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Tuesday, June 07, 2011

NC Could Require Knowledge of Nation’s Founding to Graduate

Republicans legislators believe the survival of the American republic may require North Carolina students to study the Founding Fathers to graduate.

The House Education Committee will take up a bill today that would require public high schools to teach and students to pass at least a semester course on the philosophical foundations that established the United States.

Teenagers will be tested on what they learned about the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and its amendments, the Federalist Papers, and the writings of the founders.

The same committee plans to consider requiring public school principals to ask parents whether an enrolling student is a U.S. citizen, and if not to learn the child's immigration status. The legislation says the information would not deny admission.

from the Virginian-Pilot

Note – It’s ironic that the MSM isn’t critical of every tree-hugging, kumbaya requirement that has come down the pike to date.  However, require a dose of real American history and they get snide about it.  “Environmental Education” is OK.  Knowing about the founding of the greatest nation on earth is evidently cause for ridicule – Ed.


Anonymous said...

Knowledge according to whom? The history books or learned scholars like Sarah Palin and Michele Bachman? LOL!

G. A. Harrison said...

That's right, ridicule Sarah Palin. They tried that this past week and she was proved right.

It seems that people on the left and in the MSM are really scared of these two women.

Anonymous said...

Proved right in what world? Are you high?

One of the Few... said...

This will never make it very far. If you were actually to hold people accountable for the ideas, and policies that were used to establish this country we would not be in the situation we are in right now. American has gone so far away from what we originally fought to become its sickening. Whether Right or Left, if you are going to hold anyone accountable for understanding the reasoning and history behind the founding of our nation, it should start in DC. Maybe once our government remembers what they stand for, everyone else will be able to remember as well...

Anonymous said...

Palin and Bachmann are an embarrassment to intelligent women all over this country. As a republican woman, I only wish they were democrats; they belong on the looney side of the aisle.

Anonymous said...

Bachmann: Carbon dioxide is not a harmful gas, trying to connect democratic presidents to swine flu outbreaks even tho Ford was president when the one in the 70's broke out, the whole founding fathers working to extinguish slavery issue in January. Palin: refudiate, squirmish as a synonym for war, what newspapers does she read, I can see Russia from my house as foreign policy credentials,etc. How many examples do you need? You can look each one up if you want the context; just google stupid Bachmann/Palin quotes. The list is endless. No need to spew; just my opinion with examples to back it up.

Anonymous said...

I think the point of this post is to require certain knowledge of American history. The only problem I see is the same as the first commenters: whose version of history do we teach? If we live in Texas, the school board gets to decide what's history and what isn't. The whole thing sounds a little scary to me. Even if you base it on the constitution, how many different interpretations are out there? Is it a living document or one to be taken literally? I don't think it's an idea to ridicule,but there are many questions to be asked.

G. A. Harrison said...

Anon 2013 -

I don't know who you are (obviously), but you are as stupid as you claim that Palin is. "Russia from my house" was Tina Fey on SNL - NOT Sarah Palin.

If you want to attack someone; try to be marginally factual.

Anonymous said...

Interesting how you pick out one example that is wrong and call the whole comment "marginally factual." The poster is obviously referring to Palin's comment that if Russia invades the US they will come through Alaska which gives her the foreign policy experience. That is a paraphase but the reference is the same as in Tina Fey's bit. Hardly "marginally factual." But the issue isn't why Palin/Bachmann are embarrassing -it appears the examples were in response to Ranger's comment, but rather the requirement talked about in the original post. So don't get your shorts all in a bunch over your precious lady who is indeed, an embarrassment to many women (and men) of both parties.