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Friday, January 07, 2011


The vessel used in crossing the Wicomico River at Upper Ferry is out of service due to a damaged prop.

Officials at Wicomico County Roads said that the ferry may be closed until Tuesday but that “every effort will be made to return the ferry to service as soon as possible.”

Ferry service at Whitehaven is unaffected.


Anonymous said...

It was closed alot in the last 2 weeks for "equipment repair"

Anonymous said...

Mr. Pollitt keeps it closed more time then it's open.

Anonymous said...

You can thank Mr. Pollitt for keeping the ferry open when budget cutters have called for it to be closed.

Anonymous said...

Time to get it over with and finally build a bridge. It'd cut down dramatically the traffic on Nanticoke/Pemberton/etc. A permanent solution for a permanent problem.

Anonymous said...

11:02, how do you suggest we come up with 30 million dollars and the permits from MDE? Please respond. Also, anyone who relies on a Ferry for transportation is an idiot.

Anonymous said...

people need to call the ferry hotline before they rely on the ferries. the ferries need to be overhauled they need a lot of repairs. people think the ferries can run all the time. last week they were closed because of ice in the river. whitehaven tried hit the ice and damaged the prop on friday and had to closed until monday. to me the ferries need to close they cost too much money to run and only benefit people on the east side of the county

Anonymous said...

I use the ferry alot and trust me there is one operator that probably causes alot of the problems. And Mr Pollitt, you need to re evaluate the times. How do you figure closing it at 5:30 helps anyone. I would rather it close all day on Sun and let it run later on the other days. And if you really want to save budget cuts get rid of your mouthpiece Mr F.

Anonymous said...

10pm You got that wrong. I remember Pollitt is the one who wanted it cut and the county council are the ones who advocated to keep it open.

Anonymous said...

They should have instituted jet type propulsion system.

Prop driven is a thing of the past - especially for ferry service. Jet propulsion is also much safer as there is no prop.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why they just don't get a team of mules and dangle a carrot in front to pull the ferry.

Environmentally - it is much better. The only CO2 emissions is what is exhausted out of their rear ends.

Anonymous said...

8:33, YOU are wrong. Pollitt has said all along he might have to close the ferries, but it would be a last resort. He is a champion of the ferries. I have spoken with him about it personally.

Anonymous said...

1:09 if he is a "champion of the ferries" then why doesn't he have it open later so it is usefull to people in the pm after work?

Anonymous said...

3:14, what about the people like me that use it in the morning BEFORE work? Everyone of you complaining about the hours cut because of lack of funds, are probably the ones screaming about taxes.