It is not at all surprising that Mr. Cannon opted to seek the seat held by the late Page Elmore in the Maryland House of Delegates rather than run for reelection to the Wicomico County Council. The latter body has just shown itself to be dysfunctional in failing to pass a budget, and the situation is not likely to change after this year’s election.
Two weeks ago the three other Republican members voted with Mr. Cannon to cut the funds for the salary of the County’s “public information officer” but refused to vote with him to adopt the amended budget. Therefore, Rick Pollitt’s budget, including the salary for the “PIO”, became effective by default. Cannon was the only member to vote for the amended version.
Then there’s the action last year by the other members of the Council to oust Mr. Cannon as the president of that body, again with the support of Republican members. It appears that those members will be reelected, and are likely to dominate the next Council.
Mr. Cannon can be more effective as a member of the General Assembly than a Council that probably will remain largely ineffectual, especially if Rick Pollitt is reelected, which seems very likely to occur. And it greatly behooves both Wicomico County and the City of Salisbury for the seat to be held by a resident of the County.
We are pleased but not surprised that John Cannon decided to move on – hopefully to the General Assembly – and will support his candidacy. With his experience in local government, Mr. Cannon is the best choice among the announced candidates for the seat.
Joe, is it true Gary Comegys was named president of the MML? If so that has to be by default!!
I totally disagree with Cannon being the best candidate for the job. Wait until you meet John Phoebus before making a decision. Phoebus is a conservative republican, Cannon is a RINO and he has proven that many times over. One vote on council does not a make him delegate material.
I think both Phoebus and Cannon are both moderates, and while they would fill in for Elmore nicely and vote just like he did, the shore needs a more conservative candidate.
I disagree that Cannon is the best candidate for the job. My vote is for John Phoebus. A true conservative. John was Page Elmore's choice to replace him. Page's re election campaign chairman is now John Phoebus campaign chairman.Not that it matters.
I have known John for many years and He is a fine attorney with great moral character. He believes in family values and defends and supports the constitution as our for fathers meant it to be interpreted.His outstanding work for the community of Crisfield and Somerset county is well documented. He was born and raised here on the eastern shore and has our interest at heart. He comes from a great family who have lived on the Eastern shore since and before the revolution. They have served our community with distinction and honor in the past. His father Harry T.Phoebus was a great Politician who is still much beloved to this day. John has served on many boards and committee's and has proven himself wise beyond his years.He is a fiscal conservative and would represent the eastern shore well. Please reconsider supporting or voting for another before learning about John Phoebus.
Please stop the sloaganeering ("RINO") and explain specificly and in detail what Mr. Cannon has done wrong on the Wicomico Council Council. And please don't deal in ambiguity ("attitude" etc.) but give specific legislation and/or actions that offend you and the other AFP people.
Maybe the Somerset County republicans will have a say!!!!!!
Although I'm a registered republican my vote would go to McCready, a very rare conservative democrat.
I'm for Cannon. But for the Democrat dunces on the County Council he could have changed things.
And we don't need any more "fine attorneys" in the General Assembly!
Harry Phoebus -- nuff said -- I'll vote for Mr. Cannon, thank you.
Harry Phoebus and his father are largely responsible for Somerset County remaining a laughingstock of the whole state of Maryland, not just the Eastern Shore.
To 1:07 :
John Cannon supported the down zoning proposal which would have had a disaterous effect on land values in this county. Ask any one with any knowledge, experience, or expertise in valuing land (notice I didn't mention Bill McCain because although he has experience, it's the knowlege and expertise that he lacks!)and they would tell you the same thing. Very in depth and detailed studied have been completed and have reported just that fact.
Ask his buddy Bill McCain why he makes adjustments on his appraisals for differences in development rights if they have no value.
I heard there is a nother republican running
John Pheobus has my vote. We need more real conservatives, not just moderate republicans, representing the shore.
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