I'm happy to inform you that my lemon has been bought back. I have to give credit to Mr. David Wilson Jr. and his team at Preston (service dept/finance dept/drivers who delivered the cars and paperwork ). Mr.Wilson purchased the vehicle back because it would have taken Ford too long in the process of buying the car back.
Preston service dept did find out that the tires that Sherwood told Ford that had been replaced were not, just as I had suspected. Mr Wilson was involved in the process of handling the car issue from day one.
My doubts have now turned to trust in this dealership and I'm not just saying that because the car was bought back, I'm a person of honor and would not tell a lie just to benefit myself. I even got the advice from Mr. Wilson what would be the best vehicle to repurchase and it turned out to be another Ford Focus without all the issues.
I would like to add as I did in the last update, I never wrote this story to damage or discredit any body. I just wanted to get my concerns out there in hope that the right people would get my message. I have to honestly say the Mr.Wilson and Preston Has bent over backwards to resolve my issues which they have on their part 100%.
It's nice to know that the Wilson family is honorable and also trustworthy and I will purchase other vehicles with their dealerships. I also wish to add the name of Mr. Kenny Gardner of the Preston group if anybody is looking to purchase a vehicle he was the salesman as well as Mr. Wilson who handled the purchase of my new car he is what I as well as my mother calls a honest salesman who cares about his customers. He is a very pleasant and nice person.
I want to thank Mr.Albero and Sbynews for posting my story and updates. They get the credit for getting the story out there to be heard. In ending this story, all I can say for Sherwood is nothing good at all!!!! ( I'm sure the readers can come to their own conclusion on Sherwood) If I may, I would like wish my daddy Walter Lee Davis Sr. a happy birthday tomorrow on June 30 he would have been 81 I love you daddy and miss you so much thank you for smiling down from heaven.
Sincerely Grateful
Michelle Davis
wow...unreal i dont agree with the bash/praise thing she got going on here.
Michelle, I love happy endings!
I knew Preston would come thru.
Michele, I an so happy to know that all has turned out well. You and your mom are hard working ladies and did not deserve to go thru that. I am glad it has had a good ending for you both. Barb
it doesn't surprise me about Sherwood's role in this. I have had half crooked dealings there for years. Oh the good ole days of Cavanaugh Ford - where have you gone?
Ms. Davis,
Good for you. If it had not been for your continued fight, Joe A. and sbynews, nothing good would have came out of this. Thank you so much for your story. These businesses know, if you try to rip off consumers, you will be bloged.
Good job Ms. Davis. Good job.
one thing i have to say about sherwood is i happen to no several people that work there and its a shame that they get beat down and suffer from all the negativity. i have heard from people who work there that they have been unhappy with the recent management that has been brought there, that they themselves have even been lied to and have taken pay cuts while they raise the prices for parts and services but yet there paychecks are the ones affected buy the negative comments. maybe you dont no but most technicians get paid by the work they do not the time there punched on, so if there not working there not getting paid. its a shame because i worked in the automotive business for several years (15+) and it seems everyone wants to bash technicians for so called ripping them off. trust me the technicians try there best to diagnose and fix every car that they work on the first time. what you don't realize is that ALOT of the time if a car comes back with the same problem or the problem wasn't fixed the technician does not get paid to fix it again (even if the dealer charges you for some reason). and when this type of negativity comes out the loss of business only affects the ones doing the REAL work. the upper management who do the shady deals and try to save every cent screwing the customers and trying to keep there quota or cost cap down to impress the boss is the ones that never have to worry bout that next paycheck. anyways just a shame, i am glad to see this lady got her car problem taken care of there are some lemons out there and the car makers should be responsible for them.
. oh yea by the way in the previous blog this lady left she said something about darrel huff? just to inform you yes darrel huff is a ford field engineer but i am not sure what area or region he covers.
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