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Wednesday, March 09, 2011

The GOP Takes Its War On Women To The States

In 1992, the Supreme Court, in Planned Parenthood v. Casey, upheld women’s constitutional right to abortion services, but allowed certain leeway in placing restrictions on access to reproductive healthcare. Since then, right-wing politicians have increasingly pushed through state laws meant to chip away at the right to choose and undermine the protections of Roe v. Wade. These state-level draconian proposals are intended to cripple the ability of women to access reproductive health services. Burdensome waiting periods and parental notification requirements have been passed throughout the country, and now anti-choice activists are increasingly turning to new ways to undercut women’s healthcare and constitutionally protected liberties.

Following the 2010 elections, more state legislatures have become hostile to choice. Their efforts to undermine reproductive rights include ultrasound requirements that impose callous and cruel psychological pressure on women who have made the decision to terminate their pregnancies; targeted restrictions on abortion providers (TRAP laws), which levy unnecessary regulations against clinics that could force many to close; and constraints on abortions supposedly sought because of the “race and gender” of the fetus. Some states are even considering legislation that could legalize the murderof abortion providers.


Anonymous said...

oh jeez, such draconian laws like parental notification requirements. Sorry, if any underage person has to have such a serious procedure done, parental notification is a must. Sorry loony libs, quit fanning the flaming rhetoric. Debate with fact, not conjecture.

D. D. Crabb said...

Leftist propaganda.

Conservatives are trying to stop people from murdering babies.
How is that a 'War on Women'?

If the woman can't stand to see an ultrasound of the baby she is about to kill, what does that say? If she sees the 'blob of fetal tissue' sucking its thumb, is it callous and cruel to put her through that?

We wouldn't want anyone murdering a baby to feel uncomfortable about it. That is, after all, their 'reproductive right', isn't it?

lmclain said...

When I see more "right to life" advocates willing to adopt children or do anything other than force their pious religious beliefs down the throats of others, then I will give more weight to their viewpoint. Men also have NO idea what its like to be pregnant with no options and no ability to support the child (ah yes, you pious do gooders, accidents DO happen).Personally, I am against abortion, too. I will, however, let my God be the judge of those women who face that decision. But I suppose when your life is so good and secure, you can't imagine what its like to even have to considetr that option. Believe this -- very few women don't have the motherly instinct that tears at their very soul when faced with that gut wrenching choice. I've known a few women who've had abotions. It scars them for life and is a psychological pain that never leaves them. But, usually, the holier than thou folks who NEVER sin or have to decide between groceries and rent, well, just live your life the way THEY think is best. Just don't ask them for help and don't ask them to adopt. Might interfere with their next vacation to Italy.

Anonymous said...

You know-- it seems like this discussion is always predicated on the assumption that there's nothing wrong with people having sex with whomever they want, whenever they want, and the only issue is what to do with all the babies that result.

There is a moral question there-- and it's one that, if addressed properly, would eliminate the other problem.

Sorry you hate Christians so much, lmclain. But we aren't generally the ones who are going around cranking out all these children, then dumping them on society to feed, clothe and shelter.
And murdering them is certainly not the solution.
There are many logical reasons why you should abstain from sex until you're married and ready to raise a family. (That is, after all, what it is for..)
All you have to do is look at the society we live in today, and they will be glaringly obvious.
Nobody is judging anybody here.
But we're drowning in debt, and a lot of it is coming from having to support so many illegitimate children (for most of their lives).