Before we had SBYnews - The Daily Times had it their way or gave you the highway.

By my estimation - SBYnews deserves a Pulitzer journalism award.

Great Job SBYnews - keep up the good work.

ranger3325 said...

anon 12:52 will you please tell me what about the tax cap was unconstitutional ? The cap was put in place by the voters just like the council was that you are touting.All taxes in this country were put in place by admendments , just like the caps was.

Anonymous said...

I have never seen this reported by The Daily Times - never.

The Daily Times has glazed over this issue so much that I have lost all respect for them as a major publication.

I do not know who you all are at SBYnews - but I admire your tenacity at getting to the root of things. I'm extremely impressed!

Anonymous said...

Ranger, I have no idea what was unconstitutional about the cap. I was just quoting Beezer's post. I will take him/her at his word that his information was correct. I know nothing of Talbot county.

Beezer said...

To Ranger

The tax cap was ruled unconstitutional in Talbot County because a suit was originated by the Board of Education verses Talbot County Taxpayers Association, President Emery Herdelendy.

In the case it was cited that the tax cap illegally restrained the growth of Talbot County government by essentially freezing the budgets. However, there was an interesting twist to this story as another Talbot County resident appealed the State's decision to the Supreme Court. I'm quite sure the gentleman has since passed away as when I met him he was quite old.

The Talbot County revenue cap has passed the Court challenged litmus test and holds till present day. Wicomico's revenue cap has the exact same wording as Talbot's Revenue Cap legislation.

Anonymous said...

I have never witnessed such comprehensive news coverage as I have through SBYnews. Some of the hot topics that you have uncovered have never been fully explained by the other MSM - The Daily Times.

It is so refreshing to see 'the other side of the story'.

Thank you Joe, GA, Beezer, Cavalier & others who have contributed to this valuable news source. I encourage you all to keep up the good work. This organization definately stands out among the crowd of media moguls.