Filing for House of Delegates for District 38B
A. Kaye Kenney today announced her candidacy for the Maryland House of Delegates for District 38B. Mrs. Kenney, a Republican, filed today with the State Board of Elections. She is seeking the vacant seat in District 38B.
A. Kaye’s independent nature has endeared her to a broad spectrum of citizens. Kenney, along with her husband, Bill, has been involved with agriculture throughout their married life, having grown poultry and traditional crops. In 2004, they along with their son Brent opened Grist Mill Gardens in Pittsville. Kenney and her family have maintained an active involvement with both Wicomico County Farm Bureau and Maryland Farm Bureau. The Kenney’s, a first generation farming family, have a true understanding of the plight of small business owners. A. Kaye will be an advocate for all the residents of District 38B who are affected by the decisions being made in Annapolis.
Kenney has served in several capacities in local affairs. Governor Robert L. Ehrlich appointed her to Poultry Issues Action Team 2003. She was appointed in 2004 and continues to serve on the Wicomico County Liquor Licensing Commission and has served as chairman of the commission since 2006. In 1995, she and a diverse group of concerned citizens convinced the Wicomico County Council to maintain their ownership in the Wicomico Nursing Home, a non-profit establishment that originated from a need in the African American community. Kenney was appointed by the Wicomico County Council to serve on the Charter Review Committee and aided with the drafting of the new charter. And she recently worked with the Wicomico County Concerned Landowners attempting to find a fair and balanced solution to discourage sprawl in Wicomico County.
Kenney, 61, is a lifelong resident of Wicomico County. Her family’s roots can be traced to Worcester County, where her Mother’s family lived in the Taylorville area.
A major pride of Kenney’s is her family. She and her husband of 37 years, Bill, have two children, Brent and his wife, Julie who reside in Parsonsburg. Kara and her husband Brad and their son Oliver reside in Chestertown.
One of Kenney’s greatest attributes is listening and she looks forward to meeting all the residents of District 38B and hearing their concerns. “I am incredibly humbled by the encouragement to run shown to me by my family, friends, and residents of District 38B,” Kenney said.
A. Kaye Kenney today announced her candidacy for the Maryland House of Delegates for District 38B. Mrs. Kenney, a Republican, filed today with the State Board of Elections. She is seeking the vacant seat in District 38B.
A. Kaye’s independent nature has endeared her to a broad spectrum of citizens. Kenney, along with her husband, Bill, has been involved with agriculture throughout their married life, having grown poultry and traditional crops. In 2004, they along with their son Brent opened Grist Mill Gardens in Pittsville. Kenney and her family have maintained an active involvement with both Wicomico County Farm Bureau and Maryland Farm Bureau. The Kenney’s, a first generation farming family, have a true understanding of the plight of small business owners. A. Kaye will be an advocate for all the residents of District 38B who are affected by the decisions being made in Annapolis.
Kenney has served in several capacities in local affairs. Governor Robert L. Ehrlich appointed her to Poultry Issues Action Team 2003. She was appointed in 2004 and continues to serve on the Wicomico County Liquor Licensing Commission and has served as chairman of the commission since 2006. In 1995, she and a diverse group of concerned citizens convinced the Wicomico County Council to maintain their ownership in the Wicomico Nursing Home, a non-profit establishment that originated from a need in the African American community. Kenney was appointed by the Wicomico County Council to serve on the Charter Review Committee and aided with the drafting of the new charter. And she recently worked with the Wicomico County Concerned Landowners attempting to find a fair and balanced solution to discourage sprawl in Wicomico County.
Kenney, 61, is a lifelong resident of Wicomico County. Her family’s roots can be traced to Worcester County, where her Mother’s family lived in the Taylorville area.
A major pride of Kenney’s is her family. She and her husband of 37 years, Bill, have two children, Brent and his wife, Julie who reside in Parsonsburg. Kara and her husband Brad and their son Oliver reside in Chestertown.
One of Kenney’s greatest attributes is listening and she looks forward to meeting all the residents of District 38B and hearing their concerns. “I am incredibly humbled by the encouragement to run shown to me by my family, friends, and residents of District 38B,” Kenney said.
hummmm, I have to confess I have never heard of her. Of course agriculture matters are not ones that I read vociferously about. I will study her and her platform and give her my undivided attention to try to learn about her. Once I can compare all the candidates, then I will try to pick the "right" one and hope I don't regret it.
How wonderful! It's nice to see a woman with deep roots and true character toss her hat into the ring.
A Kaye - I'll be calling you to offer to help.
Congratulations on making a tough decision for your family, but a good one for the District.
YIPEE! District 38B couldn't ask for a better candidate. Best news I've heard all week.
We got us a cat fight.
It's so refreshing to have a small business owner as a candidate. Best wishes! You have my vote.
she is agreat lady who has raised 2 wonderful children. I wish her the best of luck.
Oh no not AKaye, who will be Mike Lewis's campaign manager now? LOL
Good luck to ya AKaye the county will be hard pressed to find a finer person. You got my vote.
Encouraged to see Americans step up to the plate. I know you are dedicated to this country and stand for what made this great country. Thank you for stepping forward, I know you will fight for this District. Sending you all my support.
What a great person for the job. I've known A Kaye for over 30 years. I've not known anyone more sincere, dedicated, or compassionate. This is terrific news!
You go! I know you will win the seat. You have what it takes to become our next Delegate in the House. No doubt about it. I'll send you a check for your campaign next week.
I've worked on committees with A.Kaye and she has always walked the talk. When she decides to take on an issue she puts her all in it. I had not heard she was considering running for office but she certainly has my vote. I'll support her campaign.
Where do I send my check for her
campaign? We need more people in
Annapolis like AKaye
She's a no nonsense, straight arrow, breath of fresh air and she's not a politician. She would be a public servant, the kind of elected representatives we need! Mr. Conway is a democrat, but the two of them together would make a great team in Annapolis. He too is a public servant in the finest sense of the term. I can't vote for A. Kaye, but I would if I lived in that district.
Its good to see people who actually undertsand the importance of preserving farming run for office.
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