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Friday, May 27, 2011

A Face Lift in Ocean City

If you're headed downy ocean for the Memorial Day weekend, you might notice something different on the beach: There's more of it.

A $9 million replenishment effort over the winter pumped 900,000 cubic yards of new sand onto Ocean City's beaches to widen and shore up parts that had eroded. That is one of a number of changes visitors will notice as the town launches another summer vacation season — changes that tourism officials say are vital even in a resort community where familiarity is what has drawn generations of families year after year.

    "I think the folks in Ocean City that are successful are the ones who re-invent every year," said Dean Langrall, marketing director of the Jolly Roger Amusement Parks, which is debuting a new zipline. "You need a new wrinkle."



    Anonymous said...

    is THIS why assategue is the great disappearing beach?

    Anonymous said...

    It's a national park, I doubt they would allow anyone to take the sand.

    *Pets are prohibited in the entire Virginia portion of Assateague Island, even in your car. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service manages nearly all of the land area on the Virginia portion of Assateague Island as a National Wildlife Refuge.

    Anonymous said...

    The visitor center has been moved 3 times westward.