For the first time in Maryland's history, we will have the ability to cast our votes before Election Day. The state's new early voting system is in place and voters are ready to cast their ballots. I want to use this new opportunity to show the Democrat power establishment in Annapolis and Washington, D.C. how excited we are to cast our vote for real change in this country.
I am asking all Maryland Republicans to take the time now to find their early voting location so you can cast your vote September 3rd through September 9th (With the exception of Sunday September 5th when voting locations will be closed).
I am confident that our message is resonating loud and clear with Marylanders yearning for common sense conservative leadership in Washington; the American people are tired of the Pelosi-Obama job-killing agenda. Your hard work and dedication has gotten us where we are today, but we need to finish strong. Let's carry the tremendous momentum we've generated straight to the polls.
If you are still undecided, please visit my website and learn more about me and my position on the issues that matter most to you and your family.
I am confident that if you do the research, you will see that my campaign for Congress is the best fit for our district.
Thank you for your time and your support. We will have a chance to truly send a message in November - but I need your vote today to ensure that I can continue my fight to represent you and your family in the U.S House of Representatives.
Andy Harris, M.D.
P.S. After you have voted, please go to one of the Victory phone bank locations to do your part to ensure that Marylanders everywhere know about our message. Thank you.
I hope everyone early votes for Brian Murphy
I've never understood why there is "early voting" in the first place.
IMO, it's a BAD idea!
If you can't or won't go vote ON election day - then don't.
Why are we making allowances like this?
Bad, bad, bad!
We have always had "early voting" in Maryland for those who could not get to the polls on Election Day; it's called an absentee ballot.
I am voting early and voting often just to see if I can.
I am voting early and voting often just to see if I can.
I think its a great idea. Some people work out of town during the week and are not home when they are normally suppose to vote. This gives them a chance to vote. What about our military? Should they not be allowed to vote either since many of them are not home to vote?
then that would qualify as absentee, not early vote. early vote is a way to DOCTOR vote counts. Simple. Does maryland want more of PARRIS GLENDENNING? How is that rug in the statehouse doing? Im sure the rug i bought is no longer there.
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