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Monday, May 16, 2011

Busch Predicts First-Rate Gerrymander for Maryland

Maryland House of Delegates Speaker Michael Busch predicts Frederick County will be "cobalt blue" after state redistricting lines are drawn in time for the 2014 election.

Busch, a Democrat, said he expectsFrederick County will have one Democratic senator and three Democratic delegates by the time redistricting is complete. He was speaking at the Frederick County Democratic Party's annual Jefferson-Jackson Day dinner Thursday evening at Ceresville Mansion.

Currently, only one Democratic senator, Ron Young, and one Democratic delegate, Galen Clagett, serve in the eight-personFrederick County delegation to Annapolis.

"We will have a senator and three delegates that are cobalt blue, and they are going to be the future of this area," Busch said.



Anonymous said...

wait, isnt gerrymandering illegal?

Anonymous said...

Imagine the howling from the commie lefties if a republican had said this?!

I can see it now...if rolls were reversed...

Annie Linsky and the other screaming democrat syncophant reporters from the Baltimore Sun would be in full on, non shaven, no deodorant, sensible shoe wearing, softball playing, wailing banshee mode.

Then of course, our own Daily Basset Mouthpiece Times would write 10 front page hit pieces on Republicans and then be fair

would include a letter to the editor on Saturday buried in the walmart advertisemnt in favor of the statement.

The leftie double standard is alive and well, had enough yet Demarva?

Because you are about to be carved up like a Christmas Turkey for redistricting.