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Friday, January 07, 2011

The "Undo Everything" Congress Begins With Health Care

Did you think that, having regained control of the House, the GOP will stop being the "party of No" and start governing, or at least doing something about the challenges facing the country? Think again.

The 112th Congress will not be the "Do Something" Congress that the 111th was. It would be a relief if this turned out to be the "Do Nothing" Congress that the new House "one-week-off-for-every-two-weeks-worked" schedule suggests. Instead, it's already shaping up to be the "Undo Everything" Congress, working hard to rewind the clock to 2008 or earlier.

Topping the GOP's "undo list" — right after investigating the New Black Panther Party and asking business which reforms to repeal — is health care reform.

When it comes to health care reform, the "Undo Everything" Congress is still the "Party of No," or — to borrow from John "It's My Party and I'll Cry if I Want To" Boehner — the party of "Hell no you can't!" The problem is, the GOP is hell-bent on saying "no" to the very reforms to which Americans keep saying "yes."

GO HERE to read more.


Anonymous said...

The undo government intrusion congress.

Anonymous said...

Americans agree with most of the provisions. So instead of truly arguing the merits, Republicans screamed "death panel" and "gov. takeover" to help them regain power. Problem is the American people get stuck with an inperfect bill largely crafted by one side without the constructive input of a informed oppposition.

dogg said...

Right from this author's first words I knew I heard an echo. The echo of Terrance's head shoved so far up Obama's.....well you know where I am going with this.

This guy needs to check the facts he spouts before trying to disseminate them. He may also want to find some relatively up to date information and not rely on facts that are at least half a year old.

Wow...what a bumbling idiot.


Anonymous said...

The famous quote " We must pass it to see whats in it " this is truly scary! I want the governments hands off my health care!

Anonymous said...

The Republicans don't want to consider the CBO's numbers on how much repeal will add to the deficit. This is a nonpartisan group, people; why don't you listen? Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Alex said...

Mayne if Boehner starts crying, then everything will be great.

Anonymous said...

8:49, but I bet you want your Medicare!

Anonymous said...

8:50 they only love to quote teh CBO when the numbers work their way.

Anonymous said...

the only reason the CBO numbers are what they are is cause the government will be collecting taxes ie fines before ever having to pay out any moneies. Once the government has to start paying do you really think those numbers issued by the CBO are legit? As with any government program those numbers will be just the tip of the iceberg. Better to starve this beast to death now, then waiting till later when it will never happen!

Anonymous said...

The CBO numbers are BS they can only estimate whats known they cannot predict the future. and 9:24 why don't you grow up and take responsibility for your own life and quit waiting on the government to take care of you.

Anonymous said...

It's proven fact when people become reliant on government they forget how to do for themselves and condemning themselves to a life dependent on government just look at what welfare has done to generations of families.

Anonymous said...

9:40, I am 9:24. I'm sure I'm older than you, have no debt other than my mortgage and have always paid my own way. So stop making assumptions; it makes you look foolish. My comment was intended for those who want what they already have, but don't want anyone else to share in the benefits. I want affordable health care for all those who can't afford what I have and what our government officials have. And in my book, that is being a grownup.

Anonymous said...

I hope they will continue to be the party of no..

No to Obama care
No to higher taxes
No to cap and trade
No to card check

The list goes on. JUST SAY NO!

Anonymous said...

10:33 We all want affordable health care! The main reason it's so expensive is because of malpractice insurance which Bush tried to deal with but was blacked by Democrats. Now you want 100% government care what do you think that will do to quality?

Anonymous said...

Nothing about the health care program is "100% govt run health care". They didnt include the public option. You are still sending your check to a private health care company not the government.

10:33 said...

I don't want 100% government anything. If I can continue to afford my health care, then that's exactly what I'll do. I just would like to see those without care be able to have it. And if that means with government help, I am all for it. I want insurance companies to have to accept me as a former cancer patient. I want my niece to be able to change jobs without losing coverage for her baby who was born with one kidney. Before the Health Care bill, she could not get insurance for her baby if she changed jobs. Is that really so much to ask? Come on, people, where is your sense of compassion for your fellow man? If those of us who "have" can't help those of us who don't, then what good are any of us? I want my government to help!