
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent our advertisers

Thursday, September 02, 2010

Today's Survey Question

Do You Think Ocean City Officials
Should Ban Smoking On The Beach and Boardwalk?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

nope for several reasons.
think of how it will affect the bars on the boards. smokers wont be able to go out and smoke now, they will just go someplace else.

they are tryin to say smoking is not family friendly. OC in general is not family friendly, its a party town. what kind of family town has that many bars?

now if they want to fine people for littering with butts, then thats ok. but what is basically an outdoor ban in over 20% of the town will not help bring revenue to town.
you did know that both bethany and rehoboth have a boardwalk and beach also, and not much further of a drive...............

Anonymous said...

yes. yes. yes.

Anonymous said...

YES We were on the boardwalk and beach over the week end and the smell of smoke was atrocious. If people want to kill themselves let them do it at home I dont want to go with them.

Anonymous said...

I agree that the smell is disgusting, but I don't think they should ban it. I DO think there should be a fine for littering butts though.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

No! It's outdoors! I am not a smoker nor have I ever smoked, but come on! It's outside! Geesh!

Anonymous said...

No way (and I am a non-smoker). Too may laws that are not being enforced already. I walk the boards every morning and you should see the trash and the majority is not from cigaretts.
Smokers will just step off the beach/boards and smoke in the street.

Anonymous said...

agree with 1032am

no! also shouldnt have banned them indoors either. its private property, if the owner wanted to ban them, thats one thing.

Anonymous said...

I do not smoke, however, I think the boardwalk it should not be allowed, but the beach YES

Anonymous said...

NO! You know what's going to come next - no smoking on the sidewalks, At Putt Putt, in your car, in a crosswalk, on a boat just off the coast, in your house. You get the point.

Before we ban smoking on the boardwalks and beaches, we should ban fat people from wearing bathing suits. And pale people from showing their bright, pasty white skin. Or two consecutive umbrellas from ruining my beach view. Or people with unnatural colored hair.

Don't you people see how ridiculous legislators have become in our society? If it hasn't already happened, one day they are going to ban something that you like. You've got to start standing up for other people so that they will stand up for you later.

Anonymous said...

Yes, within a certain proximity to doorways of shops, say 15 feet or so.

No to the beach, but heavy fines for those caught disposing of the butts in the sand/water.

Anonymous said...

If you are quiet when they take away other's rights, there will be no one left to speak up when they take away yours.

Anonymous said...

YES!!!! Please do, I`m tired of the ground being a smokers ash tray...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

10:32- but you still have to SMELL it even if it's outside. When I go to Goin' Nuts and sit on the patio, I'm subjected to all of the nasty smokers. Smoking should be banned completely in restaurants too- inside and out.

Anonymous said...

I think Governments should be regulating less not more. I hate smoking and think people who smoke must be the dumbest people in the world based on proven health risks but I am tired of the government saving us from our own stupidity. We will actually need more smokers for population control. When obama care kicks in we won't be able to pay for everyone to live to 90, so light up and enjoy your disgusting habit.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely yes. We just took a walk on the boardwalk last weekend and the stench was disgusting. Why do people even smoke anymore?! Have they not turned on the news lately? Idiots.

Anonymous said...

I'm a smoker and I have no problem with a ban on the beach but on the boardwalk? C'mon!
I always strip my cigarette when I'm done with it and throw my filter in a trash can. I know many more smokers don't make the effort to do this but I see no sense in throwing it on the ground.
I don't have butts in my yard so why do I want to leave them in someone else's?
If smokers would be more considerate, we probably wouldn't have some of the problems with smokers vs. non-smokers.
As far as 11:00 Anon's comment:
You said "We will actually need more smokers for population control".
How about all of you non-smokers looking at it this way - You need smokers for keeping taxes down. Do you realize how much tax smokers pay? Smokers get hit with additional taxes all the time.
Yes, I choose to smoke. That's my business. When I'm around non-smokers, I go out of my way to be courteous to them.
Keep jumping on the smokers and one of these days all the smokers might just band together and come back at you.

Anonymous said...

I would rather have someone smoking on the beach or boards than listen to the profanity that I hear when I am on the beach with my granddaughter. Or the scanty dressed people in both areas. Who do you think would police this new law because I intend to complain to them the next time either of the above occurs. Becareful what you wish for. You may also lose your right to do something.

Anonymous said...

10:59....then don't go out on the friggin' patio. It's is the OWNERS choice if they want to allow people to smoke on their patio- not the governemtns. If enough non-smokers choose no to patronize establishments that permit soking perhaps they will change their policy. Until then - find somewhere else to dine. This is America - not communist Russia.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I am a smoker and try to be mindful of smoking around people in public. I will step to the sand side of the board walk to smoke and if on the beach walk back to the more open area to smoke.

I have to say, I think the ban on smoking in restaurants is stupid. It should be the owner of the establishments choice and the choice of the staff if they want to work in a smoking rest/bar. Just like with seat belts and helmets. Who's business is it to say we HAVE to wear them. It's our lives, let us do with them what we wish.

Anonymous said...

someone mentiond taxes on smokers so heres some numbers

md has a $2.00 a pack tax, fed is $1.00

so a pack a day smoker pays $730 in state and $365 in federal taxes a year. total $1095.

according to the comptoler 1.6% of mds revenue comes from tobacco taxes, or over 405million last year

you keep people from smoking this number goes down, its down 2.2% this year.

guess whos gonna make it up? YOU

keep hoping for them to be banned.

if you think its going to come from business your wrong. for fy 2009 corp taxes were 550million and individual taxes were 6.5 billion

so who wants a tax increase?

Anonymous said...

Smoking is the least of Ocean City worries. I live in OC and any and all problems we have had alcohol has been the problem. Everything from people uninating on our property to kicked down fencing etc.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I do not smoke, however, I think the boardwalk it should not be allowed, but the beach YES

10:40 AM

I bet you don't go on the beach or take your family on the beach. Yes it should be banned and they should be fined. The disgusting, carcinoginic smoke travels low to the ground and you can smell it a good distance away. Cigars are worse.

Anonymous said...

Yes, smoking needs to be banned every where.

As far as Idiot 12:16 PM's comment, if your liberal moron's you voted in office learned to live within their means then that small percentage of taxes would never be missed.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
YES!!!! Please do, I`m tired of the ground being a smokers ash tray...

10:54 AM

Cigarette butts are the least of my worries. The offensive cigarette smell is my concern. YES, please ban all smoking everywhere.

Anonymous said...

12:33 did you know when the obama had the federal cig tax increased was was to fund the CHIP program. the CHIP program provides health insurance to children of low income families. and if i recall they estimated that a million new smokers were needed to fully fund this.

a bit flawed.

just a little fyi.

William Bates said...

Yes, if I were a police officer I would charge every smoker I witnessed discard a cigarette butt on the ground with littering. Cigarette smokers have a very nasty habbit the rest of us have to put up with. If you wish to smoke in your home and through butts on the floor that's fine but don't put them on my streets.

William Bates

Anonymous said...

Yes !!

I think everyone has the right to smoke in a designated area.

I went the Sharptown Carnival. The people were smoking in the food lines for gods sake. Blowing the crap in kids faces. It was disgusting.

I hope they read this and designate an area. If they do not my family will not return.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

william bates, thanks for protecting us. now why don't you try arresting all the murderers rapist drug addicts robbers child molester drunk drivers etc.! do the job you were hired to do! pathetic! Oh yeah you might get shot going into those neighborhoods! punk with a badge and a gun! just what we need and expect from officers!

Anonymous said...

ON THE BEACH, BAN IT. it's a big ashtray and when you are squashed in close to people, there is no escaping it. the boardwalk....have some sand pots around so people can put them out in there...

Anonymous said...

I believe MR. Bates says "If I were a police officer". You might want to read that again.

doug wilkerson said...

Cigs are so expensive now we all should quit, let alone our health.

Anonymous said...

NO & NO! And I'm not a smoker. I just don't think we need to have everything legislated!

Anonymous said...

You people that are on this ban wagon...get a life!!! I smoke and will continue to smoke. You got your way with the resturant and bar smoking ban. If i'm outside smoking then its nots "blowing in your face" inside. You friggin morons just never give up!!!!

Anonymous said...

If the city feels it is necessary to ban smoking on the beach and or boardwalk for the betterment of this tourist town they should just go and put an all out ban on smoking and tobacco products on the whole 'sand bar'. Once they start at the beach next will be hotels and any other dwelling that is a rental, be it weekly,monthly or yearly!! Where would they draw the line on telling citizens where and what they may and may not do. Passing gas is offensive will they out law that to!!

Anonymous said...

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.
—C. S. Lewis, 1953

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

4:03 Thank you! That was perfect!

Anonymous said...

I do not smoke-never have BUT I feel the ban in restaurants and bars should not have happened. I feel it should have been left up to the establishment's owner.
I agree with the alcohol comment above-Alcohol has killed and disabled more people than cigarettes ever have and will. So should we ban alcohol? And I find a drunk a lot more offensive than cigarette smoke.

Anonymous said...

Those in favor of the ban on smokers today, might be mad later when their habit, hobbie, favorite thing to do, gets banned because others don't like it.
The dumbocrats that are pushing these reductions in freedom, want the country to be down to the least common denominator.
Wake up!

Anonymous said...

I could care less if you smoke or where you smoke it just don't drop the leftover foam butt on the ground thats littering. Put it in your pocket when your done smoking it and see how long that lasts.

Anonymous said...

No...I am a non-smoker but I think since we made it legal for those over 18 then let them smoke. I am not a fan of banning it from ALL indoor businesses. I think government controls too many aspects. People KNOW it is harmful...let the people decide to kill themselves or not.

Anonymous said...

Exactly 5:14. And everyone is following along like slaves. Those in the "big house" think they know best-just like in the days of slavery. LIttle freedoms are eroding and the stupid people fall for the lines like "it's for the children", etc.

Anonymous said...

Just this in for all of you supporting the smoke ban...The majority of smokers KNOW THAT SMOKING IS A HAZARD FOR THEIR HEALTH...that being said its a personal choice. Why don't you all join to to ban alcohol being sold especially with all the fatalities on the road...what affects your life more, the smoke in the air or the drunk driver on the road...get a grip...yes I think fines should be imposed for the littering , they have banned smoking in restaurants and to the person who was upset about smokers on the deck at Goin Nuts...stay inside...if that offends you than tough...if smokers are able to adjust to where they can and cannot smoke so should you...let them have designated areas on the beach for smokers and for non smokers...but then the non smokers will complain that they like the part of the beach designated for smokers. Get a life !!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I just love the dopes that say they don't want their kids exposed to cigarette smoke. Well what about drunk drivers like some above mentioned? Those people should get on the ban alcohol bandwagon since I've never heard of a kid dying from second
hand smoke, but have heard all kinds of terrible stories of kid's deaths being caused by drunk drivers.

Anonymous said...

No - There are many other odors and disgusting things on the boardwalk as well as the beach. I've laughed at the "family oriented" designation for years, ever since I witnessed drug dealing on the boardwalk. I saw some of the family oriented people in their "bathing apparel" and heard lanquage I was glad I did not have to explain to my children.
I am not a smoker now, If I was and this became a law in O.C. I would be going to Virginia or Delaware beaches.

Anonymous said...

Ain't that the truth 10:05. You can't walk the boardwalk without hearing profanity right and left. I think OC should outlaw profanity and prohibit lewd language in public in order to sustain this so called family image.
Who's behind this proposed ban anyway? And who do they think is going to enforce it if it is successful? As the law is now anyone who does throw a butt on public property can be hit w/a littering fine.

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Lets ban smoking in the open air and while were at it lets ban the current swim attire and go back to the what they wore in the 1920's. Geez !! Get a life people !