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Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Gay Marriage Update Exclusive

  • On Wednesday morning, the House began the debate on Senate Bill 116 which seeks to legalize gay marriage. This was the Second Reading of this bill and this is the time when the House offers and debates amendments to a bill. Several amendments were offered by both sides of the aisle. They addressed the following areas of concern:
  1. Amendment 1 (543121/1) would address certain religious exemptions for adoption services and social service programs. It was simple and would have recognized the need for these objections for deeply held convictions. It was defeated on a vote of 58/79;
  2. Amendment 2 (483026/1) would have provided for exemptions for religious held convictions as pertaining to training by teachers and participation by students in K-12 public school programs. This would address homosexual sex education and make provision for teachers, parents, and students not to participate in this type of training. It was voted down 54/86;
  3. Amendment 3 (873228/1) would simply change the title of the bill to the “Same Sex Marriage Act” as opposed to its present title (Civil Marriage Protection Act). It was argued that the name was very deceiving and would continue to misdirect people when the bill goes to referendum. This amendment was defeated 52/85; and
  4. Amendment 4 (223923/1) was offered by a democrat member and would require a statewide referendum be conducted prior to the law taking effect. This reasonable attempt was also shot down on a tight vote with a couple of democrats speaking out on the floor. The vote was 63/72.
With these amendment defeats, the bill remains intact and will next appear for Third Reader and a final vote. I must say I was very disappointed, particularly with the failure of amendments 3 and 4. The House is clearly divided and I have never seen good legislation pass under these circumstances. Clearly the ruling party’s leadership had been whipping their caucus and twisting arms to secure these votes. On the amendment votes, many of the delegates chose not to even vote! That was more shocking that all the rest. What a colossal failure of courage and conviction. This same legislative body debated slots and agreed to let the people decide “this monumental issue”, and then fails to think the people of Maryland should weigh in on the definition of “marriage”? What an outrage!

The final outcome remains unknown and both sides are working hard. As a result, I strongly encourage citizens to participate in the process with a focus on the House Democrats. You can hear the debate in full at:


lmclain said...

You mean these greaseball politicians, whom we elected to represent us (with voting on bills a big part of that job) coodse NOT TO VOTE? I they still get a full paycheck? Do your job. Don't leave the state because you will lose a vote. Don't abdicate your responsibility because the voting may not go your way. Resign. Oh, my bad. THAT would be the honorable thing to do. And as we are constantly reminded, politicians have no honor, no integrity, no morals (except bad ones), and no shame. They DO have great pay, fantastic benefits and a cushy job. I just bought another hundred rounds of "education"....

Anonymous said...

If gay marriage goes to referendum, here are some other personal lifestyles that should go to referendum as well:
1) Illegitimate children
2) Divorce
3) Interracial relationships
4) Relationships/Marriages with more than 10 years in age difference
5) Jewish and Christian marriages

Gay people don't try to change your lifestyle, so what gives you the right to control theirs? When did God decide to let you play him? And when have you been physically harmed by gay people? And how will their marriage affect your life? And no, the disturbing thought doesn't count.

Ironshire said...

If I wrote that 7:58 PM message, I'd only sign it "Anonymous" too. Coward!

Craig Theobald

Cathy said...

i did not write the 7:58 PM message but i agree. if you don't support same sex marriage, then don't marry a person that's your same sex. but don't try to make that decision for someone else.

Anonymous said...

Well if that bill gets in then Maryland needs to change their laws, all their laws in the sex area.

No Oral sex, No sodomy... Its on the books all, and please, please tell me how gays can get married and not accomplish this. Yes others do that are not Gay you are right but either way its on the books and not enforced.

Imagine, if we enforced the old laws on the books, just maybe we would have a better, more moral group of people... Nah, I am sure the Democrats that took over the teaching institute to make our kids think everything is wrong and be a tree hugger.

Unknown said...

Some of our old school laws are ridiculous just like the ones you listed. Like being able to pee on your car wheel as long as one hand is touching the car. I mean come on. Also, I wrote 7:58. I'm not ashamed of it either. Half the people that comment on not wanting gay marriage are divorced themselves. Now tell me exactly how gay marriage is ruining the sanctity of marriage when the majority of heterosexuals are on their 2nd, 3rd, or 4th marriages! The religious seem to want to hold onto this one "sin" as worse than the rest. If you read what you preach, it clearly states that no sin is worse than the other. So once divorce is illegal and having sex before marriage illegal, you can then tell gay people that they can't get married. Oh while you're at it, make lying illegal, and gambling, and drinking liquids made from grapes, and buying more than what you need. Those are all listed in the Bible as sins.......

Anonymous said...

Well said Justin!

Anonymous said...

Put the issue to state wide referendum. If the issue is morally and politically acceptable to the majority, then have at it. If you cannot win the acceptance of the majority of the voters, then don't expect the majority of people to accept your "lifestyle". Many, many people can and do accept homosexuals. I think most do. However, many people also consider it to be immoral, perverse, strange, and a biological dead-end. They accept it, but don't agree with it. And don't have to....which is their right. Just as it is YOUR right to advocate for it. Many reasonable people regard gay marriage as an "in your face" we're queer and we're here affront. It seems that those advocatiing for gay marriage believe they are somehow morally superior or wiser and more socially advanced than those who oppose it. There are some who think bestiality should be acceptable behavior, or bigamy, or polygamy, or sex with 15 year old kids, or that cocaine should be legalized. Society has, as a whole, disapproved and that IS as it should be....if your behavior offends the majority of the populace, then what right do you have to force it upon them? Because YOU want it? Because YOU like it? Thats NOT how it works in this country. so. Put it to a vote and let society decide. Or is that too much to ask?

Unknown said...

Who said anything about forcing it upon people? If you saw one gay person walking down the street dressed in business work attire and you didn't talk to him/her how would you know they were gay? If you saw a man sitting across the room from you with a ring on his left hand, how would you know if he was a straight married person or a gay married person; you wouldn't. Also, how are gay people supposedly acting as though they are superior to straight people, when they are merely trying to get the civil right that most people get everyday. They can't be superior when they're being treated like second class citizens. Also, just because you don't agree with someone doesn't mean that you get to lend a hand in how they live their lives. I don't believe women should have children before they are married, as do many people, but we're not voting on how to stop them from having children. Again, gay marriage is not being forced upon anyone. You don't have to go to the wedding so how is it affecting you? You're also forgetting a key point about the gay marriage argument. It is necessary that the legal rights that come with marriages that civil unions don't offer be given to gay people. Anyway, when it comes down to it and the law is approved I'll make sure the first gay person I know that gets married sends you an invite!

Anonymous said...

11:41pm PUT Very, Very well. Rosie and all the other ones try to shove it down our throats. If they would just go through their life, say hey it is what it is. No when they decide to "Come Out" it means I am who I am and legally You have to except it. Dont pick on me for being inmoral, its against the law....

Anonymous said...

1st, it's "immoral". Gay people accept that you're straight everyday, so why don't you give them the same courtesy. According to the Bible, debating is immoral, so I guess you're in the same boat as all the gay people. And yes, bullying should be against the law. Finally, I want to know who shoves it down your throat. You most likely watch Fox News and I KNOW they are not discussing it. Unless, maybe, you sit and watch Rosie. Is there something that you need to "come out" with?