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Friday, January 07, 2011

2013 T-Shirt


Anonymous said...

I have to get one of those

Anonymous said...

Where can you buy those shirts?

Anonymous said...

That is great! Please hook us up with an address to buy one.

Anonymous said...

Don't like Obama? Great. But argue your case based on the FACTS. Not a bunch of hogwash and halftruths routinely spouted by people who either want to profit off of your viewership or gain more power.

Anonymous said...

9:58 Pick something the Obama bin lying has done right! He's a total failure!

Anonymous said...

10:02, the tax compromise kept the Bush tax rates in place (something that the right loved) and extended unemployment benefits; CBO says both items will create jobs.

-general consensus among economists is that the stimulus did indeed prevent a depression and the job outlook is looking up in 2011

-we've taken the fight to the Taliban but still maintain the ability to bring our men and women home if the Afghans don't step up

I could go on. Not to say Obama is perfect but cut the "he's a disaster" crap. Especially when if Republicans had their way, dum dum Palin would be in the White House.

Anonymous said...

He was forced into signing the tax cuts after the historic loss on November 2nd Democrats are running from him. There is no proof the stimulus did anything other than waste money.And were getting our butts kicked in Afghanistan according to the latest reports. As for Palin at least she had experience no one in the Obama administration has ever run anything and the only reason he won the election besides voter fraud was the fact he had no record! Well he has one now and it's not good!

Anonymous said...

love this shirt......

Anonymous said...

wrong, his whole platform was to keep the tax cuts, except for the rich minority.
"I haven't looked for the data" does not equal "no proof"
Seems to me the body count says different in Afghan. I guess you wanted an open-ended war that the Rep. ticket was promising.
And according to Palin's words during her interview, she would have as fighting Russia over Georgia right now. Some military genius there, even with her experience of governing a state of 10 people.

Anonymous said...

Just think of all the damage Obama could have done if he wasn't always on vacation!

Anonymous said...

12:42 You lie he ran on doing away with the Bush tax cuts, The tax on the rich is really a tax on the middle class and poor. Rich is code for business which pass it on to us. The Afghan war?, why don't you read just today's headlines and if you really feel energetic read what the generals have been saying. Palin never said she was going to wage war against Russia and as for your snide remark about governing 10 people that's still more experience then Obama had which is no surprise looking at his growing list of failures!

Anonymous said...

Michelle, get off the computer.

Anonymous said...

Obama has been an utter failure. He has not been true to his campaign planks. He waffles on nearly everything. Promised to bring troops back (not that I agreed with all) and is increasing build ups. He was to be the ECONOMIC GENIUS and has ended up being the ECONOMIC RETARD OF THE CENTURY! Especially when he ticked off the international community when he flooded new money into print after stating he wouldn't. Two major reasons he got votes. Total failure! Can't wait to vote again. He got the major minority vote last time primarily BECAUSE he was a minority. He'll still get that vote. But he won't get the transfer votes this time. The people who vote based on ideas rather than color. Didn't vote for him last time either because his ideas were bad and he was all talk and no substance.

Anonymous said...

O BTW how many of his advisers have bailed out on him? Took the fight to the Taliban? The Bushes kicked butt. Clinton sent a couple of rockets and killed a few camels. Obama made promises to just get out and isn't. He talked but when he started listening, he did the opposite. HEALTHCARE! What a JOKE! Do I need to say more????????????

Anonymous said...

I need a shirt like that to impress all my friends who have little tiny minds and drink from the fountain of stupidity.

Anonymous said...

1:44 PM

Of which I'm sure you have many. I bet you are their leader.