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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Possible Home Invasion Precautions


I know you're a staunch supporter of helping others and making others aware of the dangers in our community. This morning, I had two black men knock on my door several times. As I did not recognize them, I did not answer. They were persistent. They were dressed very nicely in suits and ties and holding briefcases. So after 5 times of knocking I answered the door with a baseball bat. They claimed to be Jehovahs Witnesses, but there was something weird about them. Since I was a former member of that religion, I asked them quite a few questions and had them stammering. Then they asked to come inside and talk with me. I said absolutely not. The black man in the back who was not doing any talking was walking around on my porch as it appeared he was casing my windows and house.

I finally asked them to leave. They got into a green Buick and took off. I spoke to a SPD officer who took a report, but I wanted your readers to be aware of this activity. Even if they were JW's, they are known to have pedophiles and other criminals in their congregations because they forgive everybody (so they say). Personally, I think they're a cult and we'd be better off without them.



Anonymous said...

Jehovah's Wittness' dont ask to come inside and normally dont carry brief cases in their door to door work. These sound like impostors. Be careful! And as to the comment about them having pedophiles and other criminals in their congregations, this is possibly but what about other religions like Catholics for example? They have ALOT.

Anonymous said...

Ask them to come in , then put a bullet in them , then call police and Bennie Smith. Cheap fix , no cost of jail time , no court cost and we don't give them the college education.
Arm yourselves people , it's a commin!

Anonymous said...

Kirk,I personally think that your suspicion was more than likely true and I also think that you possibly may have saved yourself or maybe even themselves from some type of bodily harm or injuries.Way to be on your guard,and good,smart thinking Kirk!And thank you for your concern for others and for the "Heads Up" advice,very much appreciated.

Anonymous said...

To 6:38- Dont try to make this about religion because its truly not at all,the man is simpily trying to WARN us and I'd like to thank him! THANK YOU!,Kirk

Anonymous said...

Kirk, why would you feel the need to include "Even if they were JW's, they are known to have pedophiles and other criminals in their congregations because they forgive everybody (so they say). Personally, I think they're a cult and we'd be better off without them."?

That is just a senseless statement! I am agnostic but I would never say someone's religion should be abolished! People believe in many different Gods, different versions of the Bible, and believe it or not nearly every religion has the same basis; your last statement just made you sound like a real fool!

Other than that, thanks for writing Joe to assist others that may be put in the same situation.

Anonymous said...

I suggest that if your intuition tells you that something is not gosher, DO NOT even answer the door. Stand behind it with your two friends, Smith and Wesson.

Anonymous said...

maybe they were just there to help you, out of everything you own. by the way did you get their license plate number for the police? that would prob go along way to finding out who they actually were!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the heads up, greatly appreciated!!!

Anonymous said...

7:44..shut up

Kirk, thank you

Anonymous said...

It sounds like the guy who wrote this post has some serious paranoa issues. It reminds me of the two young fellas dressed in white dress shirts. They came to my door the other day. They were riding bicyles and Were well dressed. Obviously they were casing my house because they knocked on my door. THEY CLAIMED to be MORMONS. Be on the look out for two white males riding bicyles carrying the book of mormon. THEY ARE TROUBLE.

Anonymous said...

I have NEVER had a JW ask to come inside my house. Never. They have ask to take time to speak to me, but NEVER asked to come IN to do it.

Also, I don't know if you are way out in the country, Kirk, but I also have NEVER had a JW stop at my house with a car. Everyone of them, even the old people, were on foot.

joealbero said...

anonymous 10:24, and just how do you think they got there?

Anonymous said...

Kirk you can make accusations but you can't handle a little criticism for an arrogant self righteous statement you made that generalizes an entire religious belief? Wow, you sure are a strong man! No wonder you were able to run off those well dressed men from your porch you big stud you.

Anonymous said...

To Kirk:
I don't think it should be about religion ..Why would you even bring up the 'cult' comment. You warned us and thats all you needed to do, don't discriminate.

Anonymous said...

"JW's" dont forgive! They ban you from the hall if you go to the bar! Pedophiles??? I dont think so!!!.... So get your info right Kirk!

Anonymous said...

Just don't answer the door unless someone has called and said they are coming over. Who can be bothered with family or friends or strangers just riding around visiting.

Anonymous said...

I had a visit from 2 very nicely dressed, VERY persistent females today, as well. They knocked twice w/ the door knocker & twice loudly on the door. I did not answer. They did leave a pamphlet; they were JW. Thanks for the heads up, Kirk. Desperate times, desperate people, desperate actions....

Anonymous said...

Geez!!! He is just trying to warn people and in this day and time it is better to be safe than sorry. If you don't like the way he worded it, get over yourself. He is entitled to his opinion and the point of the whole post is to warn people. I just can't get over how people can take the time out of their day to make such nasty/rude comments. Get a life people!!

Thank you Kirk for the warning!!

Anonymous said...

Well, I don't know if there is any connection but I live outside the Fruitland area and Tuesday there were a handful of burglaries, including my home. I haven't heard anything about it on the news and I doubt these pieces of sh%t will be caught. The officer told me they are doing this during the daytime when people are at work. My neighbors both said they saw a dark colored truck, but thought nothing of it since my husbands truck is dark colored. I hope these people are caught but until then, I will be sleeping within arms reach of my shotgun and will have it ready when I am home during the day, as I usually am.

Anonymous said...

did this happen in sby?
where abouts, which neighborhood?
I'm also hearing of fake census?

Anonymous said...

Post "No Trespassing" signs on your property. JW's are told in their "church" that they cannot enter onto a property that has these posted. They are instructed to leave immediately. These people are trespassers. Also, to reply to 10:24, they have always come to my house in a large sedan with atleast 6 of them in it, and I live near town. So post your signs and if they violate that warning, call the police!

Chimera said...

Although I do not agree with the tenets of Jehovahs Witnesses,I have had a few JW coworkers in the past and they were some of the kindest people I've ever met.I am polite to them when they knock,because I know its part of their beliefs to spread the word-but I kindly turn them back.

Anonymous said...

10:43 you are wrong also. i have family members who drink and goto bars, and are also JW's. JDUBS are agaisnt drunkeness as it is a sin. Going to the Bar is not a sin. nor is drinking. (according to JW's)

Anonymous said...

I have had JW's come to my house in a car and when I questioned certain things about their beliefs, only because I am Christian and wanted to know the difference in our beliefs, they asked could they come in and explain the differences. They did and we had a conversation for probably 30 minutes. They left. I'm still a Christian. Point being--they do come in your house sometimes. Someone stated that they "never" come in your house. Incorrect.

Anonymous said...

I live in University Village down Onley Rd. and a black man came in to my apartment one morning. He ducked behind a wall when he saw me and I confronted him. He told me he was maintenance checking for leaks. I know the maintenance men personally and I know that he wasn't with them. He left after I told him too. Then I saw him again coming out of someone's apartment on the floor below mine. We called the police and then chased him off of the property. If you are in college and near the campus you are a target. Keep your door locked and stay alert.

Anonymous said...

I live in University Village down Onley Rd. and a black man came in to my apartment one morning. He ducked behind a wall when he saw me and I confronted him. He told me he was maintenance checking for leaks. I know the maintenance men personally and I know that he wasn't with them. He left after I told him too. Then I saw him again coming out of someone's apartment on the floor below mine. We called the police and then chased him off of the property. If you are in college and near the campus you are a target. Keep your door locked and stay alert.