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Monday, October 18, 2010

Christine O'Donnell

Mr. Joe Albero,
As you well know, I'm an avid reader of Salisbury News, you know all to well I find what you report to be accurate and for the betterment of Salisbury, Wicomico, Maryland, and the State of Delaware.
I was born and raised in Salisbury, I moved to Wilmington, Delaware three years ago.
I've always followed politics, and now with the race between Mr. Chris Coons and Ms. Christine O'Donnell, I found myself writing you this.
On October 12, 2010 I organized a candle light vigil at Dravo Plaza on the Riverfront in Wilmington, Delaware.  This vigil was to remember the recent deaths attributed to suicide in the last 6 weeks due to harassment and bullying.  As has been reported in all media outlets, several teenagers who were perceived homosexuals or out homosexuals committed suicide after bullying in school. 
In emails sent to Christine O'Donnell's campaign I invited her to attend this candle light vigil.  I made it clear in the invitation that I was not asking her to advocate for gay rights.  I made it clear that I was asking her to take a stand against bullying.  To make it clear that we cannot stand for bullying that is killing American teenagers.  Although we did recognize those gay teens who committed suicide I made sure that people from any background knew where to get help if they were suicidal. 
This is the email that I sent to Ms. O'Donnell.  I sent this letter to all the email addresses listed on her campaign website on a numerous number of occasions.  Not only did she neglect to attend but she didn't even respond.  Ms. O'Donnell did not respond nor did anyone from her campaign. 

Ms. Christine O'Donnell:
My name is Ryan Stevenson, I would like to cordially invite you to a candle light vigil on October 12, 2010 at 7:00 PM at Dravo Plaza on the Riverfront in Wilmington, Delaware.
We are gathering to remember the teenage victims of suicide from across the county. The suicide victims we are gathering to remember were known victims of homophobic harassment.
We are requesting your attendance not because we want you to advocate for gay rights, although we wouldn't mind it either. We asking you to attend so you as a candidate for United States Congress can stand with us and make it abundantly clear that violence and bullying against any group, including the gay community, will not be tolerated on any level.
In your new ad you say you are one of us. We are anticipating a very large crowd, that shows the Delawareans are taking a stand, show Delaware that you are one of us; stand with us on Tuesday night.
I assure you as the event organizer that all participants, speakers, and attendees will be treated with respect as we will be there to remember the young lives lost this last month and to appeal to school age and college students that suicide is not the answer. You are welcome to speak as well, that is your decision.
Regardless of political views the harassment and bullying of Delaware and America's youth is not right. So I am asking you again, please stand with us on Tuesday, October 12, 2010 at 7:00 PM at Dravo Plaza on the Riverfront in Wilmington, Delaware.


Robert “Ryan” Stevenson
Event Organizer
Ms. O'Donnell did not have any events for that night listed on her campaign website.  I'm writing you this because I want to know why Ms. O'Donnell neglected to attend or respond. Why hasn't she acknowledged the crisis of bullying in schools?  Why has she not, as of yet, released a statement in relation to bullying in schools.

For the record, Mr. Chris Coons was invited and did attend.  Also in attendance was staff from Governor Jack Markell's Office and Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden's Office, we also read statements from Governor Markell, Lieutenant Governor Matthew Denn, Attorney General Beau Biden, and Wilmington Mayor James Baker.  We also had speakers from Delaware universities, Miss Wilmington America, Mr. John Brady, Delaware Clergy, and the Executive Director of the Mental Health Association of Delaware. 

This is NOT just a gay issue, I don't want people to view this as just a gay issue.  Bullying is a issue in all schools in America.  

Ms. O'Donnell, you failed the children of Delaware by not taking a stand.  Ms. O'Donnell, you failed the parents of children who are bullied by not taking a stand.  Ms. O'Donnell, you failed Delaware schools by not taking a stand.  Ms. O'Donnell, you failed the people of Delaware.

Joe, I thank you.
Ryan Stevenson


Anonymous said...

Chris Coons-

You failed all of women of Delaware by bullying Christine O'Donnell at the University of Delaware Forum in a three against one rally.

You are such a hypocrit.

Practice what you preach.

Anonymous said...

9:10? I believe it was O'Donnell who was on attack even when Coons tried to clearly state that all the media frenzy stories of witchcraft and personal finances were not issues of importance to DE voters. I guess I would get a little testy too trying to debate someone who answered questions with half-truths and false accusations.

Anonymous said...

bravo 910!

Anonymous said...

Because it is so important to, preserve the right, to look down on someone as less to make yourself feel

Anonymous said...

Like 9:10am

Anonymous said...

First of all I've never seen any event schedule on Miss O'Donnell website.
Secondly I believe the issue of school bullying should be handle on a local level if there is a problem.

Anonymous said...

She is such a wack job... She has all these viewpoints that are from decades ago. She doesn't realize that america changes as time goes on. Most of her beliefs are archaic. Just seeing how people defend her is astonishing and shows how out of touch delaware voters are. Can't wait til november so we never have to hear about this nut again!

Anonymous said...

Had there been a male at the U of D debate, Coons would have acted completely different. I saw him in action with Castle, and it was total respect. Face it, the thought that Christine is female and has the "audacity" to face him makes his little peanuts scrivel.

Anonymous said...

Oh holier than though Mr. Racoon, kindly visit one of the old out houses in sussex county and accidently fall in.

Anonymous said...

You guys are wackos. I guess thats why you like slogans/mudslinging instead of productive debates on the issues backed by factual analysis. Let's debate about who's a Marxist and who's a witch instead of the merits of healthcare, stimulus package, etc.

Anonymous said...

Oh I think Miss O'Donnell does realize that America did change and continues to change and not for the better. There are too many people who have become dependants on the government and look to the government to solve all their problems.
For those of us who are independants and do not need government welfare we do not want to
be under the restrictions of those who are dependant on the government on issues such as healthcare.
I don't think the idea of one thinking for themselves and making their own decisions on what's best for them and their families is archaic at all.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who expects every candidate to show up at every event is not being realistic.
Who cares if she didn't have anything on her calendar? Maybe she had other things already planned.
You cannot expect candidates or those already in office to be available at your every whim.
I also don't see a date on this letter so I question how much advance notice was given.
If you don't want to vote for her then don't vote for her but I wouldn't go down the road of making stuff up.

Anonymous said...

School bullying is an issue for the local school board and state politicians. I for one, Mr Stevenson, do not want Coons nor any other US representive sticking their noses into what should be and remain a LOCAL school issue. PERIOD.

Anonymous said...

"She has all these viewpoints that are from decades ago. She doesn't realize that america changes as time goes on. Most of her beliefs are archaic."

if i remember correctly, things were alot better then. morals, respect, not borrowing and spending like theres no tomorrow (because quite frankly, obama DID kill tomorrow)? gee, whats not to like about traditional thinking?

Anonymous said...

I take offense to Stevenson's letter to O'Donnell for stating "The suicide victims we are gathering to remember were known victims of homophobic harassment."
Why not gather to remember ALL suicide victims?

Anonymous said...

Bravo Mr. Stevenson! What you stand for is amazing! Be proud!

Anonymous said...

12:24, "...things were alot better then". Myth. I seem to remember back then not being a straight white protestant/baptist male might get your head bashed on any given street in America.

"There are too many people who have become dependants on the government and look to the government to solve all their problems."

Are you talking about the unemployment benefits that 9.6% of the pop. is using to survive right now? Do the words "historic recession" mean anything to you wahoos? Whats funny is you all come with that same refrain until you show up to work to see the doors chain and your pink slip posted up. Funny how a layoff can change attitudes

Anonymous said...

What does school bullying have to do with running for the senate?

Also, you can't be everywhere all the time. Ms. O'Donnell might very well deserve some time off to spend with the family.

Personally, I find it distasteful that you would seek to bully somebody just because you didn't get your way. Go ahead and praise people who think like you, but there's no reason to drag somebody through the mud because they don't have the same priorities that you have.

Chimera said...

Lets not forget the real reason for this post,the victims....

Anonymous said...

"I seem to remember back then not being a straight white protestant/baptist male might get your head bashed on any given street in America."
Talk about exagerating and going down the road of MAKING STUFF UP!
You must be......Ryan Stevenson!

Anonymous said...

Bullying is an issue when running for Senate. As a senator you are representative of the people, there was close to 400 people at that vigil, it shows Delaware voters are interested. Mr. Coons attended, it shows he has Delaware front and center. I agree Mr. Stevenson. As a mother of school age children in Delaware Ms. Odonnell had the perfect chance to stand for something. She failed! Christine had my vote until I read this article!

Anonymous said...

Chimera, Your comment is got to be the dumbest thing said all day. If you for one second think the real reason for the post was the victims then I feel very very sorry for you. It is plainly clear what the real reason for the post is and it's not the victims. It's to try and trash Christine O'Donnell.

Anonymous said...

It matters not to me that she did not attend. Do you actually know where she was that evening.?Do you know if she even saw the e-mail? How much notice was given to the invitees?

Teach his own I say. Christine, you still have my vote.

Anonymous said...

Ryan, you know how to stir some stuff up! PLEASE don't ever stop!

Anonymous said...

Exactly 1:09, "Teach his own." And that goes back to The Golden Rule, another traditional value.
It all startes in the home. In a home where parents are respected and children are taught to respect others.

Anonymous said...

When it's your kid that is bullied and commits suicide, then you judgemental jerks knocking a guy involved doing something about it might get a clue.

You have no idea how bad this situation is now.

Just sign me,

Anonymous said...

Sorry for your loss Grieving. Did you confront the school with this bullying? If so what was their reaction?

Anonymous said...

12:55, I guess Jim Crow era, the fight for women's rights, and fight for workers' rights just wasn't taught at your school and you are too young to recall. Or maybe it's just more of the "selective" recalling of the facts I find so rampant on this board.

Anonymous said...

I wonder why Ryan didn't copy the actual email sent to O'Donnell instead of just the body? He could have easily blocked out his email address.

Anonymous said...

I sent Joe a screen capture of the email.

What you folks have to understand is that I'm not doing this to bash Christine.
I did it because although she is running for US Senate, she has an obligation to the people of Delaware. She wants to represent the people of Delaware yet she has proven that she can't even represent the people of Delaware at a candle light vigil.
This vigil was not just about the gay suicide, it was about all suicide. It was about bullying. It was about taking a stand. It was to show that this behavior of bullying is TOTALLY unacceptable.
At the vigil we read an article about a 7 year old boy who was bullied and put into a portable toilet; the toilet was then knocked over and human waste pour all over him.
Bullying is an issue in Delaware. That is a clearly proven fact. We had a number of heterosexual speakers including Rev. Dr. Doug Gerdts.
I honestly feel that Christine let us down. She wants to speak for Delaware but she has no voice.
I don't care if people claim she's a witch, or if people claim she's a crazy lunatic, she didn't stand up for children, parents, or schools. She has neglected what should have been her number one priority, the people of Delaware and their concerns! Plain and simple!

Joe, again, I thank you.
Ryan Stevenson

Anonymous said...

Ryan Stevenson, if you are real, this is for you. While sending this to Joe was Great, you should have sent it to the local media outlets, serious voters would really like to of know this.

This is so not good on her part, she should of at least responded.
Chris Coons has got my vote regardless only to throw her butt out of there.

Anonymous said...

1:18 When it is your mother, sister, daughter, getting bullied than you might get a clue of the kind of pigs like Coons are out there.

Anonymous said...

You did do it to bash Christine, Ryan. You have been bashing her for months now and were banned from commenting on her Facebook back in July.

Anonymous said...


Piggys roll in mud together.

Anonymous said...

Also Ryan why did you use a false name when sending this email invite to O'Donnell? You usually go by Ryan Cavanaugh Stevenson. So who are you really?

Anonymous said...

Did John Carney let you down also, Ryan? After all he too was invited.