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Friday, October 15, 2010

Schools Ban 'Boobies' Cancer Bracelet

'A lot of kids don't want to do pink ribbons,' nonprofit says

A $4 rubber bracelet meant to raise breast cancer awareness has done that and more: Students nationwide are wearing the "I (heart) boobies" wristbands, and running afoul of school administrators.

Schools from California to Florida have banned the bracelets because they believe the "boobies" language is inappropriate.

The bracelets are marketed by a California-based nonprofit created to raise breast cancer awareness among youth. The Keep A Breast Foundation has sold 2 million of the bracelets so far, with the money going to breast cancer research and education programs.

GO HERE to read more.


Anonymous said...

Please! If it was any other cancer there would be no problem. But it shows where their minds are. God bless the La Leche League.

Anonymous said...

myself, and my daughter (who is 13) both wear ours! Look at how much $$$ they have raised, that is amazing!

Kim said...

Last year it was the girls with the "Save the Ta-Tas" T-Shirts. The point is to raise awareness. I guess if it said "breast" they would complain too!

Anonymous said...

Boobies inappropriate? Apparently they haven't walked the halls and heard the really inappropriate language. I would say "boobies" is the least offensive language being said...

Anonymous said...

My 13 yr old daughter has two of these! I love them! As a woman who has 3 family members who have had breast cancer... I have no problem with her wearing them!

A Little Of A Lot said...

My 13 y/o son wears them, I'll admit that to start with I had a bit of an issue with it, I assumed he was just being a 'typical' teen boy and making fun of the wordage, when I asked him why he thought they were appropriate to wear he told me "Mom, they support The Keep A Breast foundation, they raise money for Breast Cancer awareness" My own mother died from inflammatory breast cancer ( a more rare form of breast cancer that is also far more aggressive and on a whole affects younger women) had she been more knowledgeable about it she may be here today.
Last week I saw that they have a couple of other styles and girls are wearing them as well as boys, it's raising awareness at a younger age, don't we want that ? Don't we want our young women to be aware of breast cancer and not ashamed to do their own breast exams and don't we want our young men to grow up more knowledgeable about breast cancer in order to be a better support system for the women in their lives ?
Yes, the word 'Boobies' seems a little immature but if it's a word that attracts the younger crowd and brings in awareness then I am all for it.

Anonymous said...

how far are we going to push this? when they came out with "save the ta-tas" i was offended then. do we keep pushing to "save the titties"? when does mens health come in there? "save the D...ks?" see? just one step closer each time in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

I am a young adult female who works in a high school, and I find them offensive. No matter how much male students can spout the actual meaning of the bracelet, I can tell you for certain that it is a distraction in school. I agree with 3:47. Next thing you know it will be the "save the d-cks" from the "prostate cancer foundation..." In this case the slippery-slope argument runs true.

Anonymous said...

That's the point of the get people's attention - on breast cancer. If people would just stop overthinking the verbage and not make a big deal of it, the bracelets or t-shirts would not be an issue. They would simply raise awareness and funds for a great cause. We really need to choose our battles with young people, and this should not be one of them. For whatever reason they choose to buy and wear them, I think it's great!