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Monday, May 23, 2011

Today's Survey Questions

Do you think there may be life on planets other than Earth?
Also, Do you think we're wasting money on our space program?


Anonymous said...

they never enter my mind

Anonymous said...

there are alot of good items from the space program that benefit everyone

heres a short list i found online

your TV satellite dish
medical imaging
vision screening
ear thermometer
the fabric of fire-fighter's suits (which protects them from intense heat)
smoke detectors
cordless power tools
thermal gloves and boots
shock absorbing helmets
ski boots
invisible braces (for teeth)
edible toothpaste
advanced plastics

Anonymous said...

of course there is life on planets other than earth, it's very self centered to think otherwise. The universe is infinite, logically there must be something in the universe better than man. We should not however seek it out. Any intelligent life that seeks us out will most definetly not come in peace.

Anonymous said...

Yes - we can't be alone!

No - what 11:15 said!

Anonymous said...

Yes- we are not alone. If fact the life on other planets is most likely smarter than us.

Yes- wasting money on it right now. In our current situation the money could be saved for other things.

LadyLiddy said...

Of course there is life elsewhere in the universe! I love the space program, but there are a lot of other earthbound issues that need our tax dollars more.

Anonymous said...

Where do you think half of these crazy people come from?

Mardela said...

Is it a waste of money to give peole jobs? Is it a waste of money to shut down a complete industry that has given us thru research many things we use today?

There is life out there somwhere because somwhere out there is heaven. You can't get there with a space ship but you can find it with Jesus.

Anonymous said...

To Anon 11:19 AM:

Your self centered to think that there is other life on other planets when A. we haven't been/seen/investigated ALL planets... B. To think I am self centered to think that there IS NOT life on other planets because there is no proof that there is or even was...

Anonymous said...

Stephen Hawking says there has to be life on other planets so that is good enough for me.

We need to keep looking into space and colonizing. We are running out of room and resources on Earth.

Anonymous said...

Yes - there is life on another planet besides earth.

Yes and No - the exploration of space is a waste of tax payer's money, however the militarization of space in preparation as the next battleground is absolutely necessary.

Alex said...

Mardela I thought you'd be up there at 6 pm on Saturday. What happenned?

Anonymous said...

NO life,
Waste of money

Space is pretty to look at
from earth.

Anonymous said...

Of course there is, liberals had to have come from somewhere....oh, never mind, forgot, they came from h*ll.

Anonymous said...

there is definitely life on other planets, I know this because I have been abducted by another life form. I don't remember much about it but I do remember being taken from my bed and examined and replaced back to my bed after several non humans went over every inch of my body.

as for the space program I think we need it but I think it should be put on hold with the economy that we are now in.

Anonymous said...

"There is life out there somwhere because somwhere out there is heaven. You can't get there with a space ship but you can find it with Jesus."

That.... makes no sense.. because the only way to get to heaven is to die... which is the OPPOSITE OF LIFE.

Mardela.... seriously... what? really?

It is VERY likely that life of some kind exists beyond our small planet... in fact, life may very likely exist in our small solar system. There are conditions on Ceres and Titan that are very good for life. Now, consider the VASTNESS of the universe... certainly... the possibility of life... is pretty good. What does that "life" look like... dunno... but considering the vastness of the universe... it is VERY likely that life of somekind exists.

Anonymous said...

I guess if those who believe that Obama was not born in the US, he had to have come from somewhere. Maybe is not a Muslem after all. Maybe he is a Marslem from Mars.

Anonymous said...

i think it is silly to insist on sending men into space when we have robots etc. and rockets are as outdated as the internal combustion engine until we come up with some other energy its futile

Anonymous said...

maybe all the life on other planets was raptured so now we'll never know they were there!

Anonymous said...

I sure hope so. The life forms being displayed here is Darwinism in reverse.

Anonymous said...

I do think there is life out there in space. The question is who is going to discover who first. Knowing the U.S. we whould attack them and make the claim that they don't belong. That will be the day we become second as far as being a super power thats if we still exist. The space program has been a learning experience for everyone.