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Friday, January 07, 2011

Joel Dixon And Gordy Connection

Dixon drove all the way down to North Carolina for Jeremy Gordy's graduation from a fire academy as seen in the dress uniform picture. Only a close friend would do that.


Anonymous said...

Joe, may I please ask why this is relevant? Who cares? Oh wait, could it be that you're not a Gordy fan and Dixon wants to be involved with local politics so you're going to do the right thing and crucify him for a friendship? Please explain.

Name said...

No, Joel was in N C on vacation. His vacation spot was close to the fire academy. Only you - and the other Jeremy smearers could turn facts around to suit your purpose. Perhaps it would be in everyones best interest to verify the picture was actually taken in N C. Often gossip is never as others wish it to appear.

Anonymous said...

Joe, are you aware that another one of Joel's close friends - Jon Horner - lives in Greensboro, NC as well? Also, who cares if he is friends with Gordy? That in no way affects his ability to work for the city.

Anonymous said...

How is a relationship with Gordy relevant to Salisbury Council and politics? It's not. Someone in the FD is obviously using Joe and this blog for their personal enjoyment and attack at Joel. Why don't you fight fair and find out what Joel is all about instead of listing a bunch of BS from someone who clearly has personal issues with Joel within the FD. You're trying to smear his name before you've even had a chance to figure out who he is and what he's about.

Anonymous said...

A candidate's relationship with a known criminal is important. It also ties Bill Gordy into his campaign and we all know he has his agenda. You are judged by the company you keep.

Anonymous said...

What has Gordy done that is criminal? Was is anything Serious?

Anonymous said...

I find it unbelievable that this man is away for National Guard Military training this week and people are spewing hogwash all over this blog. He has served not only the nation by being deployed to Iraq but also was activated by the National Guard last year during the snow storms. He is serving his time to help and make a difference and now he's stepping up to serve the citizens in Salisbury again and some anonymous commenters are assuming his motives. Joel has been a victim of the gangsters and theives that run this city. Have any of you thought for a second that he too is just as fed up with the way this city has been ran into the ground over the past few years? By Joel's track record/accomplishments I think it's obvious he can get things accomplished- which is more than anyone can say for ANY of those serving on the coucil to date. I looked up Jeremy Gordy's name under the court case search- traffic violations. If there are any serious voters out there, I ask that you do some research and make your own decision. Joel posted his contact information yesterday in the email Joe posted. I'd encourage anyone to contact him.

Anonymous said...

Good Luck to Jeremy and his new job!


Anonymous said...

Eagle Scout, military, sounds good, but he hasn't been engaged locally to indicate where he would fall on important issues. He hasn't spoken at public hearings on the budget, tax increases, increased funding for police, or other issues. He could do just like Louise and say ne thing and do another. If he's serious about public office, I hope that he will become visible in the future and run at a later date. I am also concerned about the fire dept. tie since it is time to stop the fire extravagance and fund police at the required levels.

Anonymous said...

on vacation? so he just happen to bring his uniform? lol either way that is a good friend. spd should do the same when their recruits finish the academy.

Anonymous said...

People of Salisbury never cease to amaze me.... all complaining about the council and mayor, then when someone new and younger wants to get involved, they crucify him. How much experience is needed to be Salisbury City Council member? Heck he's not running for President, but then again, bad example, our current President doesn't have a great deal of experience either.

Anonymous said...

Bird of the feather.....Jermey was run out of his family business by his father because he was caught screwing off over and over. He all of a sudden lands with a job at Greensboro FD even though he has had his driver's license suspended twice for non-appearance (father posted bond for him) and has an under age alcohol consumption conviction. When he left we was on a 30 day suspension at the Salisbury for insubordination. Then there are all the stories about stolen equipment and gasoline. This is just more of the old boy network.

Anonymous said...

Knock it off!
Some of you must surely have a friend. Hopefully, their association with you won't ruin their career or life.

Anonymous said...

DARN, They are so young I think Im getting older. You are older you darn crazy fool. Leave him alone or come out and wipe the floor with you. All at the same time, o-dear.

Anonymous said...

Joe, you've shown your feathers. You always preach about community involvement, and this kid has stepped up and thrown his hat in the ring. He has more credentials than most....

But oh no you have a picture of two firefighters standing next to each other!!! You know what that proves Joe? Nothing. Quit smearing Dixon's good name.

Anonymous said...

Good, he has friends. You may run out of them.

Anonymous said...

bad example, our current President doesn't have a great deal of experience either.

1:18 PM

Doesn't that you something?

Everyone wanted a fresh face. Hope and change. See where that got us? And you and others want us to repeat that mistake?

Desire does not equal ability.

Anonymous said...

4:35 PM
He has more credentials than most....

Oh please. He was an eagle scout, he was in the army, he is a fire fighter. He has voted since he was 18.

Did I miss anything?

He has a right to run for office if he chooses. We have the right to vote for who we think will be able to do the job.

We have a DUTY to find out all we can about the candidates before we cast our vote.

Besides being young, the 'qualifications' he listed and his desire to be a councilman, what does he bring to the table?

Being 'no worse than the other councilpersons we already have',is not a qualification. It's more of a red flag than anything else.

Go ahead and run for office if you wish Mr. Dixon. Be prepared to be examined to find out if you're worthy to be elected.

That is not a 'smear'. That is the way things are done. Good luck to you sir.

Anonymous said...

He won't get my vote. He's a joke to even think about running. Surely we can find someone better than him. This is even stupid to be a discussion.

Anonymous said...

was he even born here or is he a come here? let's see his birth certificate! How about his school transcripts? Who's been paying for his schooling? What about his family members any of them born on the eastern shore or did they come here illegally? Dig deeper Joe!

Anonymous said...

Joe this is good stuff and you need to keep on top of it. Personally I don't think this guy has a chance in hell of getting elected, but then again I felt the same about Comegys. This is Salisbury and it is ran by the slum lords. There is no question about it, this guy is a trouble maker and a good friend of the Gordy's which is trouble in itself. If Gordo can get another of his pawns on the City council then he has it made. It's bad enough that the new chief and Gordy are now friends so the City is stuck with the same ole same ole in the fire department.

Anonymous said...

11:41 What are you smokin or are you his mother or something? Those who know him, know he's spoiled. He's immature. Didn't he take the unauthorized joy ride with the new Engine a while ago? HE has 0 business experience. Credentials? Cub scouts!(Sorry, just joking) Are you kidding me? Iraq. Yes he was there, ok! Does being there make him a ribboned hero or something? There are thousands of vets who have medals that make them heros but the Iraq address does not give him any more credential than being stationed at Ft. Bragg. Nice try Joel. Get a seasoned person who knows something about something!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Joe, you've shown your feathers. You always preach about community involvement, and this kid has stepped up and thrown his hat in the ring. He has more credentials than most....

But oh no you have a picture of two firefighters standing next to each other!!! You know what that proves Joe? Nothing. Quit smearing Dixon's good name.

4:35 PM

Joel Dixon does not have a good name. He is not liked by the majority of the volunteers in the Salisbury Fire Department and none of the career firefighters, NONE! He made his bed and now he needs to sleep in it. This guy is not a quality candidate for any position in the City of Salisbury.

Anonymous said...

I heard Bill Gordy was going to be his campaign manager just like he was for Gary Comegys.

Anonymous said...

Well I just looked at that fat man's blog and it just confirmed for me that Dixon, Comegys, Smith and the Gordy's are connected. Anyone that the fat man defends and attacks Joe Albero over is proof enough for me.

I think it would be in Mr. Dixon's best interest to save that $15 filing fee.

Anonymous said...

5:10 PM

No, he NEEDS to run. It would be better for him to get his wake up call now while he is still young.

There aren't THAT many stupid people on the shore to elect an admittedly under qualified person to office.

Salisbury needs a serious and qualified person elected to get a handle on things in that town. They thought they had one last election but were fooled. Hopefully they will be wiser this time around.