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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

What BP Doesn't Want You To Know


Anonymous said...

At first I thought she was going to be just some person looking for a quick buck, but I believe that in a few years, you will start hearing about people down there with all sorts of health problems and cancer. Very sad for those people.

Orsonwells said...

I am thinking the same thing, but still will hold that some people are out there to makke a mountain out of a mole hill and "work the system" to gain something.

Seems to me that the problem was out in the ocean, and she was on land with the ability to avoid exposure. If she was out on the battlefield, then she assumed all risks.

It's time that we all decide to become personally responsible for our own actions and lives, and not sit around playing the blame game.

Anonymous said...

Orson she was on land most of the time as well as the hundreds of school aged kids who were sick with the same symptoms she developed. The real shame is that the doctors that diagnosed many of these kids had no idea they were dealing with symptoms of poisoning. Granted her symptoms were worse than those of the children but she was out there in the water - like you said.

Also, how would she know to avoid exposure to something she wasn't warned about? Neither the government (who approved the dispersant for use) or BP issued any warnings. Instead they just put private security along the beaches telling people to stay away and don't take any pictures. No warning of possible health issues at all. You first must have knowledge that a health threat exists and ignore it to be held accountable for results.

Anonymous said...

The corexit was SPRAYED into the air above the Gulf AND on land.

Anonymous said...

The corexit and petroleum chemicals are now raining down on the citizens. It is killing ordinary house plants.