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Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Will Criminals Walk Because Of Corrupt Cops?

WASHINGTON (WUSA) -- The four Metropolitan Police Department officers charged with corruption last weekend may never be able to testify in cases they have prepared against other suspected criminals, potentially allowing those criminal defendants to go free.

"Obviously, every case involving these officers will be looked at, and ate those cases in jeopardy? They absolutely are," said Police Chief Cathy Lanier.

"How many," asked reporters.

"I don't know," she said.

"Prosecutors will not be able to call these officers as witnesses in each case where these officers charged anybody," predicted veteran Maryland defense attorney Paul Mack.

"These officers' credibility is an issue in every case," Mack told 9News Now.

"I would think they are going to have to throw out a fair amount of cases, probably most cases that these officers were involved with," Mack said.



Anonymous said...

Looks like the foxes are guarding the henhouse.

Anonymous said...

That's how it is. Corruption runs rampant throughout our countries police/sheriff/DEA/ATF(etc etc etc) departments. Thousands of examples. Just like 841 said, the foxes guarding the henhouse.

lmclain said...

How come every time a cop shoots an unarmed citizen in the back, shakes down citizens for bribes and kickbacks, beats up or kills innocent people, robs a bank, sells drugs, acts as an enforcer for drug dealers (I don't have enough time for the complete list), we always get the "one bad apple" story from the powers that be? Thats if we get a story at all. Usually, our public masters don't feel the need to explain anything to the peasants. Protectin' and servin'....more like protecting their own and serving US up on a platter.