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Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Md. Bill Would Have Breathalyzers On All Drunk Drivers' Cars

ANNAPOLIS, Md. -- Maryland legislators are considering a bill that would enforce stricter penalties on first-offense drunk drivers, including potentially a breath test every time they want to drive.
Through the Drunk Driving Elimination Act, first offenders would have to pay to have an ignition interlock device installed on their cars, which they would have to blow into to drive.
Supporters of the act say the devices are absolutely necessary.



lmclain said...

After this bill, maybe they could make a device that automatically fines you when you change lanes without a turn signal, shut your engine off if you exceed the speed limit, fine you if you don't check the rear view mirror every 10 seconds, and automatically take your fingerprints and DNA sample everytime you touch the steering wheel, to be forwarded to the police for cross checking against their databases. Forget about creating jobs, or stimulating the economy, or improving the educational opportunities for Maryland citizens, THIS is the stuff citizens dearly want and need!!

Sgt USMC said...

Wow, it never ceases to amaze me the things people will complain about. Imclain, you are correct there are many things wrong with the economy, education system, and so on, however are you really complaining about a modification of a law to fight one of the highest causes of Auto accident fatalities? And your stab at the police invasion of personal freedoms? That freedom ends when you put other people's freedoms in jeopardy. If you are stupid enough to get behind the wheel when you are intoxicated, you surrender your right to privacy with respect to your driving. Which freedom would this breathilyzer violate? The personal freedom to kill innocent people on the roadways? Rediculous.

Anonymous said...

Hey Imclain...if I were you I won't leave the house...sounds like THEY are out to get you.

lmclain said...

2:07....I don't have aproblem prosecuting drunk drivers. I don't want them on the road either. But when the state gets SERIOUS about preventing it, instead of milking the crime for all the MONEY they can make, then I'll be more inclined to support it. I'd be willing to bet that one or more of these sleazebag politicians has relative in the business of making these machines. Further, I would point out that in this county (wicomico) it is the GOVERNMENT selling liquor. Doesn't that seem a bit odd to you? And I didn't say it (the devices) violated ANY "rights". I merely said there are BETTER and MORE IMPORTANT issue for these scum to deal with. and 4:01....sounds like you failed your high school psychology class --- I didn't see any "paranoia" indications in my post. Merely a disgust with these "leaders", mixed in a bit of sarcasm.

Anonymous said...

Please forgive me, Imclain, I'm an idiot and a fool. Reading your posts, leaves one to believe you have anger management problems.

lmclain said...

lol... You're forgiven...thanks for the evaluation....