We have some great news today on Governor O'Malley's leadership to move Maryland forward and deliver results for Maryland's students, teachers and families.

The National Education Association has named Governor O'Malley "America's Greatest Education Governor" for his efforts to support public education in our State and provide our teachers, students, parents and education professionals with the tools they need to build the #1 ranked public school system in the nation.
According to the National Education Association, Governor O'Malley has "made great strides in improving school funding, expanding school programs, and taking the needs of the whole child into account in education policy decisions. He continues to be a champion of public education and truly believes, as we do, that education will lead to a brighter and better future for all of us."
NEA President Dennis Van Roekel said, "Lots of governors like to think of themselves as education governors, but Governor O'Malley has really earned that accolade."
Over the last four years, Governor O'Malley has made difficult decisions to protect public education. While facing a national recession, he has fought for and secured a record $5.7 billion this year alone for public education - and Maryland students responded by achieving at historic levels.
Because of the hard work, commitment and dedication of our parents and teachers, our students are better prepared to enter the global economy. Today, Maryland has the highest passing rate for students taking Advanced Placement tests in the nation. And between 2007 and 2009, under Governor O'Malley, the number of students taking AP tests in science, education, engineering and math has increased by 65%.
While we are not done yet reforming Maryland's public schools to make sure every child has access to a world-class education, today's announcement proves that Maryland is making the right decisions under Governor O'Malley to protect public education, support our students, teachers and parents and build the workforce of tomorrow that will drive Maryland's innovative economy for years to come.
I hope you'll take a minute to learn more about how Governor O'Malley is protecting public education in Maryland and get involved in our campaign to Move Maryland Forward.
Thank you,
Lt. Governor Anthony G. Brown
They do not say anything about or consider the very poor results of the educational mentality of the graduating students. That is one thing that is not taken into consideration in the paperwork statistics. The statistics or very narrow in what they document. If you disagree with this you have never listen to the grammer used or math skills of the ones in school or graduates. The LT Governor is in the re-election mode. I noticed he does not mentioned the outragous taxes they have imposed for these misleading numbers or teaching methods of telling students how to pass test instead of learning the subjects. Another misleading article with half the facts.
This is the governor who wanted to remove Nancy Grasmick from her postion. I would also like to note that NEA supports an extremely liberal agenda.
he's got my vote for re-election. i felt, being a republican, erlich was a disastor. he really raised taxes. just taxes people who don't keep up with don't notice. at leaset i know what o'malley is doing.
4 more years.o'malley, kratovil, mathias, conway.
the republicans failed me, from county council on up.. i'll cross over for sure.
The blue 'links' help to show the real story here-- O'Guv is the favorite of the Teacher's Union because he has funneled tons of money to them, regardless of the cost to other programs.
O'Guv made 'the right decisions', they say.
When the schools around here and in Baltimore are what somebody could call 'good', then they can brag.
But as long as we're still graduating functionally illiterate people who can't even make change for a dollar, and can't pass those basic competency tests, even though they've been 'dumbed down' to make the teacher's unions look good, there is still a l-o-n-g way to go.
Show me the funneled money!!! All I've heard about over the last two years is about the cuts they've had to make. Locally, the cuts need to start with the people in charge. It's a sad time when our tax dollars are not going where they really need to go. First, let’s get John Fredericksen out of his payscale by making him an Instructional Assistant. He should certainly be able to do his job on an Instructional Assistant's salary. After all, the board has no qualms with hiring highly qualified certified/degreed teachers in roles of IA's and giving them teaching responsibilities. Think of the tax $$ the County would save if we put the entire BOE Admin on IA's wages. Now, lets get rid of the deadwood tenured educators and those who have been engraved into the system since Moses was around to free up jobs for those that are deserving, (you know who you are). Lastly, let's replace them with the highly qualified certified/degreed teachers that have already been suffering financially in those cheesy IA positions. What a bunch of bunk!
And I was just about to eat dinner! What a load of CRAP!!
Craig Theobald
PS: Having read that, I am now going to file for the District 4 Worcester Board of Education.
Pretty funny 3:35! The first thing O'malley did after taking the oath was to raise the sales tax.
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