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Monday, May 03, 2010

Who Says The Camera Never Lies?

Have you been busted by a speed camera in Maryland? Before you write a check to the state, check out Peggy Lucero’s story. It may help you get out of that ticket free of charge.

Lucero received in the mail that lovely letter, telling her she owed $40 for speeding in Gaithersburg. But the Bethesda woman was ready for a fight, according to the Washington Examiner.

She discovered that the camera that nabbed her hadn’t been tested to make sure it was working properly on the day she was ticketed. Maryland law requires police to check all cameras every day.

GO HERE to read more.


Anonymous said...

Doesn't mean she was not speeding, she just worked the system.

Anonymous said...

well, not im MD but in DE I stopped at a toll plaza, paid the toll and asked for directions from the toll booth attendant and I was still sent a photo of my car and a ticket for $50 plus the toll that i had already paid. thanks delaware, and i didnt even do anything wrong-except not save my 2 dollar toll receipt for 2 months in case i got a ticket for NOT paying it. lol next time hang onto those receipts for a year at least!