
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent our advertisers

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


We recently asked you whether the library system should be expanded and, if so, how and where. Here’s one person’s view that should be given serious consideration before the County commits to building a $30 million facility to replace the current headquarters of the library system, which also has branch sites in Pittsville and at the Centre at Salisbury on North Salisbury Boulevard.

The plan to erect a grandiose library in either downtown Salisbury or elsewhere should be put to rest without further ado and before it becomes a complete laughingstock. The current facility is adequate for now and the foreseeable future if it is maintained.

An infinitely better expansion would be an additional branch library in or near Fruitland and another on the west side, in the Hebron-Mardela area. These would lead to greater usage of the library system by many County residents because they have much better access to those places rather than downtown Salisbury or Beaglin Park Drive. The current branch sites, mentioned above, are not convenient for many of us, either.

We urge Mr. Pollitt and the Greater Salisbury Committee to tell the library board to plan to build more branches not a behemoth building in Salisbury that is unnecessary and would be very expensive.


Alex said...

I Agree even though a site at Beaglin Park would be more convenient for me. And not every branch needs copies of every book. They already have a good interlibrary circulatory system that my family uses to get titles from the other local libraries. The current facility is fine. If need be cut down on some of the meeting space on the first floor.

Anonymous said...


Please send this post to Pollitt & the seven dwarfs.

Anonymous said...

This analysis involves too much common sense to occur to the library board, the Greater Salisbury Committee or the buffoons in the GOB.

Anonymous said...

Isn't one of the owners of the site on Beaglin Park related to Gail Bartkovich?

Anonymous said...

That vacant PNC bank on the west side would be a good place for a branch library.

Anonymous said...

Not to worry!

The Greater Salisbury Committee will tell Pollitt to just say "no" to any site not in downtown Salisbury, and he will not disappoint the Committee to reelect Rick Pollitt ("CREEP")

Anonymous said...

Building a new library is about the dumbest thing in this day and time. Buying a parking lot is the 2nd dumbest. You don't have enough money to repair your roads so how are you going to get to the library and civic center with no roads?

Anonymous said...

The Library's Building Committee said building low cost branches around the County is too difficult & inconvenient.

Besides, they always wanted a new palace.

doug wilkerson said...

Its gotten to the point where its comical, you supposed to laugh or cry. What part of BROKE do these fools not get?

Anonymous said...

11:12....the money to repair the roads is there....they just didn't realize it... ;)

Anonymous said...

Every person in the country could have been given a Kindle with a lifetime download subscription as part of the Obama porkulus plan...who needs libraries ;)

Anonymous said...

Why spend just a little very wisely when you can waste a whole lot of money?

It's the Wicomico County way!