That's right Folks. At 5:00 PM today, Chiefy Webster will officially become UNEMPLOYED with the City of Salisbury. I'd like to thank Chief Barkley for setting the example of wearing his uniform proudly on a daily basis and doing such a wonderful job in boosting morale within the department.
Good Job Joe!!! Now can you work on getting rid of the clowns at the Fire Dept and get a real chief in there for both paid and volunteers? PLEASE!!!!
We got nothing left to say to you Webster...
He may have been employed , but , did he work.
He will be soaking the workers comp. for a long time , after all , he was a cop of some sorts.
I think all Baldy Locks did was follow Joe around.
No disrespect intended(NOT)
Thank you Joe!
I do - Good Riddance you lying a$$hole
How did you win? He has been out on 6 months paid vacation a deal he cut so he would drop the lawsuit. Like some others all he knows how to do is sue.
If he draws a disability check then that should be appealed and investigated throughly. Might just turn out to be a fraud case that he has to pay back. Golfing, fishing etc. but cannot do administrative work is a joke. This can be done by complaints lodged or photos sent to the disability board by anyone if the Mayor does not have the iniative to save tax dollars because of higher premiums.
Maybe.......acting Chief Barkley, can become the permannent Chief of Police with Webster off the payroll. Do ya think... a light bulb just might go off in the heads of the city council and Mayor Ireton?
Chief Barkley keep up the good work.
Joe' you still have NEVER said anything to his face its all been from a distance so now that he is unemployed as you put it why don't you take a trip down to somerset and settle things BLOGGER to MAN and by the way he has forgot more about public service than you'll ever know.
I'll be down in Somerset sooner than you think.
There are a few qualified individuals within the SFD. Mayor Ireton consider these people please. No, not Hoppes, Gordy, or Bragg. There are people who will be great leaders. Demote laziness and incompetence and promote a hard working, intelligent, fair fire chief please.
3:25 Look whos back, ha,ha.
For what ever reasons the Chief could never seem to come face to face with reality. Hopefully at some point in time he will do so if he is going to seek continued involement in law enforcement. If not, he should probably become a thespian.
What a wus. Did he really fall out of a chair and complain? That is a bogus claim!
Chiefy plans to run for Sheriff in Somerset County -- see today's Daily Times.
I hear Mr. Webester is going to file for Somerset County Sheriff...
Chief Webster was never hired by the City of Salisbury to be a policeman. It's been written over and over that he was hired for an administrative position. Go ahead and post this to clear peoples mind about him never wearing a uniform. He was an administrator, and dressed the part very well.
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