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Wednesday, March 09, 2011

European Left Is Fragmenting As The Right Is Unifying

Social democratic parties across Europe are losing elections on an "unprecedented scale", according to former foreign secretary David Miliband.

He said the parties were "fragmenting as the right is unifying". He named six countries – Britain, Sweden, Germany, France, Holland and Italy – that he said had a "good claim to represent the historic heartland of European social democracy", but that are no longer run by the center-left.

In a speech to the London School of Economics on Tuesday, Miliband called for social democratic parties in those countries to try to regain ground by focusing on wealth creation and greater control of privatized utilities.

"Not since the first world war has there been this kind of domination from the right. The whole era of democratic suffrage," said Miliband.

He added: "Left parties are losing elections more comprehensively than ever before. They are losing from government and from opposition; they are losing in majoritarian systems and PR systems.

"Just for good measure, they are losing whatever position the party had on the Iraq war and they are fragmenting at just the time the right is uniting."

More here


lmclain said...

The reason is simple and is being illustrated in this country (and around the Western world). The government has no money. Period. The ONLY money they (the government) have is money they TAKE from productive entities (citizens and businesses). And then GIVE to non-productive entities. Soon, however, the promises exceed the government's ability to deliver. Then the REAL pain begins. Even the beneficiaries of these inflated promises start to feel the pinch when benefits are reduced or cut and the crying and disillusionment sets in. Asking the government to stop spending money is like asking a crackhead to stop hittin' the bowl. They may want to, and know they have to, but just can't seem to find the will. Buy guns and ammo. Change is on the way.

Anonymous said...

The same thing is happening here, but the MSM will not report it. The left is imploding and desparately trying to hold on to their power, but the people aren't quite as stupid as they thought we were. If they had waited another 10 years, they would have had society dumbed down enough (via public education and state run media) to allow them to do whatever they want. They had to move now while they had a communist liar in chief and congress, and (unfortunatley for them) there are still enough of us old schoolers around who can still read the writing on the wall. They have exposed themselves for who they really are and that will be their undoing.