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Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Pentagon Report On 'Gays' Rigged?

'This is a profoundly radical experiment with the military'

– Critics are charging that the Pentagon report on repealing "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" was rigged to come to conclusions preordained by the Obama administration, which promised to lift the policy in order to attract homosexual supporters during the 2008 presidential campaign.

"That was the mandate that was given to the Department of Defense, to make that outcome occur," said retired Army Col. Dick Black.

"Can we trust the government under Obama to have asked fair questions? Not a chance," said Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans for Truth about Homosexuality. "It was a fait accompli if there ever was one. The whole project was stacked in favor of Obama's agenda. It was not a matter of 'if,' but 'how' the change should go forward. I wouldn't call the numbers trustworthy."

The "Report of the Comprehensive Review of the Issues Associated with a Repeal of 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'" is based on extensive surveys of U.S. troops.

"One hundred forty-five thousand people in uniform answered the questionnaire, and tens of thousands were reached in other ways," said Secretary of Defense Robert Gates at a Pentagon news conference yesterday.



lmclain said...

A news report this morning said hat 60% of Marine and Army combat units said that repealing "don't ask, don't tell" WOULD affect their ability to fight effectively. So, which is it? Believe what the administration says or what the troops say? One has an agenda, the other merely dies for their right to have one.

Anonymous said...

Correction, they die for the profits of international corporations

we don't need to be protected from any enemy outside our borders. Heck our borders don't even exist any more. what am i saying?

We need to be protected from our government. It is oppressive and insane.

Anonymous said...

all studies and surveys are rigged. they say the numbers dont lie, but the presentation does. THATS what makes a good salesman, politician, and other liars.

Anonymous said...

Why does a person feel the need to identify themselves by the type of sexual behavior they enjoy? What is this thinking?

I want to be a soldier. Period. End of story.

During my free time I want to play checkers, read books, and ocassionally enjoy sex with another person. Period. End of story.

Why is it necessary to elaborate about the type of sex? I just don't get it.

Anonymous said...

Bradley Manning the gay military intelligence activist who leaked classified info to Wikileaks is just one, how about a whole Army full of them.

Anonymous said...

The citizens are in more of an uproar over this than the military. Do you really think that someone who signed up to face bullets and bombs, who would leave their families to fight overseas, and risk it all are really that concerned with what someone does in their bedroom.

Anonymous said...

12:57 It's about perverted morals and being a gay activist most of which do not end up on the front line but in an office handling classified documents like the guy who leaked to Wikileaks.

Anonymous said...

Wikileaks is telling us the truth about our govenment

Anonymous said...

The report is always rigged when it doesn't go your way and the election is always stolen if you don't like the results,

Anonymous said...

3:07 Like ACORN ?

Anonymous said...

3:23 Exactly We haven't heard anything about Acorn stealing the last election because the republicans did so well. If they had not, all we would have heard was how Acorn stole the election. Since they won it is all quiet.

Anonymous said...

ACORN has been broken up for the most part there are several trials going on as we speak for voter fraud. Even though they still exist they are very afraid to operate in the unscrupulous manner that they and the Democrat party have grown used to operating under. The Republican party and the TEA party won because they had more disgruntled voters then ACORN had fakes.

Anonymous said...

7:07 It's the Democrats who scream when they lose an election Republicans just catch Democrats cheating. The whole reason you could never accept Bush was of the exuberant amount of voter fraud committed by the left and Bush still won so their for in your mind he must have cheated. I know it sounds strange but liberalism has been diagnosed a mental illness.

Anonymous said...

It is time to come to terms with the Constitutional rights that are guaranteed to all citizens. Gays should have the same privilege of serving their country as anyone else. I like the comments of 11:43. Why should one's sexual orientation matter? Of those who say that gays have an agenda, l ask what "agenda?" Right now thousands of gays are serving our country, doing their duties just as non-gays are doing. They have no interest in "putting the make on" their fellow servicemen. They're there to do a job. Whatever they do on their off-hours should have no bearing on their right to serve. We now realize how wrong it was to segregate people of color in the Armed Forces. It's time now to lift the barriers for gays.

And, no, I'm not a flaming liberal. I'm a straight Republican.

Anonymous said...

1:38, huh? The the wikileaks guy was also white. By your logic, maybe we shouldn't allow any white guys to handle classified documents.