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Thursday, March 18, 2010

WCBOE – Who Bought the Doughnuts (Part II)

Yesterday we looked at junkets to places like San Francisco, Disney World, and Las Vegas.  Today we’ll be sticking a little closer to home.

Does anyone working at the WCBOE central office buy their own meals?  Seriously.

I know that John Fredericksen has an office.  I’m pretty sure that the WCBOE has at least one meeting room.  Why then, do the taxpayers have to pay for Fredericksen and Rick Pollitt to have lunch?  Between the two of them, we’re talking around $250,000 in annual income.  What about Gary Mackes?  Can’t John and Gary afford to buy their own lunches?  Between the two of them they make around $300,000.

Fredericksen likes to whine that travel is only 0.3% of their budget.  Granted.  Ya miss the point John.

Sure, there are some taxpayers who don’t want to see the county spend any money on schools – for a variety of reasons.  However, most folks are willing to fund good schools.  We just want to see those schools managed efficiently.

First of all, that means not trying to equate spending with quality.  Spend money on the RIGHT THINGS, not just spend.  Second, quit treating the taxpayer like a big money bag.  Every time a school employee swipes one of those WCBOE credit cards, they should ask themselves if they would be spending their own money that way.

My wife teaches middle school science, biology and botany at a private school.  She is also the chairman of the school’s science department.  She is also active in the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA).

Almost every year she goes to either the national conference or one of the regional conferences.  If she’s lucky, the school let’s her pay her registration fee out of money that she has raised for her department.  Other years we have to cover that.  We always have to pay for her travel expenses out of pocket.

That’s OK.  It’s a decision we have made.  I know that she gets a lot out of theses conferences so it’s worth it.  Now, ask Mark Thompson if his two trips to the west coast were worth enough to him that he would reimburse the WCBOE for his costs.  I know, I’m laughing too.

The real point is, why should taxpayers pay for educrats to eat at Ruth’s Chris when many of us can’t afford to eat out at McDonalds?  Why should “staff meetings” be held at restaurants when they could be held at the central office?  Why can’t John Fredericksen buy his own cup of coffee?  If WCBOE employees traveling on the taxpayer’s dime actually spent this money in a way that wasn’t poking taxpayers in the eye, there might be a little less consternation on the part of us average citizens.

They might also have a little more peace at home.  I can’t imagine what a good teacher, who is forced to pay for their own supplies, thinks.  Think about it.  There you are, working hard to educate a bunch of kids, having to dip into your own pocket, and then you find out that a bunch of yahoos in the central office are out spending WCBOE funds to eat out … in Salisbury!  Personally, I’d be more ticked off than I already am.


Part I

Part III

Tomorrow – Part III of Who Bought the Doughnuts?  We already know that you bought them, but there’s a few surprises.


Anonymous said...

How can anyone meet over at Old Mill? When I think of meeting, I think of business talk, taking notes, going over documents, etc...It's so busy and noisy there. Plus who can do anything with their hands covered in old bay anyway? Fishy...(no pun intented lol)

Anonymous said...

Gotta love that tone at the top.

Anonymous said...

We should force a public hearing with these pick-pockets and have them publicly justify their actions.
It's way past time to have an elected board, its clear, with all of whats going on with the economy and budgets everywhere these people cant refrain from theft.

Anonymous said...

People with a title are the true elitists. They apparently feel they deserve that type of treatment. When school budgets are being cut down to the bare bones, these expenses should be deemed grounds for termination. You will find no shame with these people. Do as they say, not as they do.

Anonymous said...

Okay, as a parent with children in the Wicomico County school system...this is news to me...and I KNOW that SOMEONE from the WCBOE is reading these comments, so they better get ready to do some HEFTY explaining.

Anonymous said...

liberals, someone call the sheriff.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

There are alot of professions that require a license or continue learning courses. People have to pay for them out of pocket. Can I have my money back from the WBOE so I can pay for these? Please include in the check my lunch, dinner and hotel room also. OH and btw I don't have children that attend the county schools. We tried that for 2 years and it sucked. So can I have the money back I spend in taxes for those years as well since I was paying taxes and also tuition at a private school.

Anonymous said...

Don't rely on Rick Pollitt to support an elected school board. He supports them in everything they do.

Anonymous said...

Great going! Shine light on this thievery.

Anonymous said...

Ask Norm Conway !!!!!!! He has taken care of the B.O.E.s his enitre stay in office. Please someone announce you are running against him. I know a national oraganization that will support you.

Anonymous said...

How about a Board member who has been promised employment next year and so does nothing to upset or go against Dr. F. That has to be illegal. The source is the Board member himself.

Anonymous said...

Meeting at Old Mill? Old Mill is in Delmar DE, in other words not even in the state of MD. and they have a meeting there? there are all kinds of meeting rooms in schools and other county blds....what a bunch of crap. These actions are disgusting!

Mrs. Tom

Anonymous said...

GA.. I usually do not a agree with you on some things, but this one I think you nailed it (without personal attacks)...thanks for taking the high road and stating "facts".

Anonymous said...

12:12pm Would that be Mr. Mark Thompson, previously employeed at the Salisbury Army, Mark Thompson???
Isn't he already doing sub teaching in Delmar?

Anonymous said...

This county is going crazy on everything. Parking lots, schools, roads, etc. Things that need attention is all forgotten. I guess we need to be the next Russia.

Anonymous said...

Fredrickson misses the point because he has decided the point is beneath his status. based on personal experience, this guy is about as personable as a chalk board. His arrogance towards his employees and parents does not fit in with this community. His contract should not be renewed.

Anonymous said...

I just find it interesting, that people think that this is wrong or think they are being stolen from. I can clearly remember the Voice people screaming to run the BOE like a business, well folks you are getting what you asked for. These types of business lunch meetings are the norm for most any size business, and they are not stealing from us...just taking a deduction.

Anonymous said...

I am 57 years old. I have paid taxes all my working life about 40 years. I have never had children and have never complained about supporting the school system through the county taxes; BUT...I am getting damned tired of cutting my expenses so the "haves" can keep on spending indiscriminitely.

Anonymous said...

I agree 2:41, not enough trickling down from the "haves" they need to spread it around more evenly...oh wait that is socialism! Sorry, it was starting to sound though.

Anonymous said...

I just got this email from a liberal organization and it is sickening


Tell Lawmakers in Annapolis, 'No Voucher Taxdollars for Private Schools at the Expense of Public Schools'

Please Vote Against the BOAST Bill, SB 385/HB 946

Evidence from other states with vouchers for private schools (camouflaged in this bad bill as "tuition tax credits") shows that such programs rarely give low-income parents greater school choice. Instead, they divert public taxdollars to private schools and away from public schools.

Maryland public schools were recently ranked #1 in the nation for the second year in a row, thanks to the historic Thornton funding. Please don't let lawmakers reverse our progress by diverting scarce tax dollars towards the unaccountable private school system. No public taxdollars to fund private schools -- especially not in a time of deep cuts to public schools and public universities!

Click Now to Tell Lawmakers, 'Oppose School Vouchers!'

joealbero said...

Nice try Jonathan but we're on to you every time you come here and attempt to comment. As for Joe Perdue, only a hand full of people comment here? You have to be by far the biggest Idiot I have ever seen. You're a washed up old man who's dying for attention. Here, I'll do you a favor, Idiot. Joe Perdue, meet Billy Burke. The two of you can spend years together talking nothing but BS and live out the rest of your time on this earth as best buddies.

Anonymous said...

Mr Harrison...listen quietly....Do you understand the term PER DIEM?????

Anonymous said...

Big deal. Did you know the board hires people to walk misbehaving high school kids back and forth to class so they are not alone in the halls?

Anonymous said...

Nice to see the Board members having expensive lunches on the taxpayer dime while teachers are told they can't have dorm sized refrigerators in their classrooms because the electricity is too expensive - even in the un-air conditioned schools. Nice that we have to buy pencils, paper, scissors, glue, and various other supplies for our students and only get 25 minutes to eat while they are living large at Ruth's Chris. Really makes me feel valued as a teacher.

Anonymous said...

Why is the world does the BOE think they need to hire all these positions enlight of a major budget crisis. Can you say Furlough's!!


Application Deadline

Application Form
Speech Language Pathologist Until Filled Certificated Application
Supervisor of English Language Arts & Foreign Language March 19, 2010 Certificated Application
Supervisor of Food Service March 19, 2010 Certificated Application Classified Application
Supervisor of Mathematics March 19, 2010 Certificated Application
Technology Specialist I March 22, 2010 Classified Application
Substitute teacher interview sessions are closed for the school year. Please check this site after July 1, 2010 for updates.

Anonymous said...

i've said it before and i will say it again Rick Pollitt needs to be booted out....NOW would be good...can't we recall him? i don't care you runs against him even a cat at this point couldnt be any worse. VOTE HIM OUT!

Ranger3325 said...

2:38 in a bussiness the company or the individual pay for such things,NOT THE TAXPAYER ,what a stupid analogy!

Anonymous said...

The BOE also tried to exempt themselves from paying any real estate taxes on their own residences while raising the real estate taxes on all others.

Can you imagine this type of criminal behavior? Yet it happened not once, twice, but three times. Check it out yourself as I'm not making this stuff-up folks:

Go here and read it for yourself. And while your at it - click onto the fiscal note at the bottom of the HB 965 Synopsis -(it computes how much more this bill will raise all other professions):

Anonymous said...

way to go guys. want to talk about stupid money being wasted.... just think about how much its gonna cost the tax payers to change all the exposed credit card account numbers to prevent fraud by those who will read the reciepts document on the part 1 link. not to mention the cost of the potential identity fraud for mr reeves and others whose personal information is posted for all to see. as improper as the boe spending might appear, the irresponsible posting of personal data and account numbers is a far worse act of stupidity on your part. please consider redacting the critical data so as to not cause any further cost to the tax payers. again, way to go....

Anonymous said...

They should be filmed, photographed & put on the front pages of this blogg, the Daily Times, & Channel 47 & 16 while they're gorging themselves----so "All" of Salisbury can see what's going on!! This is truly disgusting at a time when there is such shortage of money. Seems they've all lost their loyalty to the people & what they are suppose to stand for. Vote them all the Hell out of office!!!!!! Make them accountable for what we pay in!!! The people should know all the facts.

Anonymous said...

7:48 Go cry to your boss or maybe YOU are the boss. It was the responsibilty of the BOE to remove or black out any and all account numbers. Mr. Frederick, this is your responsibility not the poster's. Check with Fulton, he should set you straight and if not then call any legitimate attorney in Salisbury and they sure will.

Anonymous said...

8:07 you are correct! It IS the responsibility of Dr. Fredericksen to make sure those numbers or personal information is blacked out. He freely gave this information out with out the Privacy being blacked out. If there is to be any law suit it would have to go back to the person whi initial furnished this information. Dr. Fredericksen is the guilty party here.

Anonymous said...

In any "business/company" there is going to be wasted spending. It is a little justifiable if it is at least "somewhat affordable to the company" I was really disappointed to see the "frivolous spending" receipts. Even if it is for "board meetings" it is simply something that the BOE cannot afford and it is not a necessity. My students do not have textbooks to take home because of budget cuts and there simply are not enough books for each one to have. We hear rumors that many retiring teachers will not be replaced next year due to budget cuts. This would result in teachers teaching huge classes or possibly teaching a 6th class every day. (And giving a 6 hour presentation every day to 130+ students would about blow my vocal chords!)While you can make due with what you have to do, it would be nice to know that everyone is being affected by the budget cuts... and dinners at Ruth Chris and Old Mill hardly seem like a financial sacrifice.

Anonymous said...

And some people wonder why Wicomico County has a revenue cap.

Any rational person with an open mind will soon realize why the citizenry elected to invoke the revenue cap - especially after seeing these massive expenditures to Vegas, CA, and so on.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2007 -
The word I'm getting from the GOB is that is pretty much what Wicomico County attorney Ed Baker told the WCBOE mouthpiece today.

Evidently, the WCBOE was screaming bloody murder this morning and demanding that county council prez Gail Bartkovich deliver Joe Holloway's head on a platter.

Anonymous said...

5:14...let me tell you why a-hole...because the people are retiring. These positions need to be filled...if you are so jealous, send in your application.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, the BOE records were released as part of the Information Act to a supposed responsible part, the County Council. When those records left the hands of the County Council, it was their responsibility to ensure all account numbers and personal information be blacked-out. For them to then be relased to an unrelated and unauthorized part, that party should have had enough common sense to realize what type of manhours and funding would be used to correct his problem. Canceling cards, reviewing for possible fraud from the previous nights post here, more meetings and time away from jobs proper to take care of this ungodly mess that has been created. Think before you strike that next key!!!

Anonymous said...

10:51 - Freedom of information act - true. However, it IS the responsibility of the person first releasing the information to make sure privacy information is not given out. Research before you strike the next key. The ultimate liability is on Dr. Fredericksen. He should know the laws concerning the Privacy act since he deals with personnel. This must come first before freedom of information act.