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Friday, May 27, 2011

A Letter To The Editor

Why are the Fruitland police ticketing cars in the Walmart parking lot for not parking within the lines? This is what a greeter at the Fruitland Walmart said was going on.


Anonymous said...

Fruitland police have a nasty habit of harassing drivers for menial things such as what is in the post as well as going 30mph in a 25mph. They have to meet their quotas I guess. Not a very friendly town I gotta say.

Anonymous said...

Being that the Wal Mart is technically private property someone from Wal Mart had to request the PD to ticket. Why do you think they paid the money to strip the parking anyway

Anonymous said...

GOOD FOR THEM! stupid and/or bad drivers SHOULD be punished.

Anonymous said...

I would say that if tickets were issued they should be able to be beaten in court. If you're in the Fire Lane or a Handicapped spot, too bad, your guilty. But on private property, ie a parking lot, it is a non-traffic area and the lines represent a recommended parking configuration for the space provided for order and effective use of the space and are not enforcible by a police officer. The same would go for the directional arrows. If the stop signs in front of the store represent the municiple street running through the parking lot, they may be enforcible. Would be interesting case law if it comes to court.

Now if your Fruitland City Council enacted a new municiple code for parking between the lines, then you are now the victims of revenue generation.

Opinion of a long time law enforcement officer.

Anonymous said...

I guess this is how they are going to pay for the tax increase they supported for Tricky Ricky.

Anonymous said...

Bad, Fruitland is just trying to raise money on the backs of hard working Americans, look at that car they keep parked around town trying to catch a speeder for the traffic ticket money.


Anonymous said...

HA!!!! they need something to do, yeah Fruitland's finest....

Anonymous said...

walmart can ask that they enforce laws in the parking lot.

but if you dont break any laws, why worry
its not really that difficult to park in the line

and for the comment about 30 in a 25, well they have these things in cars called speedometers, and brakes.
they work really well

Anonymous said...

I agree 11:45. Why is this an issue? If you are considerate of others by parking in the lines, there will not be any need for concern. If you speed, you deserve a ticket. If you would spend as much time obeying the laws as you do bitching about them, this world would be a much better place. Oh wait, I suppose you feel that you are entitled to take up 2 spaces in the parking lot.....

Anonymous said...

DUH! How do you think they are paying for the 18 police officers and the new 2 million dollar new building!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Next I hope they ticket people that drive the wrong way in angled parking spot lanes.

Spencer said...

Chief Mike Phillips is in his office everyday during the week and will answer his phone....Pick up your phone and call him, I am sure he will listen.
He is also at ever city council meeting, which takes place on the 2nd tuesday of every month....

And I am sure the City Manager (Rick Conrad) and the City Council would be glad to hear and address all the concerns about this....or any other problems you guys may have....But they cannot address somthing they do not know the "public" has a problem with unless you call, Email or better show up to a meeting

Anonymous said...

If they weren't out issuing citations then you would be complaining that they are in the office watching TV or going to Dunkin Doughnuts for free coffee. Guess what morons, they are doing their JOB!!

If it wasn't for clowns like you complaining then we wouldn't need police officer.

In this case complainers = violators!

Anonymous said...

If this is true it is really pathetic. Handing out tickets in a parking lot is not what the police should be used for.

Anonymous said...

GOOD! If some of dumb drivers don't have common courtesy, they should be fined. You are not the only ones out there you know.

Now if they would crack down on tail gaters. And people impeding the flow of traffic. ( that would be driving too slow in the fast lane for you that don't know.)

Anonymous said...

I hope they're ticketing people for parking in the fire lane. Idiots. It's not VIP parking.

Anonymous said...

I wish they would have ticketed the JERK that parked so close behind me in Giant today. I backed into the spot and stayed about 3 feet from the line so when I came out I could load my groceries into the back. They had parked so close (and way over the line) that I could not even get my hatch open in the back.
I have noticed many times people have a problem parking unless they have a car on one side to go by. Use the lines. They are there for a reason!

Anonymous said...

A parked car has never killed anyone , but a whole lot of moving ones have. I would think that moving cars would be the target.But we are taking about fruitcake, I mean fruitland.

Anonymous said...

5:36 Why wouldn't you just pull in?

Anonymous said...

Anything that is used by/for public use is susceptible to traffic laws.

Which ones are up to the municipality. Try driving reckless or drunk in a parking lot and see what happens.

Anonymous said...

we have a better "nothing better to do" story... Our neighbor collected dog droppings in a bag and put the bag on our front steps cause she thought our dogs were responsible for every little pile in the neighborhood. (There are a lot of dogs around here, and too few without "picker-upper" owners.)

Anonymous said...

You all need to make up your minds. You complain when violations aren't enforced, then complain when they are. I for one am sick of the way that people park. Bunch of lazy people that think the rules don't apply to them. I am glad to see that they are being ticketed. My wifes new car is full of dings from idiots that don't have respect. I am sure that they must have been asked to do this because of a problem. Hats off Fruitland, keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Why not try using common sense here huh ? I mean sure people complain about people who violate laws when they are not enforced, but really not parking within the lines. I am sure those of you on here would gladly accept a ticket if you were double parked in a Wal Mart parking lot with 50 other open spaces ? Give me a break, how does this help serve the public at all ? Oh gosh golly gee I will never park outside the lines again when I visit Wal Mart, I will have to be on my P's and Q's ? How about arresting someone who is actually committing a crime or try justify building a new million dollar police station in a town thats 5 miles long.... you guys really dont see that this is why they are giving out such petty tickets ? They are collecting more revenue to help with the new building. If you are on here and agree with people losing their hard earned money for double parking in an open parking lot then you don't live in the real world. NOTHING IS BLACK AND WHITE THERE IS ALWAYS ANOTHER MOTIVE.

Anonymous said...

Anything that is used by/for public use is susceptible to traffic laws.

Which ones are up to the municipality. Try driving reckless or drunk in a parking lot and see what happens.

You get arrested... drove recklessly, not drunk.

Anyway this is pointless, if this is what puts Fruitland PD in the news then more power to them haha just adding fuel to the fire of this story. Meaning they do nothing. Get a life, people work hard for their money and they decide to take it away to help build a new police station thats not needed. I hope they just do away with Fruitland police and let Salisbury patrol the area.

Anonymous said...

I guess those who are complaining are the ones who must have forgotten your driving class and who are the ones getting the tickets. I'm glad they are ticketing people for that. I'm tired of getting my car dinged up or having to squeeze in through the passenger door because someone was in to much of a hurry or just to lazy to park in the lines. What do you think the lines are for anyways? Looks?