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Thursday, March 18, 2010


It’s not too soon to speculate about this fall’s election, although some things are still far from certain. But, it seems beyond doubt that no Democrat could possible deprive Pollitt of that party’s nomination, even if he tries to raise taxes in the upcoming budget process over the next couple months.

Somewhat less clear is whether there’s a Republican will run who could beat Pollitt this fall. None of the current County Council members may be capable of doing so. None has executive experience as a public official. With the exception of John Cannon (but, is he really a Republican-?) none has run, much less been elected, county-wide, and none has a large base of support. Cannon probably has the most contacts with the local rich and famous, but his support is probably thin compared to that of Pollitt, who will surely have the backing (unofficial, of course) of the Greater Salisbury Committee.

A dark horse could be Joe Holloway, whose name recognition and popularity seem to be rising. But he may be content to stay where he is and hope for more Republican members on the Council in the future.

The party apparatus is not a significant factor in local elections in Wicomico County, and won’t be this time, either. On both sides, it is abysmal, but compared to the lackluster Democrats, the Republicans are pathetic. Whereas the annual picnic/barbeque may be the high point of the Democrats’ activity, that’s the only function of the Republican group except for a rally or two in election years. Advantage Pollitt.

The early line is that Pollitt should probably win in a calk walk despite the fact that many factors favor a good opponent, if any should emerge from the mists. Even then the race will be his to win or lose. Look for a wannabe like Ron Alessi or Bob Culver to once again come out of the woodwork without much chance of victory.

All Rick may need to do this time is file to run.


Anonymous said...

This county has gone to hell anyway, so he might as well carry it a little bit further into the fire.

Anonymous said...

After that parking lot mess at the Civic Center, if he supports the library boad's plan for a $31 Million monstrosity, he's toast.

Anonymous said...

How is a "calk walk" different from a cake walk?

Anonymous said...

Maybe Muir Boda and Don Ewalt will run -- they can't let an election go by without participating.

Anonymous said...

Pollitt has cultivated support groups at the top (Greater Salisbury Committee) and middle (Neighborhood Congress) of the socioeconomic spectrum, and the local Democrat club will shore up the bottom rungs of that ladder for him. IOW - he's unbeatable.

Anonymous said...

Watch for Joe Ollinger to throw his hat in the ring.

Anonymous said...


Joe Ollinger had a great letter in the Daily Rag yesterday:

He's got real executive experience -- in the private sector where it really counts -- and could be a contender if the Republicans would get off their butts for a change.

Anonymous said...

Chas. Jannace to the rescue!

Anonymous said...

Sorry folks Pollitt's first find raiser was a sucess in Joe Hollowheads back yard. Joe is great where he is. I am not sure what makes him this financial genius he believes himself to be. Joe is one of those people you need to round things off. A cross representation of the public. However his lack of support for law Enforcemnt has caused me to look at the options.

As a die hard Republican I have swung my support to Rick. He looks at the future of this county. It seems to me he is willing to see a brighter future for Wicomico. One day this economy will turn around and his ideas can be implemented.

Mr. Albero on another note there are three bills on the house floor in Maryland that support police officers in Cecil County, Baltimore City, Maryland Transportation Authority Police. One person is holding up all three bills (Norman Conway). All three deal with agencies that have collective bargaining. Hmmmmm. Is good ole Norm taking care of his buddies here on the shore. In buddies I mean friends on Wicomico Couty Council. These bills could help clear the way for Deputies and City police to get collective bargaining as well.

Norm has been in office way to long. It breeds political corruption. Go ahead teachers fire at will. This guy hitched his wagon to education and ran with it. To hell with police and fireman right Norm.

Mr. Albero I ask you to contact the Maryland State Fraternal Order Of Police Lodge. President Rodney Bartlett can give you the exact details of what has transpired. I think it would make for a great post.

The issues here on the Shore has garnered national attention. Rick Pollitt's support of the police will be in the National F.O.P. magazine that is ditributed nation wide. I understand it will be the first time in the history of the F.O.P. Lodge 111 to be featutred in this publication. The article will also outline what Conway has done to stall a critical matter that effects thousand of active and retired police and fireman.

I will say I had a great deal of respect for Norm over the years but I am more than a little concerned over this. I would love to hear his side of this story.

Joe thanks again for giving people a media source that reports the "Rest of the story".

You can contact the State Lodge via their Web Site. The contacts numbers are posted there.

Anonymous said...

12:00 --

What do you mean by "a success" when the word on the street was that there were only a few liberals there to meet and fete the big guy. Sure he will get big bucks from the Greater Salisbury Committee crowd and the greenies, but he does not have the broad support of 4 years ago (at the end of the Anthony Sarbanes-Phil Tilghman disaster and the Molnar mistake).

When I ask folks what they think of Rick Pollitt, most say "never again" and then something about his tax cap position.

Anonymous said...

Mr./Ms 12 Noon ----

"Rick Pollitt's support of the police"

Anonymous said...

Maybe Mike Lewis could run for Executive. He is probably the only Republican who could give Pollitt a run for his money!

Anonymous said...

1:05, I don't know who you talked to but it was packed in there.

Anonymous said...

12Noon ---"Rick Pollitt's support of the police?" Give me a break! Your dreaming....if he supported you then do tell me what you received for his support. Words are easy to say, it's action that counts. If he wanted to increase your benefits, he certainly is in the "top" seat to do so. Let's see you push that and then see how he supports you. What a joke!

Anonymous said...

12:00 pm said:

"It seems to me he is willing to see a brighter future for Wicomico. One day this economy will turn around and his ideas can be implemented"

What a fairy tale.You apparently have no idea of the fiscal crisis we are facing.You support a man who has refused to deal with that realioty for 3 years...a man who has always looked to the State or the Feds to bail him out with money while he refuses to undertake any real measures aimed at efficiency.

I very seriously doubt that you are a Republican much less a "diehard Republican" sound more like an Obama speech writer.

Anonymous said...

1200 Pollit's boy finally earning his keep.

People have no clue of what is about to hit this county. Pollit has not come up with the 2.5 remaining shortfall of the current budget, let alone has he made a realistic budget for FY 11. Oh wait, maybe some more money will miraculously appear in the ledger for the upcoming shortfalls. Wicomico County is a turd in the water cycle of a toilet that has just been flushed. The blind leading the blind. What needs to happen is for a diehard republican to step into office and turn the County upside down. There are too many layer's of monkeys riding on each other's back. If John Q public really saw the waste that goes on in that place, it would make you sick. Nothing is going to change until you get all the individuals removed who do not want things to change.

Anonymous said...

I hope not

Anonymous said...

O h absolutely we are in trouble and it started way before Pollitt was on the scene. I think we need to take a long hard look at the current and prior councils. We can all stick our heads in the sand on this one if we wnat to. The sad truth is Wicomico County has been under the gun for years. The councils have allowed real eastate developers run the shows for years, just like the city slum lords in Salisbury. Look what happend to the market for homes when the tax "Revenue" cap hit. Thge realators got fat. Look where we are now. It is not a true tax cap per se. People surely did not understand they were hood winked by VOICE. Just were is Don Coffin now. This has caused major shortfalls way before the state pulled funding.

The fact is we have people that are liked versus qualified to do the job. We have elected smiling faces faces that tell lies. It is time for honest hard working politicians. We do not need narcistic egomaniacs running the show. We do not need men who look at themselves in the mirror more than once a day. That should be to make sure you did not leave shaving cream in your ear. If you know what I am mean. Real Wicomicans who believe in the power of the vote and integrity.

The emphasis on education is a great priority. We all know what it means to educate our young.

Today as I read Joe's post on the Old Mill I just smiled. We have been duped for years because the B.O.E. has a voice. They have the numbers at election time. The haves nots have taken a beating by the goverment for years. The middle Americans have carried the load for years. Norm Conway a former educater has taken care of his. I hope he is listening. I kinda doubt it. The length of term has left him indifferent.

Pollitt has had a non-supportive council from day one. Our dollars pay your salary ladies and gentlemen. Our votes should count for something.

Rick Pollitt you had a great showing this early in the game in Holloways back yard. Keep up the great work. Mike lewis keep up the great work. As for the reat of you see you at the polls. Americans are sick and tired of back peddlers and side steppers. If you are reading this and believe in truth and justice get your name out there early. Unlike 06 this is the year for true change. As one poster put it the hardest times are yet to come. Think about it do you really want some of these career politicians at the wheel. In most critical hour of our lives. I know I do not. It scares the hell out of me.

The Wicomican

God Bless America

Anonymous said...

Charles Jannace is a joke, he couldn't run his way out of a paper bag, much less an election!

Where's VOICE...I guess they're afraid to run anymore. It's much easier to sit on the sidelines and call people Nazi's than do anything substantive.

Anonymous said...

Who can we recruit? How about Debbie Campbell or Terry Cohen? They've both worked in business and still do, local and much bigger. Both are smart. Both Dems but do watch the taxpayers pocketbook.

Other ideas? Don't knock the Dem machine. It got Pollitt elected and probably will keep him there.

Joe, maybe you should run a poll. Maybe we can get more names.

Anonymous said...

5:19pm YOU scare the hell out of me. Your thinking is backwards. What our county needs are people with common sense and people with experience in dealing with all aspects of government. I know a few on the current council. We need an executive
that knows how to run a business successfully and treat their employees with respect.

Anonymous said...

Cannon, Holloway, Prettyman all have my vote for whatever they want to run for this year. They always stand up for the taxpayers interest and are reachable when you need to talk to them. Just last week I spoke to Cannon for about 20 minutes on an issue. Have done the same before with the other two. Don't discount
any of them. They are good for this county.

Anonymous said...

10:13 put the pipe down you must be high on yourself or crack. The council is the main problem. The truth is out and it is sad. Everyone one of them has their own agenda and does not hav crap to do with the average Joe. They all need to be voted out. Some have way over stayed their welcome. I think two could be placed in the Smithsonian for god's sake dust them off and put them on a shelf somewhere. Who are you Cannon or Bartkovich ?

Dont break your arms patting yourself on the back till after November. I see changes coming.

The current council ignored 73% majority vote do still think they deserve any elected position. I thought the Nazis where gone

Anonymous said...

They need to fire the executive council associate that works for him!!!

Anonymous said...

12:12 haha! Okay John.